Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Congrats, but nothing's confirmed until that first paycheck hits your bank account.

Keep pushing.
Word. I still have a urine test and background check to pass 
. This position that Im getting an offer for is probably the least desirable of the 3 though so I'm hoping my interview with the hospital goes well.
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^ An offer is an offer, fam. Get it where you can, especially in this terrible job market.

Man sign that offer with permanent marker. I'm seeing layoffs all over the place in my industry and know it's not a game out here.

Congratulations man, seeing people get offers is great. It's why I love this thread.
^ An offer is an offer, fam. Get it where you can, especially in this terrible job market.


The audacity of this one engineering girls I got an job and offer and she hits me up and said they were paying her too low. I really want to tell the hiring manager to let her go. She didnt even say thank you :smh: . Girl been applying for a good year and never had anything too. People ungrateful
Man sign that offer with permanent marker. I'm seeing layoffs all over the place in my industry and know it's not a game out here.

Congratulations man, seeing people get offers is great. It's why I love this thread.
It's happening across all the major banks.

Credit Suisse, Barclays, Goldman, etc. It's terrible outchea.
^ An offer is an offer, fam. Get it where you can, especially in this terrible job market.

Man sign that offer with permanent marker. I'm seeing layoffs all over the place in my industry and know it's not a game out here.

Congratulations man, seeing people get offers is great. It's why I love this thread.
The job market is really good in IT right now. Definitely an employee's market rather than employer's. I dont feel comfortable signing it until I get a response from the other 2 companies. I'd rather do that than to quit the job after a week because I found something better.
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Yup. If someone goes out their way for me like that they deserve to be compensated.

Lol , so split the referral money and an entire check? :pimp:

My company gives 5K for technical hires, 8K for technical with clearance, and 3K for all other.
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If I got someone a job we would split the referral money. If they got me a job it's all theirs and they get a check.
If I got someone a job we would split the referral money. If they got me a job it's all theirs and they get a check.
@Antidope is a good guy.

Just a reminder to folks here: Don't refer someone to a job at your company if you don't fully trust, vet, and vouch for him/her. That's your reputation on the line.
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I'm in a tough situation right now with 3 leads. Company A gave me a decent  offer today which I didn't accept yet. I want to wait for a response from company B after interviewing 1.5 weeks ago. I also have an interview with company C tomorrow, which is probably the most desirable one. All offers will be within $5k of each other so compensation isn't a huge factor in my decision. It comes down to which one I think I'm the best fit for.

I told company A that I don't feel comfortable responding until this Friday, in which they told me they will continue to interview candidates (definitely fair). I want to consider all of my options before making a decision. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the *** but I made the same decision a couple years ago and that worked out.

Question: Does not accepting a job offer disqualify me from earning unemployment benefits?
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I'm in a tough situation right now with 3 leads. Company A gave me a decent  offer today which I didn't accept yet. I want to wait for a response from company B after interviewing 1.5 weeks ago. I also have an interview with company C tomorrow, which is probably the most desirable one. All offers will be within $5k of each other so compensation isn't a huge factor in my decision. It comes down to which one I think I'm the best fit for.

I told company A that I don't feel comfortable responding until this Friday, in which they told me they will continue to interview candidates (definitely fair). I want to consider all of my options before making a decision. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the *** but I made the same decision a couple years ago and that worked out.

Question: Does not accepting a job offer disqualify me from earning unemployment benefits?

If the job offer is significantly different from what you did previously in terms of pay and responsibility, then you can reject it. Look up your individual states policy on that to make sure. That information should be available on your state's unemployment insurance website.
Im not doing good guys. stuck in a rut. the biggest rut I have been in in my life. I still have yet to find a job.

I waited too long to respond to that job that doesnt pay enough. I havent had any calls in the last week and a half.

Had two flat tires in the last week. I had to buy used tires. I need two more tires before the other two pop.

Yesterday my gf called me a few hours after she left for work telling me she just quit her job. She didnt have anything lined up at all.

 Meanwhile rent was picked up yesterday $1400 which I was only able to contribute $200 to.

My gf and I have two weddings to go to this month one all the way in Washington. Shes in both so we have to go.

Any advice, tips motivation prayers would be appreciated
Im not doing good guys. stuck in a rut. the biggest rut I have been in in my life. I still have yet to find a job.

I waited too long to respond to that job that doesnt pay enough. I havent had any calls in the last week and a half.

Had two flat tires in the last week. I had to buy used tires. I need two more tires before the other two pop.

Yesterday my gf called me a few hours after she left for work telling me she just quit her job. She didnt have anything lined up at all.

>:  Meanwhile rent was picked up yesterday $1400 which I was only able to contribute $200 to.

My gf and I have two weddings to go to this month one all the way in Washington. Shes in both so we have to go.

Any advice, tips motivation prayers would be appreciated

Brotha, go to page 191 and read my post from a few months ago. When you do come back and we can talk about being in a rut lol

I know exactly how you feel. Was just there. Just like getting over a bad break up, these things take time. And persistence. You gotta keep grinding everyday with those applications and making phone calls. Sometimes we gotta suck up that pride and take the job that pays a little less than the last gig. I just did that. Been 6 weeks at my new job and I'm loving it. Im crushing it as well. I got a really dope manager,best manager I've ever had actually, cool *** coworkers, 12-15 min drive in the morning and they let me pick my schedule. Theres a lot of little things that make up for the pay. Plus I know that the pay and more opportunities will come at this job. Keep your head up, stay positive and keep grinding. It'll turn around soon. Trust me cause I know that feeling…It feels like it won't turn around but it will.
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I dont know if I shared my story in here, but figured it would encourage some of you. So I moved to florida in 2014, couldnt find any job except a part time one at Old Navy. i loved the people, but the hours I got were crap. So i applied for a local temp agency. Actually, I applied for all three in town. One of them contacted me a few days after i had my initial interview with them about a marketing position they felt I would be perfect for.

Ducking aye!!

Lol congrats dude I've had so many temp jobs in my life.

If I get the interview I've always got it, I think I could do good in that field. Cool story bro.
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I'm in a tough situation right now with 3 leads. Company A gave me a decent  offer today which I didn't accept yet. I want to wait for a response from company B after interviewing 1.5 weeks ago. I also have an interview with company C tomorrow, which is probably the most desirable one. All offers will be within $5k of each other so compensation isn't a huge factor in my decision. It comes down to which one I think I'm the best fit for.

I told company A that I don't feel comfortable responding until this Friday, in which they told me they will continue to interview candidates (definitely fair). I want to consider all of my options before making a decision. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the *** but I made the same decision a couple years ago and that worked out.

Question: Does not accepting a job offer disqualify me from earning unemployment benefits?

Bro accept the offer. The start date may not come until next pay period. Do not miss out on an opportunity waiting for another. If the other job comes through just leave, but if that job does not come through its okay you will have one in the pocket. By them stating they will interview other candidates they are now placing you on the back.
Friends, I may consider a job offer in Fairfax, VA. Can anyone here give me info on the area and where I should consider looking to live and what the cost of living is in that area?

This would be a giant leap for my family and I coming from CA.
Friends, I may consider a job offer in Fairfax, VA. Can anyone here give me info on the area and where I should consider looking to live and what the cost of living is in that area?

This would be a giant leap for my family and I coming from CA.

fairfax is right outside of the DC Metro area. I just moved out here myself about two months ago. Its about the same as certain areas of CA. I lived in San Diego and rent was about 1200 for a one bedroom and it is the same around this area. The horrible thing about this area is traffic. It has the worst traffic in the nation. It can sometimes take you 1 hour to move 8 miles. So the key is try to either find something close to the office or close to some short of metro or marc train for easier commutes to work.
fairfax is right outside of the DC Metro area. I just moved out here myself about two months ago. Its about the same as certain areas of CA. I lived in San Diego and rent was about 1200 for a one bedroom and it is the same around this area. The horrible thing about this area is traffic. It has the worst traffic in the nation. It can sometimes take you 1 hour to move 8 miles. So the key is try to either find something close to the office or close to some short of metro or marc train for easier commutes to work.
Nice. This info is very helpful.

Worst traffic in the nation?!?!?!? 
 I thought that went to Los Angeles.

Any other info or suggestions would be helpful! Thanks.
to the best of my knowledge, Fairfax doesn't have a metro stop near it, so a car is a necessity...

but yea traffic is terriblly bad, especially on the VA side ...
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