Jenny Hyun responds to Mayweather's "Lin tweet"

Honestly, I don't see anything bad being said about Lin from PBF. He never called Lin a scrub. Jeremy Lin is nice, but if he were black, he wouldn't be a worldwide phenomena. If he were Jeremy Johnson and still helped the Knicks get to a .500 record with a 7 game win streak, people would talk, but NOWHERE near the level it's at now. It's apparent how much his race is getting him the attention. I don't know how you can dismiss the fact that people are having get togethers in China towns across North America and Asian publications from China, Japan, etc. (who don't cover North American sports) are flying into NY to ask questions at media scrums after games and practices.

Jeremy Lin is playing it well though. He keeps getting loaded questions from these Asian publications like asking him what he thinks about a significant amount of people from Japan who don't watch basketball watching him now and he replies with him hoping they become Knicks fans and he's not on the court alone. Jeremy Lin is a good kid and a good ball player. He just happens to be Asian. But because of that, he's unintentionally caused a hysteria. Just let that boy cook.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Fighting racism with racism is never the answer folks.
This. Chill with the ignorance guys.. Pretty sure we're all better than that. 
Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

Honestly, I don't see anything bad being said about Lin from PBF. He never called Lin a scrub. Jeremy Lin is nice, but if he were black, he wouldn't be a worldwide phenomena. If he were Jeremy Johnson and still helped the Knicks get to a .500 record with a 7 game win streak, people would talk, but NOWHERE near the level it's at now. It's apparent how much his race is getting him the attention. I don't know how you can dismiss the fact that people are having get togethers in China towns across North America and Asian publications from China, Japan, etc. (who don't cover North American sports) are flying into NY to ask questions at media scrums after games and practices.

Jeremy Lin is playing it well though. He keeps getting loaded questions from these Asian publications like asking him what he thinks about a significant amount of people from Japan who don't watch basketball watching him now and he replies with him hoping they become Knicks fans and he's not on the court alone. Jeremy Lin is a good kid and a good ball player. He just happens to be Asian. But because of that, he's unintentionally caused a hysteria. Just let that boy cook.

Every human has to right to speak their own mind. wrong or right, obviously the Jenny chick is mentally screwed up if she has the same idea as hitler when it comes to the black race. But KKK still spouting the same things she is, so its not un usual.

Floyds statement was on point, though it was in bad taste, it's true. Its like when Jason williams started wrecking "huge Following" because he was a white player, yao ming following was a huge asian player, earl boykins a ****** black player, people are entertained by weird and abnormal things. Lets just keep it real, if some medium black bench player started wrecking like Lin did, he wouldn't of been on every news page for the past week, and kim Kardashian wouldn't of asked him out. He'd just be another black guy doing what most black people do best, being an athlete.
Originally Posted by vSlackin

Originally Posted by psk2310

Funny thing is that k pop owes ALOT to black music. Guess the fermentation process when making kimchi got to her brain because she doesn't realize that when she refers to the culture being disgusting...

Are you serious? This is like me saying "Guess robbing so many people finally got to your brain."
Actually, if you do rob people on a regular basis, it does go to your head so to speak because you think it's ok. It's not good to eat too many fermented foods...Would my statement be more acceptable if I were Korean-American?
"He'd just be another black guy doing what most black people do best, being an athlete".
Originally Posted by santhony21

who cares?

racist people always give me a good laugh (im black btw)

Ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away.

If people run their mouths about something they need to suffer the backlash
santhony21 wrote:
Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

Honestly, I don't see anything bad being said about Lin from PBF. He never called Lin a scrub. Jeremy Lin is nice, but if he were black, he wouldn't be a worldwide phenomena. If he were Jeremy Johnson and still helped the Knicks get to a .500 record with a 7 game win streak, people would talk, but NOWHERE near the level it's at now. It's apparent how much his race is getting him the attention. I don't know how you can dismiss the fact that people are having get togethers in China towns across North America and Asian publications from China, Japan, etc. (who don't cover North American sports) are flying into NY to ask questions at media scrums after games and practices.

Jeremy Lin is playing it well though. He keeps getting loaded questions from these Asian publications like asking him what he thinks about a significant amount of people from Japan who don't watch basketball watching him now and he replies with him hoping they become Knicks fans and he's not on the court alone. Jeremy Lin is a good kid and a good ball player. He just happens to be Asian. But because of that, he's unintentionally caused a hysteria. Just let that boy cook.


Your message is 100% correct. I think Lin is great for the NBA, great for the asian community, and even great for America(I am black by the way). We live in times where it seems nothing positive goes on in our society. All I see on the news these days is kidnappings, murders, pedophiles, and politician's digging up dirt on one another. But to hear a story about a kid who went to Harvard, wasnt drafted, was a bench warmer and got a chance to play in the NBA and he killed opportunity, now thats news I want to hear. Would this have been a big deal if he was black probably not, look at the NFL for example every year some no name undrafted rookie(often black or white) makes a huge impact but never get this kind of recognition. I mean Lin has his own individual crawl on ESPN. Thats insane.
She will still be loved in Asia. I doubt she cares what any1 thinks of her in the US as South Korea (or was it North Korea?) will still provide her plenty of $$ and a pass for stating what their society already believes. Objective: Attention. Mission: Complete. Attention %##*! can now return to obscurity

I'm not Asian btw. Just a realist.
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

She will still be loved in Asia. I doubt she cares what any1 thinks of her in the US as South Korea (or was it North Korea?) will still provide her plenty of $$ and a pass for stating what their society already believes. Objective: Attention. Mission: Complete. Attention %##*! can now return to obscurity

I'm not Asian btw. Just a realist.
2nd time I'm seeing this today (First time, comment was on youtube about how south korea is one of the most racist counties to black people). Can someone elaborate on this? I've heard this before today but I just though it was an isolated situation *hines ward*.  
Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Why are people so shocked?  Older generation Asian families have always had a disdain for Black Americans.   How many Asian parents have disowned their kids because they fell in love with someone of African descent?  
Same thing with a majority of Blacks and how they perceive Asians as being weak.  Mayweather regardless if he was trolling was saying exactly how he felt.  It is what it is... so deal with it folks.  It certainly isn't the first or the last time. 
Hit the nail right on the head...

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

"He'd just be another black guy doing what most black people do best, being an athlete".
I'm black man!! I know our culture is full of intellectuals, but the world knows us blacks mostly  for music, sports, & thuggery. 
Gex The Damaja wrote:
bkzkurse wrote:
She will still be loved in Asia. I doubt she cares what any1 thinks of her in the US as South Korea (or was it North Korea?) will still provide her plenty of $$ and a pass for stating what their society already believes. Objective: Attention. Mission: Complete. Attention %##*! can now return to obscurity

I'm not Asian btw. Just a realist.
2nd time I'm seeing this today (First time, comment was on youtube about how south korea is one of the most racist counties to black people). Can someone elaborate on this? I've heard this before today but I just though it was an isolated situation *hines ward*.  

Koreans, like a lot of "traditonal" cultures/countries have been "white washed" by mainstream media so black people are viewed upon very negatively. Over the years, there has been a lot of servicemen that were stationed in Korea & a lot of them being black. Some of these soldiers dated Korean women & fathered children too. This was viewed extremely negatively & these women were demonized on their own country. A lot of them had to leave the country often leaving behind the children that were left in orphanages & led difficult lives. I thought it was a total sham that Korea welcomed Hines Ward like a long lost son...
Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by bkzkurse

She will still be loved in Asia. I doubt she cares what any1 thinks of her in the US as South Korea (or was it North Korea?) will still provide her plenty of $$ and a pass for stating what their society already believes. Objective: Attention. Mission: Complete. Attention %##*! can now return to obscurity

I'm not Asian btw. Just a realist.
2nd time I'm seeing this today (First time, comment was on youtube about how south korea is one of the most racist counties to black people). Can someone elaborate on this? I've heard this before today but I just though it was an isolated situation *hines ward*.  
Some Asian countries are really racist/xenophobic. I know many Asians that look down upon Cambodians and Filipinos for having darker skin, so it's not hard to imagine what they think about black people
im surprised she didnt talk about the ESPN article but focused on mayweathers comment lmao. she was creepin...waiting
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by bkzkurse

She will still be loved in Asia. I doubt she cares what any1 thinks of her in the US as South Korea (or was it North Korea?) will still provide her plenty of $$ and a pass for stating what their society already believes. Objective: Attention. Mission: Complete. Attention %##*! can now return to obscurity

I'm not Asian btw. Just a realist.
2nd time I'm seeing this today (First time, comment was on youtube about how south korea is one of the most racist counties to black people). Can someone elaborate on this? I've heard this before today but I just though it was an isolated situation *hines ward*.  
Some Asian countries are really racist/xenophobic. I know many Asians that look down upon Cambodians and Filipinos for having darker skin, so it's not hard to imagine what they think about black people

I had a Korean-American friend whose mother went off on him for days because he was dating a Filipino chick....He never heard the end of it...She actually called the girl lower than a dog...

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by bkzkurse

She will still be loved in Asia. I doubt she cares what any1 thinks of her in the US as South Korea (or was it North Korea?) will still provide her plenty of $$ and a pass for stating what their society already believes. Objective: Attention. Mission: Complete. Attention %##*! can now return to obscurity

I'm not Asian btw. Just a realist.
2nd time I'm seeing this today (First time, comment was on youtube about how south korea is one of the most racist counties to black people). Can someone elaborate on this? I've heard this before today but I just though it was an isolated situation *hines ward*.  
First off, the Hines Ward thing has pretty much resolved and he's generally praised by the Korean population here and over there.

Koreans main beef with blacks stems from the LA Riots in 92. A whole bunch of Korean-owned businesses were looted and destroyed and I believe a high schooler was killed in the incident. Korean American and African American relations have been real tense since then.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Originally Posted by bkzkurse

She will still be loved in Asia. I doubt she cares what any1 thinks of her in the US as South Korea (or was it North Korea?) will still provide her plenty of $$ and a pass for stating what their society already believes. Objective: Attention. Mission: Complete. Attention %##*! can now return to obscurity

I'm not Asian btw. Just a realist.
2nd time I'm seeing this today (First time, comment was on youtube about how south korea is one of the most racist counties to black people). Can someone elaborate on this? I've heard this before today but I just though it was an isolated situation *hines ward*.  
First off, the Hines Ward thing has pretty much resolved and he's generally praised by the Korean population here and over there.

Koreans main beef with blacks stems from the LA Riots in 92. A whole bunch of Korean-owned businesses were looted and destroyed and I believe a high schooler was killed in the incident. Korean American and African American relations have been real tense since then.
Him being praised now doesn't negate the hate and anger from years past, doesn't take back his mother's pain nor his pain. Interesting you say that about the La Riots, I believe it has to be more significant then that one incident. I understood it as "white-washing" but for her to go off like that it has to be more. But anyway, let's not take away from the real purpose of this thread.
Interesting in her tweets, she said if black people didn't existence everyone would basically look Indian or Hispanic..  
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Jenny Hyun admitted to hospital for paranoid schizophrenia
I was wondering how one walks back calls for racial genocide.

Well, apparently this is how:

Jenny Hyun has been admitted to a hospital today. She is a paranoid schizophrenic and has been battling mental illness, a debilitating disease for many years.

Friends and family of Jenny want to extend their sincere apology for any harmful statements made verbally or via the web that Jenny has made while she was in the height of a psyshosis episode. We appreciate your understanding during this difficult time for her.

Assuming the statement is true, my sympathy goes out.

(HT to guy on phone)

Huh...figures,so she's a racist psychopath. So the excuse is that she was having a psychosis episode yet she still had the wherewithal to go on twitter and write those things...

Wow. That's OD. 

I personally don't think PBF said anything wrong. It's true though, for a sport that is predominately black, a Chinese player from D-league beasting over a 7 game stretch is headline news, IMO. If a black player did it, there would be talk, but the hype would die down as another excellent black player doing what he does. It wasn't racist at all, maybe a 'racial observation', but nothing more. I'm on PBF's side on this one. I'm Filipino if that even matters lol. 

As far as racism goes, THIS is racist.

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