Joe Rogan Podcast

1. Jordan Peterson is a licensed psychiatrist. Its actually his job, It’s foolish to put him as self help.

2. When did the government policies become the cool thing to follow? This is a serious thought. The anti war, hippies, all the people who were left anti government have now become official mouthpiece and see left government as doing no harm. Government got y’all lost in the juice.

I’m neither right nor left no anything. No political affiliation whatsoever.
1. He is a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. And he literally wrote a self-help book

2. This point is goofy. Government makes policies and laws and people have to follow them. Anarchy doesn't work. Libertarianism is mostly just fantasy fiction. People want good government policies, and there is tension about what that is. Most protest is to get different government policies, not get rid of the government altogether

But for you to post this after defending Jordan Peterson is funny. Peterson supports people like Ron DeSantis keeping educators' life hell and destroying their careers if they upset his cultural politics. He supports the suppression of speech he doesn't like under the guise of "protecting kids". He is a hypocrite

Jordan Peterson loves big government when it suits his views. Just like most people
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He is going after the "left" for their gender politics and using Tavistock as an example. Welp, he leaves out the UK has socialized medicine and that conservatives have been running the NHS since 2010. So everything that happened there was under the watch of conservatives. Furthermore, a lot of left-wing trans activists celebrated the closing because there was only one clinic serving trans youth and the wait times were insane. They wanted it close and care to be spread out among the greater NHS system. A ton of trans activists called for its closing and celebrated its closing

The malfunction there wasn't just a result of left-wing gender politics gone too far, but underfunded healthcare professions responding to bad incentives. That conservative (the ones he supports in this situation) made it worse

So Jordan Peterson leaves out context because with context, he can't pearl clutch and sound outraged

-How exactly does Peterson know the exact percentage of trans kids that are homosexual? To make matters worse he presents this number in relation to kids that went through hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. For him to claim that gay people will wake up and be upset because gay kids are being targeted and destroy the LGBT alliance. My guess is he is cherry-picking this number from some research and flippantly applying it to a different population

-The stat he said about the probability of having a trans and pansexual kid is wrong. We know the number of kids identifying as a gender other than what matches their biological sex has gone up a ton with Gen Z, we don't have survey data yet but odds are their numbers will be closer to Gen Z than Gen Y (millennials). So the probability of having a trans kid is way higher than Peterson says. And he uses the statistics pulled from his *** to smear a Disney executive. And it is funny he goes after a Disney exec, a company conservatives have a stupid hang-up about because they too issue with DeSantis's stupid "don't say gay" bill

He complains about ideology and government overreach, but cheers on people like Chris Rufo and Ron DeSantis who are trying to ruin the lives of teachers that even dare tell one of their students they are in a same-sex relationship. Smearing people as pedophiles for political gain

Jordan Peterson is a loudmouth right-winger that tries to act like he is above it all but he is full of **** on most issues. He can articulate whiny culture warrior that sounds convincing but is a bull****ter

And certain dudes are easy marks for that sort of foolishness

I appreciate the response foreal.

As you suggested the broader context is key and i'm not one to go fact checking issues beyond a basic internet search.
1. Jordan Peterson is a licensed psychiatrist. Its actually his job, It’s foolish to put him as self help.

2. When did the government policies become the cool thing to follow? This is a serious thought. The anti war, hippies, all the people who were left anti government have now become official mouthpiece and see left government as doing no harm. Government got y’all lost in the juice.

I’m neither right nor left no anything. No political affiliation whatsoever.
Hey why’d you run away in the COVID thread the other day?

Also the hippies of the 60s and 70s need to accept the fact that they’re no longer relevant. It seems like a lot of them still think that their attitude and ideas are cool and respected by younger generations. It’s kind of sad, honestly.
This is who some people take life advice from...

Mans is going off online because he saw a sign asking people not to waste paper towels.

This is a dude some people consider an authority on masculinity :lol:

to the old PC gamers this is a gem. Peterson with Command & Conquer edits
Outside of 1 or 2 Youtube clips, I haven't listened to Rogan in almost 2 years.

Looks like I made the right choice.
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