Jenny Hyun responds to Mayweather's "Lin tweet"





I wouldn't doubt that some fraction of the hate she harbors for black people stems from a failed relationship with a black dude, word to that big penis comment, her ironic interest in "black music", and the above pics.

Originally Posted by az5950

Honestly Floyd Said what everyone has been thinking, don't really think it was that far out of line.

Don't know why people are saying that what he said was out of line. It was the truth. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. 
Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by az5950

Honestly Floyd Said what everyone has been thinking, don't really think it was that far out of line.

Don't know why people are saying that what he said was out of line. It was the truth. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. 
Yup, but don't say that here.  Can't forget what site you're on
ima have to run this harlot by my asian peoples, see if they ever heard of her. just ran threw that twitter feed
shorty made fox news look mad liberal...sub-human ungrateful ape? well damn.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker





I wouldn't doubt that some fraction of the hate she harbors for black people stems from a failed relationship with a black dude, word to that big penis comment, her ironic interest in "black music", and the above pics.


I thought I wouldn't smash but after seeing these pics I might as whale.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Same thing with a majority of Blacks and how they perceive Asians as being weak

Oh yeah? News to me.
 News to me too.
But I guess if you talking about thugs and hood black folks yall just lump one in the same boat anyway 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker





I wouldn't doubt that some fraction of the hate she harbors for black people stems from a failed relationship with a black dude, word to that big penis comment, her ironic interest in "black music", and the above pics.


I thought I wouldn't smash but after seeing these pics I might as whale.
If by smash you mean

then yes
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker





I wouldn't doubt that some fraction of the hate she harbors for black people stems from a failed relationship with a black dude, word to that big penis comment, her ironic interest in "black music", and the above pics.

I just feel like...she smells bad from look at those... 

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by az5950

Honestly Floyd Said what everyone has been thinking, don't really think it was that far out of line.

Don't know why people are saying that what he said was out of line. It was the truth. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. 
Yup, but don't say that here.  Can't forget what site you're on

In the words of porky pig "That's all folks" 
Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Don't know why people are saying that what he said was out of line. It was the truth. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. 
Yup, but don't say that here.  Can't forget what site you're on

In the words of porky pig "That's all folks" 
No no no, let me clarify, if you mention ANYTHING about race on here you are considered racist, I don't mean only Asians/Koreans my dude it can be black,white,dominican, ANYTHING
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Yup, but don't say that here.  Can't forget what site you're on

In the words of porky pig "That's all folks" 
No no no, let me clarify, if you mention ANYTHING about race on here you are considered racist, I don't mean only Asians/Koreans my dude it can be black,white,dominican, ANYTHING
True to some extent, however.
Yeah, what Floyd said wasn't that bad. Lin is getting hype for being Asian the same way Tebow got hype because he sucks (I'm being semi-serious).

That's not to say that, based on his play alone, Lin doesn't deserve a lot of the attention he's getting. But not a single soul would deny that a lot of the attention he's receiving is because of his story (Asian, especially as a PG, Harvard grad, the rapid rise, etc.).

As for what this girl said, what bothers me is this -- how many other people think the same thing but we don't hear it or see it? That's what's most sad to me.
It's an Asian singer nobody has ever heard of. Who cares if she hates black people? She doesnt care what we think of her, and we for sure dont give a damn what she thinks of us, Let her continue to make anime theme songs and endorse hello kitty clothing
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Yup, but don't say that here.  Can't forget what site you're on

In the words of porky pig "That's all folks" 
No no no, let me clarify, if you mention ANYTHING about race on here you are considered racist, I don't mean only Asians/Koreans my dude it can be black,white,dominican, ANYTHING


Had to clarify that quick!
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Yeah, what Floyd said wasn't that bad. Lin is getting hype for being Asian the same way Tebow got hype because he sucks (I'm being semi-serious).

That's not to say that, based on his play alone, Lin doesn't deserve a lot of the attention he's getting. But not a single soul would deny that a lot of the attention he's receiving is because of his story (Asian, especially as a PG, Harvard grad, the rapid rise, etc.).

As for what this girl said, what bothers me is this -- how many other people think the same thing but we don't hear it or see it? That's what's most sad to me.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Yeah, what Floyd said wasn't that bad. Lin is getting hype for being Asian the same way Tebow got hype because he sucks (I'm being semi-serious).

That's not to say that, based on his play alone, Lin doesn't deserve a lot of the attention he's getting. But not a single soul would deny that a lot of the attention he's receiving is because of his story (Asian, especially as a PG, Harvard grad, the rapid rise, etc.).

As for what this girl said, what bothers me is this -- how many other people think the same thing but we don't hear it or see it? That's what's most sad to me.
I think he's saying there's alot of closet racist out there that we interact with everyday but we would never know it because they don't say it outloud.

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by az5950

Honestly Floyd Said what everyone has been thinking, don't really think it was that far out of line.

Don't know why people are saying that what he said was out of line. It was the truth. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. 
well since we're on the topic, i think that Eminem is ridiculously overrated 
@ rationalizing floyd's comments

they for sure would not fly if aimed at a black person doing well in a profession dominated by another race
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by az5950

Honestly Floyd Said what everyone has been thinking, don't really think it was that far out of line.

Don't know why people are saying that what he said was out of line. It was the truth. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. 
well since we're on the topic, i think that Eminem is ridiculously overrated 
I've been saying that for years 

First 2 albums was tight, after that  
 I was thinking why are people still talking about him ?
Alright, lets not let actions of INDIVIDUALS get to us. And, how are yall bringing the riots into this? Why is race beef even in this discussion? Last I checked it's 2012 and not 92. Don't stick race groups together, that is irrelevant. I saw Mayweather saying it as an individual, not a Black man. I saw what Hyun said as an individual, not a Korean lady. Maybe if they both just saw the talent without doing that, there wouldn't be a thread like this.
mayweather was out of line, if a black player put the Knicks on like that without amare and melo he wouldve gotten just as much fame as lin, shes too simple and shes probably been feeling that way for a long time, mayweather was just an excuse to say something wild
I honestly don't see how Floyd's statement can be racist. If people would just open their damn eyes and take a good look (no pun intended), they'd be able to realize through this veil of hype, that Jeremy Lin is really only being acknowledged in such a manner because he's asian. Yeah the boy is doing good, but come on, look at all those damn turnovers at the same time. No knock on J Lin, more power to him, though
Originally Posted by NYC game

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Don't know why people are saying that what he said was out of line. It was the truth. And in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all. 
well since we're on the topic, i think that Eminem is ridiculously overrated 
I've been saying that for years 

First 2 albums was tight, after that  
 I was thinking why are people still talking about him ?
Dudes kill me when they throw him on their top 5 lists and then when I ask them to spit an Em verse all I hear is "uh, uh, uh...that ain't got ***! to do with it"
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