Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

I'm in trouble. Only 2 more unemployment checks then I'll be stuck working a temp job in a warehouse or something for $12/hour until something pops.
I've been getting lots of interviews but no offers on the job even though I'm over qualified because of a recent arrest. I'm willing to discuss the details during the interview but I've having a hard time getting a call back. Any tips from those who've had a recent arrest or priors?
I've been getting lots of interviews but no offers on the job even though I'm over qualified because of a recent arrest. I'm willing to discuss the details during the interview but I've having a hard time getting a call back. Any tips from those who've had a recent arrest or priors?
Were you convicted for a crime yet?
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Most questions only involve convictions & not arrests thankfully. Get a lawyer ASAP you don't wanna take a plea it'll haunt you.
Arrested but not convicted. I'm most likely gonna have to plea so I can avoid time (1yr)
How is the question being asked in which youre disclosing your arrest information? From my experience, job applications ask if you were convicted of a crime. Technically, you aren't a convict yet and can truthfully answer no. Even after your conviction, it can take months for it to come up on background checks and you can take the risk of answering no.

After your conviction, depending what state you live in and what law you broke, you may be able to get an expungement. After your expungement, you can answer "no" to that question.
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Most questions only involve convictions & not arrests thankfully. Get a lawyer ASAP you don't wanna take a plea it'll haunt you.
I have the DA representing me and the state has a pretty solid case against me so if I go to trial I'll most likely get the max sentence in which they are pushing for. The plea would be just for probation and anger management

How is the question being asked in which youre disclosing your arrest information? From my experience, job applications ask if you were convicted of a crime. Technically, you aren't a convict yet and can truthfully answer no. Even after your conviction, it can take months for it to come up on background checks and you can take the risk of answering no.

After your conviction, depending what state you live in and what law you broke, you may be able to get an expungement. After your expungement, you can answer "no" to that question.
thanks for your input....

It's asked if I have been convicted of a crime and I answer no which is true. They do a background check and some of the jobs I pass it and some they have popped up and call me back and ask to discuss it. I got a job with the state last week and when I got finger printed they called me the next day and told me I couldn't work there because I've been arrested and I didn't answer truthfully on my application
I have the DA representing me and the state has a pretty solid case against me so if I go to trial I'll most likely get the max sentence in which they are pushing for. The plea would be just for probation and anger management
thanks for your input....

It's asked if I have been convicted of a crime and I answer no which is true. They do a background check and some of the jobs I pass it and some they have popped up and call me back and ask to discuss it. I got a job with the state last week and when I got finger printed they called me the next day and told me I couldn't work there because I've been arrested and I didn't answer truthfully on my application

You did answer truthfully. A conviction indicates that you were guilty of the crime. An arrest doesnt. So i dont agree at all with their response.
It's asked if I have been convicted of a crime and I answer no which is true. They do a background check and some of the jobs I pass it and some they have popped up and call me back and ask to discuss it. I got a job with the state last week and when I got finger printed they called me the next day and told me I couldn't work there because I've been arrested and I didn't answer truthfully on my application
What state?
[h3]Pending Arrest or Accusation[/h3]
As long as an arrest or criminal accusation remains pending, the individual is not protected under the Human Rights Law. The employer may refuse to hire or may terminate or discipline the employee in accordance with applicable law or collective bargaining agreement provisions. The employer may also question the employee about the pending arrest or accusation, the underlying circumstances, the progress of the matter through the criminal justice system, and the final disposition.
When you had enough of a job but have nothing else lined up, should I just wait until I'm fired because I feel it's coming soon with all the worst shifts I been getting and petty tick for tak my *** *** manager been doing lately. Or just put my 2 weeks notice in?
When you had enough of a job but have nothing else lined up, should I just wait until I'm fired because I feel it's coming soon with all the worst shifts I been getting and petty tick for tak my *** *** manager been doing lately. Or just put my 2 weeks notice in?

Man i couldnt deal with this one job I had and it was a career engineering job .They had me waking up at 4:30am everyday too. It was mentally draining me, lots of bickering and stressful so I bounced and floated till I landed something else. Everyone cant do it but if its literally killing you personally I'd bounce.

Just make sure you have another side hustle or means of income to float till or if you have stacked up enough money
When you had enough of a job but have nothing else lined up, should I just wait until I'm fired because I feel it's coming soon with all the worst shifts I been getting and petty tick for tak my *** *** manager been doing lately. Or just put my 2 weeks notice in?
Never quit a job without having something lined up. At least if you're laid off, you might be able collect. You also don't want an employment gap on your resume, especially if it's voluntary.

It's easier to find a job when you have a job.

I know what it's like to be stuck in a crap job. Just search like you don't have a job whilst plugging away at your current one.
Unless you have half a years worth of expenses saved up already, it's never a good idea to stop your income flow. (assuming this is your main stream)

A lot of people don't realize how hard getting work is until they end up without a job appying to every place in a 50 mile radius.
Thanks for help guys, I'll rep all of you. Only thing I left out its a retail, a fake upscale store so get paid bi weekly, and I only get 12-18 hours due to hours base on how much store make. And I work part time but before February I was getting 30 hrs a week and been there for almost a year now. I been applying to jobs a lot since yesterday and have two test coming up which is for the mta and tsa so that's more stuff I can stay positive about. But I think in the end I'm gonna just go back to school next semester and try to finish so I no longer have to deal with this kind of jobs.
That retail cut back of hours after the holidays but like the dude above said apply like a madman until something comes up.

Better to have an income flow than nothing at all.
Is there any way to negotiate scheduling?

I'm in trouble. Only 2 more unemployment checks then I'll be stuck working a temp job in a warehouse or something for $12/hour until something pops. :x :x :x

same thing here with the unemployment

I can't go back to making less than $13/hr :smh:
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You did answer truthfully. A conviction indicates that you were guilty of the crime. An arrest doesnt. So i dont agree at all with their response.
I'll seek legal representation. You might have a case ....

Nvm seen that you in nyc ...
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Just had a recruiter call and basically told me to lie on my resume so he can submit it for a job posting. He told me add years to my experience. Is this common? 
Just had a recruiter call and basically told me to lie on my resume so he can submit it for a job posting. He told me add years to my experience. Is this common? 
Depending on the job I would do it to get my foot in the door. But some companies look at the years that you worked.
He said to add tasks that I've done at one company and say that I did it at another company as well, when I never did. 

For example, I did IT help desk for about a year, 2011-2012. He wants me to change it to 2007-2012 (graduated college in 08) as well as add some stuff I did my other jobs after I did help desk, which were all IT related.
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