Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Yes, all 3. Do you have any templayes i could base it off of? One I used a while ago was

Dear (name),

I hope you’re well! I’m checking in on the ________ Position. It was great to meet with you last week and I’m looking forward to your update. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to assist in the decision-making process.

Thank you,

P: 123-456-6789

Should be a thank you note, not just a check up. Even better if personalized to each one, not just a template. Like bring back things you talked about with each and double down on your strength in that area and how qualified you are for the job. Probably leave a bad taste if they talk and realize they each just got the same generic message.

I was supposed to start last Monday originally, then i was notified that it was the 5th, now the 26th.
that's crazy, i had finesse like that recently with another company. They kept doing back and forth emails and not getting things in order. I think who ever was behind the comapany was highly inexperienced to deal with important escalations. i just gave up and look eleswhere. I don't have time for all that nonsense. I move fast so, im not gonna slow down for someone to catch up.
Just killed the interview. No confirmation on whether or not I got the job yet....but I know it's coming. If it don't, something better's on the horizon. The universe is always conspiring in your favor. Best believe I'm headed to something better either way. Let's get it!
I got the job! They called me back later that day to confirm. Pay is the same as I’m getting now at the gym, but I get paid time off and possibly Raises in the future. My boy is also an aide and in 2 yearswent from $10 an hour to $16.

Either way it’s more hours and I’m keeping my Nike job. Let’s get this SHMONEY.
That's whatsup Olympus Olympus Congrats :nthat:

You're still in school for PT right?

Thanks bro!

PTA right now. Should be starting the program next spring. That’ll provide some nice income while I pursue my undergrad which I’ll need when I end up locking myself away in a dungeon somewhere for 3 years for PT school. :lol:
I got the job! They called me back later that day to confirm. Pay is the same as I’m getting now at the gym, but I get paid time off and possibly Raises in the future. My boy is also an aide and in 2 yearswent from $10 an hour to $16.

Either way it’s more hours and I’m keeping my Nike job. Let’s get this SHMONEY.
Applying for jobs = another job

Glad I'm currently employed, but damn, it's rough out here to get another gig

Also been throwing feelers out there and asking homies
It's tough outchea -- even tougher to find out other gigs pay like sh--
Plus, these companies need to learn how to interview outside of office hours. Skype interview, phone, something. Got folks wasting PTO/sick time only for them to act funky :smh:

Agreed, looks funny when you consistently take days off.
Plus, these companies need to learn how to interview outside of office hours. Skype interview, phone, something. Got folks wasting PTO/sick time only for them to act funky :smh:
That's a great point man. I usually don't take sick days so I guess this never registered with me.
Looking to relocate to the coasts, (east or west really)

Its tough and you gotta grind. I'm flying out for networking events just for contacts to touch base with 3-4 months from now. The rule of thumb is 1 month for every 10k in salary to find a job. Why I am starting a year and a half out.
Wait I'm confused. So if you take three months to find a job you should be getting a 30k bump?
Today was my first day at the new job, it went well. I'm glad to be back in the workforce. Laaaaawd it felt SO good to actually get off :smh: I've been doing ubereats since i was laid off November 19th and there's always this subtle guilt bc you feel like you should be out there driving. No more.

The past few months have been trying. Physically, emotionally and financially (especially when they pushed my start date back a month). I told one of my best friends that he has permission to slap me if i ever complain about this job. I was bad about complaining about jobs in the past. I'm grateful for ubereats and i feel like it humbled me and made me respect my money more and appreciate actual jobs more.

Again, if you're in need of some bread or just want some side money, here's some info on ubereats. It kept me afloat through this tough time.

And you'll get a guaranteed amount for you're first 25 (or 30) trips if you use my referral link:
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