Jay Z says 'My presence is charity', compares self to Obama in response to Harry Belafonte's critici

Meh, I rock with Jay and he's an inspiration to me.

I can see the positives that he's doing and how the same ones the built you up, call for your head when you get too successful.

Definitely a double edged sword and a reason to be isolated in your own belief system and protective self-confidence.

agreed with every word.

also, to the "jay haters", remember that Nas pretty much said the same thing about a year ago.

I side with Jay-z, he doesn't owe anybody ANYTHING but his presence is a good thing for the black community. The black community needs more business owners, lawyers, engineers, and doctors who get exposure to look up to. But he doesn't owe anyone ANYTHING.

It's a touchy subject cause on the one hand he came from a drug dealing background, but the Jay-z of the last decade or so has matured to transcend rap.

"I can't help the poor if I'm one of them, so I got rich and gave back to me, that's a win win".
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but he does.... I mean just because he doesn't brag or boast about it doesn't mean he doesn't do it. I find it ironic ppl hate him and say he exploits blacks and sees himself as a god, yet on a sneaker website in which probably wouldn't exist if another man (being mj) didn't do the same thing and exploit his ppl with sweatshop mass produced, cheaply made shoes.

Hell to the point will rob/steal/kill/campout late at night go thru great lengths to help him exploit blacks....and he does nothing for his community.

The hypocrisy is crazy....a rapper who does support help the community albeit be lowkey and anonymous...says something while true in a pompous way = is evil etc...

A guy who overpriced shoes caused mass murders much throughout the late 80's (hell to be honest still does today) who solution was to raise the prices...thus causing more crime/murders. Gambles to the point that causes the death of his father, does nothing for his community etc... amongst other things = campout, fight tooth and nail, to support him, and wanting to be like him and praising him like a god.
Point is moot. I'm not here for sneakers. I'm just here to laugh, lurk, and post every now and then. 
Nas was drunk as hell...and I'm not feeling his moves right now anyway.

Yet you just wished ill will on someone you dont even know in the previous sentence. LOL
Man...I can't stand Jay Z...I don't think I outrightly wished ill on him but God forgive me if that's what's in my heart. I need to go pray on it because this contempt for Jay Z can' be healthy.
Naw I can't rock with him for that you can't diss someone who paved the way for your stankin ***
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Point is moot. I'm not here for sneakers. I'm just here to laugh, lurk, and post every now and then. 
who says you were but you didn't join or become apart of a sneaker website because you dislike or never had an interest in sneakers....so lets be honest.... You've bought the shoes, you've waited/wanted the latest mjs...hell probably got a few pair in the closet now.

Just as everyone else who is on this site. No one joins a site called NIKETALK because they never had a interest in nikes, never bought the shoes or never owned a pair.

So whether it was one pair, or if you a sneakerhead and campout and troll ebay trying to collect multiple pairs of og. retro retro jordans etc.. You still basically have supported and gave a pass to a man who never has spoken out nor supported his community and has made a forever living dynasty based on sneakers whose popularity has exploited and indirectly killed thousands of his own ppl.

So in the end to knock another who does it via music is being a hypocrite.
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Just wondering if anyone here has ever heard jay speak at length about anything real? Can't really get a read on dude, seems purposefully reserved which make me think the whole genius businessman persona is merely another case of celebrity imaging or posturing. What's his stats for real?
:lol: some you have some deep seeded problems man.

How do you guys have such strong feeling about a man you have never met?

My only problem with what he had to say is that his presence is charity. That's horse****. There is no justification for him to say that. I cant believe there are some people who think thats ok. Like i said, if Jay told some of you to bow down, you would. He is a great rapper and business man. That's it.

The man rapped and still raps about pushing drugs and how much money he has on probably 75% of his songs. There are plenty of people i would want my child to look up to before him.Don't compare him to Obama and the influence the president of the United States has.

Like I said before he probably donates a lot of money and thats awesome but you are not god and your presence alone doesn't mean a damn thing unless there is some kind of action with it.
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Jay doesn't lend a voice to real issues, and when I use to listen to a dude like Nas growing up he made me want to learn something.

Like when I first heard If I Ruled the World, that was major for a young dude, because it was lyrical and full of substance. 

Not the case with Jay. He hasn't made one track in the vein of If I Ruled the World, or anything that touches on real issues. 

If I'm wrong please correct me, but you would have to point out a track that transcends his typical braggadocious flair. 

When Nas does a track like These Are Our Heroes, he's not playing it safe. But Nas is too inconsistent for me at this point. He does a project like Distant Relatives then reverts back to the bs. But this is about Jay. 

Jay never speaks on anything real like Talib, or Mos would do. It's like he's scared or something. He just cares about the paper. 

Like he says he's anti-Santa Maria, but then he goes on to say he doesn't even like Washington's in his pocket, black card go hard when he's shopping. 

It makes no sense if you really think about. 
Would would you qualify as something real?

I mean just something not related to art or entertainment, I guess something business specific. Seems like dude keeps it real brief and pc when it comes to any social issues or discussion of business. And I'm not even talking about on tracks necessarily, just ever at all has he displayed the acumen or smarts in public that one would assume someone worth a half billion has? I've not seen it, not that i've seen anything to the contrary either, like I said, he seems purposefully reserved at an intellectual level.

As far as the article, when one can get paid 6 figures for an appearance as a celebrity and he does it for free then it would be accurate to say his presence is charity. Don't see anything wrong with what he said other than the fact it wasn't a well thought out statement which is exactly the type of **** i'm talking about with this *****. Seems not too bright at times, but hey he made a bunch of money so he must be above and beyond your average cat, right?
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It's weird the older I get, and the further I get away from rap music and the more I mature as a human being the more I love Jay-z and his music. He really is the Frank Sinatra of the hip hop generation. Hopefully one day I'll be getting driven around in a Bentley blasting Tom Ford.
Jay doesn't lend a voice to real issues, and when I use to listen to a dude like Nas growing up he made me want to learn something.

Like when I first heard If I Ruled the World, that was major for a young dude, because it was lyrical and full of substance. 

Not the case with Jay. He hasn't made one track in the vein of If I Ruled the World, or anything that touches on real issues. 

If I'm wrong please correct me, but you would have to point out a track that transcends his typical braggadocious flair. 

When Nas does a track like These Are Our Heroes, he's not playing it safe. But Nas is too inconsistent for me at this point. He does a project like Distant Relatives then reverts back to the bs. But this is about Jay. 

Jay never speaks on anything real like Talib, or Mos would do. It's like he's scared or something. He just cares about the paper. 

Like he says he's anti-Santa Maria, but then he goes on to say he doesn't even like Washington's in his pocket, black card go hard when he's shopping. 

It makes no sense if you really think about. 
Of course he's giving hope just like Obama is giving hope.

I'm 26 years old and I grew up saying, thinking, and living like there would never be a black president.  Obama is black according to the one drop rule and is now currently the president of the United States. The President is ALWAYS nothing more than a figure head but the fact that the figurehead happens to have some melanin is a symbol of hope.  

If you can't see S. Carter as an inspiration and the physical manifestation of hope either you are ignorant of who Jay-Z is or just a hater.  He is literally showing young black dudes from the hood they can make major moves, maintain their identity and make a positive difference in the world. If you would prefer him to deny the live he's lived and remove his ability to relate to people going through similar problems, feelings and issues as him then you should probably just keep listening to whatever it is you're listening to and ignore J.

 The percentage who don't get it is larger than the percentage who do. Check yourself, what percentage are you?
Not the case with Jay. He hasn't made one track in the vein of If I Ruled the World, or anything that touches on real issues. 

If I'm wrong please correct me, but you would have to point out a track that transcends his typical braggadocious flair. 
Minority Report, Where Have You Been, History, Meet The Parents, A Ballard For The Fallen Solider, Lost Ones, Young Black and Gifted, Hell Yea Remix?
Minority Report, Where Have You Been, History, Meet The Parents, A Ballard For The Fallen Solider, Lost Ones, Young Black and Gifted, Hell Yea Remix?

99 problems

Dude isn't rapping about being rich on every single song.

Unlike 50 cent Jay-z rapped about his current reality. I hate it when rappers get rich and still rap about trapping on the corner. What else is he supposed to rap about?

lol @ dude saying "jayz" has never said anything "real". Jay-z is as close to reality rap as it gets, for him.
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Of course he's giving hope just like Obama is giving hope.

I'm 26 years old and I grew up saying, thinking, and living like there would never be a black president.  Obama is black according to the one drop rule and is now currently the president of the United States. The President is ALWAYS nothing more than a figure head but the fact that the figurehead happens to have some melanin is a symbol of hope.  

If you can't see S. Carter as an inspiration and the physical manifestation of hope either you are ignorant of who Jay-Z is or just a hater.  He is literally showing young black dudes from the hood they can make major moves, maintain their identity and make a positive difference in the world. If you would prefer him to deny the live he's lived and remove his ability to relate to people going through similar problems, feelings and ishim sues as him then you should probably just keep listening to whatever it is you're listening to and ignore J.

 The percentage who don't get it is larger than the percentage who do. Check yourself, what percentage are you?
Only a few of those dude in the hood will make it out if they follow Jay's blueprint. 

Not his musical blueprint, but I'm talking about the blueprint that allowed him to come into the game a hundred grand strong from grinding g packs.

There is only one Jay, and if he's providing hope, that's more or less what Jesse Jackson did when he ran for President in the late 80's.

Jay is selling dreams. 

Obama is the real hope because he did it the honest and legit way. You can say it's square or whatever, but if the dudes out there hustling now think they can rise up like Jay, that's wishful thinking for most.  

You have to go get it. But the true means is the educational route. Jay should not have compared himself to Obama.
Of course he's giving hope just like Obama is giving hope.

I'm 26 years old and I grew up saying, thinking, and living like there would never be a black president.  Obama is black according to the one drop rule and is now currently the president of the United States. The President is ALWAYS nothing more than a figure head
I stop reading right there ... NOTHING MORE THAN A FIGURE HEAD?

I already head a few inspirational story so I comment for all, but IMHO when I think of Jay Z and many other rappers in regards to spreading/giving hope/inspiration, I think about dope dealers/murders/criminals trying to make it big by following his blueprint.
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Of course he's giving hope just like Obama is giving hope.

I'm 26 years old and I grew up saying, thinking, and living like there would never be a black president.  Obama is black according to the one drop rule and is now currently the president of the United States. The President is ALWAYS nothing more than a figure head but the fact that the figurehead happens to have some melanin is a symbol of hope.  

If you can't see S. Carter as an inspiration and the physical manifestation of hope either you are ignorant of who Jay-Z is or just a hater.  He is literally showing young black dudes from the hood they can make major moves, maintain their identity and make a positive difference in the world. If you would prefer him to deny the live he's lived and remove his ability to relate to people going through similar problems, feelings and issues as him then you should probably just keep listening to whatever it is you're listening to and ignore J.

 The percentage who don't get it is larger than the percentage who do. Check yourself, what percentage are you?
Exactly at ppl saying comparing to Obama is such farfetched. What moves etc...has Obama did to make changes improve African American lives. The whole praise etc...for Obama is strictly because of him being the first black president.

It has nothing to do with who he is or what he has accomplished...hell to be honest most ppl (in particular blacks) basically voted for him because he was black. Before he ran how many ppl knew who he was? His history/background?

So in essence Obama provides hope etc...aka charity etc solely on his presence ala him being black and being in the oval office. Same way jay z does for ppl who comes from the same kinda background etc.... as he and wish to be at the place in life he is in.

Lol at folks acting like Obama is out on some leading his ppl to Selma..... Like he organized a million man march a something. Dude literally is getting love seen as a idol solely because of where he came from, where he is now, and the color of his skin.
Minority Report, Where Have You Been, History, Meet The Parents, A Ballard For The Fallen Solider, Lost Ones, Young Black and Gifted, Hell Yea Remix?
Silly rappers, because we got a couple Porches 
MTV stopped by to film our fortresses 
We forget the unfortunate 
Sure I ponied up a mill, but I didn't give my time 
So in reality I didn't give a dime, or a damn 
I just put my monies in the hands of the same people that left my people stranded 
Nothin' but a bandit 
Left them folks abandoned 
Damn, that money that we gave was just a band-aid 
Can't say we better off than we was before 
In synopsis this is my minority report 
Can't say we better off than we was before 
In synopsis this is my minority report 


Hated that joint man. 
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