Joe Rogan Podcast

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh your boy Rogan endorsed the GOP to his listeners. You still want people to entertain the concept that is a persuadable non political guy? :lol:

Also His mans Alex Jones in these streets saying Joe is full right wing but doesn't come out fully because he doesn't want the drama.

if i remember right I think I said Rogan is a cross pressured white male voter whose ideology doesn't line up neatly on the left right spectrum.

so him saying vote GOP in one podcast,
while grilling some pro-life dude on abortion in the next podcast

I think still lines up with that theory.

but I concede he's probably moved right like a lot of guys in his demo.
if i remember right I think I said Rogan is a cross pressured white male voter whose ideology doesn't line up neatly on the left right spectrum.

so him saying vote GOP in one podcast,
while grilling some pro-life dude on abortion in the next podcast

I think still lines up with that theory.

but I concede he's probably moved right like a lot of guys in his demo.
That is not all you said regarding Rogan's politics :lol:

Our first conversation regarding his politics happened over a year ago, I tried to argue that Rogan was on aggregate clearly a right winger, you felt that was something needed pushing back on. Welp a year later, the GOP is even more reactionary, and Rogan is endorsing them.

All these liberal views he supposedly has, don't motivate him to support the liberal political party, on air and at the ballot. Yet he supports right-wingers election after election

He hasn't moved right, he has always been on the right. That's the point

People need to stop letting his libertarianism fool them
That is not all you said regarding Rogan's politics :lol:

Our first conversation regarding his politics happened over a year ago, I tried to argue that Rogan was on aggregate clearly a right winger, you felt that was something needed pushing back on. Welp a year later, the GOP is even more reactionary, and Rogan is endorsing them.

All these liberal views he supposedly has, don't motivate him to support the liberal political party, on air and at the ballot. Yet he supports right-wingers election after election

He hasn't moved right, he has always been on the right. That's the point

People need to stop letting his libertarianism fool them

in the Aaron Rodger pod he has a whole bit about how Obama is the best president of his lifetime

and he the ideal person you'd want to be president and the best representation of america.

but ultimately yes on the aggregate he's right wing,
Just saw Rogan say Kayleigh Macaneny…is the Michael Jordan of press secretaries, and saying she was good at her job, but didn’t get credit because people hate trump :lol:

osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh

I don't understand what point you are making.
I wanna listen to the episode with Rodgers but I literally cannot stand listening to the dude talk. The slow, “laid back I’m cool”, monotone voice is absolutely horrendous
EYE see y'all mans Aaron Immunized Rodgers been on the pod....
Listened to some of it. This clown really said that he listens to Joe and takes his advice seriously about Covid. (People really out here trusting celebrities more than science)took Joe's advice on what tp do/take when you get Covid and thanked him beacuse when he did get covid he got over it in 2-3 days.
When they got into it about what his "immunization" treatment actually was he said he did "Extensive research spoke with like 11 or 12 physicians and knew that 10's of thousands of people did this" :lol:
But when Joe asked him what was in the treatment he took he didn't even know what was in it! When asked how actual "micro dosing" of the virus was acquired for this "immunization" treatment he didn't know that either. Klown.

I wanna listen to the episode with Rodgers but I literally cannot stand listening to the dude talk. The slow, “laid back I’m cool”, monotone voice is absolutely horrendous
I don't think I've ever heard him talk for an extended period of time before this but yeah that talk is annoying
Rogan always be right wing. He touts freedom and equal rights but his party does everything but.

Touts holistic alternatives to medicine and anti big pharma but doesnt see the donors and sponsors of GOP lawmakers who made more from the vacc… nevermind.

Cries about censorship and the art of expression as long as intent is pure(horse ****) but his party of choice bans books and rewrites history through laws.

Sure. He says obama is the best, has black/ brown friends, eats kale and does yoga. His actions are clearly meant to protect, to retain, his lilly white privilege.
Mike Baker pod’s are always pertinent & informative if you want to know what’s really going on geopolitically without all the fluff

Ex CIA insight >

Only a few doods I rock with on JRE regularly, Mike definitely one
Mike Baker pod’s are always pertinent & informative if you want to know what’s really going on geopolitically without all the fluff

Ex CIA insight >

Only a few doods I rock with on JRE regularly, Mike definitely one
Lmao. The cult leaders havent explained to you hes a schill, a plant, a rube? And hes conservative! Youre stepping outta lock step on this one. Dont get cast asunder!
You're in denial if you don't think Joe's right wing now. It's blatantly obvious when he goes IN on Biden (who's a moderate) every chance he gets and remains silent when a left wing guest comes on and criticizes Trump or the GOP. And a lot of Republican voters supported and voted for Obama, some of them went on to become full blown Q believers (watch that doc on HBO Max).

It's irrelevant if he thinks Obama's the best president of his lifetime, you can tell which way he leans by how he talks about both parties in the 9+ hours of content he produces weekly. It's also funny he's never once criticized Texas' weed laws since moving there.

Just because he supports abortion and gay marriage doesn't mean he's not right wing. Polling has shown those two issues are supported by a majority of Americans. In fact, there's been concern from the GOP that the Supreme Court overturning Roe would hurt Republicans in November.
What? :lol: is that not another term for vaccination?

Can we stop giving money and time to stupid people?
He claimed that the treatment he underwent was through oral ingestion and it contained small amounts of the virus. He didn't actually say micro dosing but that is pretty much what he explained.
That **** sounds way more sketchy than just getting the damb vax
Seeing a couple clips it seems like Louis CKs experience humbled him a bit. The only gross thing is the meat riding from the hosts like he did nothing wrong when he absolutely did and the shaming was warranted.
Yeah the press/cast run was too buddy buddy. It was still bad and maybe he got talked to on a serious note off camera or when it did happen last year or years ago. But that’s a big maybe
Dang... I ain't even heard of rumble and they offering my man 100 mill to jump ship?? :sick:
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