Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

I only got 1 year of experience for stocking and need a job that paying more than $8-8.50 in NYC and at this point gonna then down that stupid on call Macy's job and I guess just go to school if I can't find something by the summer.

Now I see why people hit the trap or scam their life away its really BS out here

you over 18? look for a security job
Gentlemen, as some of you know I went to an interview with Whole Foods last Monday. I got an email from them Wednesday about the job offer which I accepted on Friday. I got another email on Monday that contained some documents I had to fill out for pre-employment screening. How long is it gonna take before they actually give me a start day? :stoneface:
Gentlemen, as some of you know I went to an interview with Whole Foods last Monday. I got an email from them Wednesday about the job offer which I accepted on Friday. I got another email on Monday that contained some documents I had to fill out for pre-employment screening. How long is it gonna take before they actually give me a start day? :stoneface:
Usually after the drug test you should have orientation and begin work (also depends when you take the drug test, usually a 24hr turnover)
Looking to get a second job with them
Any advice on how ur interview went???
How often is it that companies drug test? And no I'm not asking because I'd fail :lol: I was asking because I realized I've never taken one. Worked at a grocery store, summer camp, and 3 temps agencies..never took one.
How often is it that companies drug test? And no I'm not asking because I'd fail :lol: I was asking because I realized I've never taken one. Worked at a grocery store, summer camp, and 3 temps agencies..never took one.

Most companies only drug test during the initial stage of employment. I've had jobs that didn't do it all though as a matter of fact my last 2 jobs didn't. I worked at a factory that did a hair test before hiring you and they would make you pee if you caused more than $500 worth of damage while at work.
How often is it that companies drug test? And no I'm not asking because I'd fail :lol: I was asking because I realized I've never taken one. Worked at a grocery store, summer camp, and 3 temps agencies..never took one.
Man where do you live???? Every job I have ever had has a drug test policy( even in Cali)
You are lucky my dude lol
I have the paperwork, and I'm going do the drug test as soon as this Manchester United game is over...

Congrats on the job brother. They are doing drug tests to work at grocery stores now though?[/quote]
dude they do legit background checks in most higher paying grocery stores. i know the chain fresh market wont hire any body with a  felony.
i got drug tested when i was in HS working with kids when i first started. Ive worked government jobs since then i havent been drug tested at all.

i think it just depends...
Havent worked in a while, I always had a pool of cash but started to run out.

Working at Victoria's Secret now. The womenz. 
How about apple hit me up a year later about a Business Specialist position. I'm not in the market anymore for a gig and its a retail setting and I'm good on that.
got a interview for the Assistant Media Buyer position at this ad agency. I applied yesterday via Craigslist and just got a call today and got the interview set up for tomorrow. Hope it goes well. Keep you guys updated
Been searching for something for the last 3 months and had a couple interviews. Turned down a lowball off at $7.90 smh. Finally have an interview tmr for a sales position at LA fitness, not sure if I'm abt that sales life tho.
When trying to land job no. 1, I couldn’t stand when they said " you dont have any experience." Well thats cus everyone else thought like you and never gave me the opportunity...

I'm saying tho! :smh:    Trying to get your first job as a young adult? Oh you need two years experience for this position. :stoneface:

Volunteer work and/or internships can count as experience. That's partly how I got my first hourly job.
Ill be graduating college next month. I just received a extremely low ball offer from the place i been working as an intern for the past year. I dont know if i should accept it and hope i find something before the start date, or to just keep looking.
Ill be graduating college next month. I just received a extremely low ball offer from the place i been working as an intern for the past year. I dont know if i should accept it and hope i find something before the start date, or to just keep looking.

How low you talking and for what kind of job?
Ill be graduating college next month. I just received a extremely low ball offer from the place i been working as an intern for the past year. I dont know if i should accept it and hope i find something before the start date, or to just keep looking.

Take the job and continue to look for better employment. Try not to have a gap in your employment history.
Ill be graduating college next month. I just received a extremely low ball offer from the place i been working as an intern for the past year. I dont know if i should accept it and hope i find something before the start date, or to just keep looking.

How low you talking and for what kind of job?

There is basically a $20,000 gap between the offer and what the average is for my major. Im an industrial Engineer and the job is a mix of an industrial and mechanical engineering.

Ill be graduating college next month. I just received a extremely low ball offer from the place i been working as an intern for the past year. I dont know if i should accept it and hope i find something before the start date, or to just keep looking.

Take the job and continue to look for better employment. Try not to have a gap in your employment history.

Im thinking hard about doing that, but I just cant get over being that much underpaid. Im scared of getting stuck there for a while and never getting what I'm worth.
There is basically a $20,000 gap between the offer and what the average is for my major. Im an industrial Engineer and the job is a mix of an industrial and mechanical engineering.
Im thinking hard about doing that, but I just cant get over being that much underpaid. Im scared of getting stuck there for a while and never getting what I'm worth.

As a fellow unemployed NT'er I wanna say just take the job, but 20k is a HUGE difference so I can understand why you would be apprehensive.

All I can say is if you do take the job ACTIVELY search for new employment and if you find a job in your major that pays better take it. A LOT if people get stuck in a rut of being underpaid and get comfortable where they are they start to forget they're working for less than they should. Don't be one of those people because it's hard to get out of that mentality.

My advice is to take the job for the time being. After you get some months under your belt, then begin your search. That way you still gain some experience and have something to put on your resume before your search. You may see a gradual or slight bump in your salary from the time you start working. Who knows when you'll get an interview, if you get an interview.

As far as my situation goes, I had to chuckle when I saw a month. Everyone's situation is different, so I can't comment on it further than that, but I've been out of work for a minute. Its embarrassing at this point. My position was eliminated without warning and since then I've relied on networking and my own legwork in an attempt to get something. I've interviewed extensively with some thinking I had the job based on how well it went, but it obviously went the other way. Sometimes I'd never get a response back even after following up and others would tell me that I had all the experience, skills and personality to fit in with the company but they couldn't extend an offer. The latter was easily the most frustrating. With the networking, I have family members that are administrators at hospitals but even they couldn't get me a position behind a desk because of the unions. I had more experience and a degree, but because I wasn't union they wouldn't give me the position. My friend from college who was also in my situation at one point is trying to put me on at the company he works at, but right now its in the hands of HR so we'll see what happens with that. I was recently offered an copywriting internship opportunity and the last thing I want to do is intern again, but it is full time and fully paid. The only thing I need to see is how much it is. It could be worth it for a couple months, plus I'll add another skill to my resume.

I've been dealing with recruiters and staffing agencies since I've been out of work. With staffing agencies, its like pulling teeth. Some of them act like they don't want to help you at all which is the worst. I've been told my resume is impressive by multiple recruiters at companies, but it never gets past HR which is frustrating because you feel like all you need is that one opportunity to kick the door down but you don't get. I'm more than willing to work in Jersey, Westchester and Connecticut if it means I have a gig that's full time and worth the commute.

Its easy to say "stay positive", but when your funds are dwindling its very hard to do that. I didn't know anything about getting unemployment when I lost my job. In hindsight, I wish I did. It may have been $400/wk but that would have been enough to take care of my personal bills and loans. Thankfully, my parents are understanding of my situation and I have a support system.

I've been doing SEO Analyst/Editorial work FYI.
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Gentlemen, as some of you know I went to an interview with Whole Foods last Monday. I got an email from them Wednesday about the job offer which I accepted on Friday. I got another email on Monday that contained some documents I had to fill out for pre-employment screening. How long is it gonna take before they actually give me a start day? :stoneface:
Usually after the drug test you should have orientation and begin work (also depends when you take the drug test, usually a 24hr turnover)
Looking to get a second job with them
Any advice on how ur interview went???
I see, but damn they should have been called me in to work. My record is spotless, I've never got into any trouble or been arrested. I don't smoke, drink, or take any drugs either so the drug test will be a breeze.

The interview was fast to be honest, I mentioned that the only reason they gave me an offer was probably because of my availability. I have not had a job since 2010 and I'm currently not in school

These are some things that they asked me
-Why did I choose to work for Whole Foods
-What do I know about Whole Foods
-Do I know the core values of Whole Foods (I didn't know them, I suggest you do :rofl: )
-Why did I choose that particular department(bakery)
-What does empowerment mean to me
-What does working in a team mean to you
-Working in a hectic environment, with multiple customers, what would you do
-If there was an unsatisfied customer with our product, what would you do
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