Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

In some cases it is need to know information. I feel like that's the point you're missing. If someone interviews at Goldman Sachs and they don't know who Lloyd Blankfein is that is a problem. That is relevant information for 95% of the jobs you're gonna have there. He is that important. It's not a trivia question.

It's definitely not going to be the case everywhere you interview at though, but at the same time it's so easy to Google and you already know that the question is a possible one that it's gonna look bad that you didn't know it.
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I have over 8 years management experience, MBA, no felonies etc, but having a hard time even getting interviews. The few I get, are phone interviews from the Recruiter which all seem to go very well. Not sure what it is exactly preventing me from moving to the next step. I currently work in Operations and while it pays well, I'm really looking to move into a different direction.
I have over 8 years management experience, MBA, no felonies etc, but having a hard time even getting interviews. The few I get, are phone interviews from the Recruiter which all seem to go very well. Not sure what it is exactly preventing me from moving to the next step. I currently work in Operations and while it pays well, I'm really looking to move into a different direction.

Aint nobody trying to hire you with those credentials becuase folks to focused on self preservation
I was an operations manager for 5 years and folks at the top feel like you gonna take their job

Sad state instead of inviting new minds to the fold the want to stay in a comfort zone

Keep trying fam. It's hard now but you will get something

Took me almost 6 months to find a job after I left a general manager gig5
The QBZ would you recommend I take off MBA or dumb down the resume? I mean I still want a decent salary, bonus, etc.
The QBZ would you recommend I take off MBA or dumb down the resume? I mean I still want a decent salary, bonus, etc.

Nope don't ever dumb yourself down becuase that give them reason to not believe you ie lying on the resume

Have you tried another field
I have over 8 years management experience, MBA, no felonies etc, but having a hard time even getting interviews. The few I get, are phone interviews from the Recruiter which all seem to go very well. Not sure what it is exactly preventing me from moving to the next step. I currently work in Operations and while it pays well, I'm really looking to move into a different direction.
What kind of Operations?
Ahh, thought it was the Operations that was in my field. Operations is such a vague term man. 

Dude you just gotta keep at it, I say it all the time but my interview percentage is pure garbage in terms of getting job offers. Its a volume game.
In some cases it is need to know information. I feel like that's the point you're missing. If someone interviews at Goldman Sachs and they don't know who Lloyd Blankfein is that is a problem. That is relevant information for 95% of the jobs you're gonna have there. He is that important. It's not a trivia question.

It's definitely not going to be the case everywhere you interview at though, but at the same time it's so easy to Google and you already know that the question is a possible one that it's gonna look bad that you didn't know it.

its a trivia question unless, i guess, you're interviewing to be his personal assistant....and they need you to pronounce his name correctly.

knowing who runs japan in the finance industry is more important than the (current) CEO's NAME.

you can repeat how "important" it is over and over again. It doesn't make it any more relevant.

you say his name is "lloyd blankfein"?
i say his name is "tom richardson".....

what changed?


you still do whatever day-to-day tasks management distributes. (If you're management, you're the one distributing) Yes, he makes decisions, but that's what matters. Ask what decisions he's made.....(and you'd better be hiring a high-level, high-paying candidate for such INTERVIEW questions) rather than something as TRIVIAL as his name.......which, you've already said, is an easy google.....

(i've already conceded that it MAY just be an easy mechanism to weed out idiots, but THEN, you have to ask yourself, why are they meeting with that many idiots? which, is my ENTIRE point, here....)
(not you, as in you)

you took standardized tests to get as high a score as possible to get into school, then went to college for 4 years and had 2 years of unpaid or poor paying internships for some HR guru with a (hopefully 4-year) communications degree to ask "What's the CEOS name?" for the sole reason of disqualifying you from the job before even bothering with your credentials........

but not just that.....

(this you means you)

you defending it, too.

(If the CEO is interviewing you, it would be important to know his name.)
you coulda saved yourself 15 replies and just said that off top.

other NTers, take notes.
New job laid me off already. They are so unprofessional with how they went and did it, and their reasons

I could have ******* stayed at my old job
New job laid me off already. They are so unprofessional with how they went and did it, and their reasons

I could have ******* stayed at my old job

I remember you mentioned you wanted to leave your old job?

What happened with the new job?
New job laid me off already. They are so unprofessional with how they went and did it, and their reasons

I could have ******* stayed at my old job

Damn, sorry to hear that. I saw that you were excited about this gig too. Best of luck finding something else.
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It was a bunch of bs!

They laid me off cause

1. The owner is too busy to actually train me
2. There's not even work for me to do

Its not like these things just happen. I'm sure they already knew this. It was just a bug waste of time

They said I can finish up the rest of the week so I said yeah that works

I go in Friday, they give me work to do then 15 mins later, here's ur check. U can leave now
Got my personal training certification last month and I just settled for a position in a small studio.

I say settled because I was hoping to jump into a position at a health center doing 1 on 1s making 45-50k out the gate, but I should have known better being that I have no experience. 

So instead, I'm essentially a group instructor at an all women's studio. It's so out of my element that it's actually made me question my entire career path (because that's how extreme my mind can be). I actually thought about going back to UPS and trying to drive a truck or work my way up in another role and cash in on a 6 figure + benefits package like my friend has.

But at the same time I look at it as jumping into the deep end of the pool rather than tip toeing into the shallow end. If I can crush this, everything else will be cake. Just trying to adjust to new people + new role + new environment. Wish me luck bros
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Got my personal training certification last month and I just settled for a position in a small studio.

I say settled because I was hoping to jump into a position at a health center doing 1 on 1s making 45-50k out the gate, but I should have known better being that I have no experience. 

So instead, I'm essentially a group instructor at an all women's studio. It's so out of my element that it's actually made me question my entire career path (because that's how extreme my mind can be). I actually thought about going back to UPS and trying to drive a truck or work my way up in another role and cash in on a 6 figure + benefits package like my friend has.

But at the same time I look at it as jumping into the deep end of the pool rather than tip toeing into the shallow end. If I can crush this, everything else will be cake. Just trying to adjust to new people + new role + new environment. Wish me luck bros
The homie @Olympus gonna be tasting yambs of all ages.
NTers I may need some advice, am I the only person who probably wouldn't get excited to be offer a full-time position? So..I'm currently part-time at my job for the past year and I actually enjoy being part-time (entry-level type of job). This is because I never looked at this job as something I wanna be at and do for the rest of my life, the pay isn't the best but fair enough to get by. Also being Part-time I could work on other goals for myself on the side that i'm more passionate about which is my main goal and focus in the big picture. I love having more freedom in life outside of a typical job. 

So the question is, they called me today and said they are letting go somebody and would like me to move into full-time because of such a great job I have been doing blah blah blah. The good part is i'll finally be able to have health insurance through work too. My dilemma is, I'm a little uneasy accepting the fulltime job and also dont want to let them down. Also, like I said I don't see this as a career or anything long term. I came to a conclusion that I wouldn't think too far ahead and accept the full time gig and take advantage of the health insurance while I can and then when the time comes when I want to leave the job  or ask to drop back down to part time whether it'll be next year or whatever then so be it? I just feel committing to a full time position then leaving as early as next year (or longer who knows) that it'll leave a bad taste in their mouth. But then again, I shouldn't care what people think right? I'm probably being too caught up in thinking that one day ill have to break the news to them and disappoint if i don't want to do it anymore. half of me wants the full time half of me don't. Thoughts?
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