@CaptainSneakerhead23   stop complaining and be happy 
  congrats man 
Yeah man, idiots at the post office had my blood pressure thru the roof once I was told it might be "lost" if I didn't receive it by a certain day. If it was one rep that said it then I would've brushed it off, but the fact that multiple reps gave me zero sense of hope is was had me very concerned.

Shout out to Jason @ShelfLife for helping me keep my sanity throughout this whole process, excellent customer serivce on their end. :nthat:

Late as hell to the pizza party, but I don't mind cold pizza lol

Once again shout out to @ShelfLife and their customer service, also shout to my NT homies who tried to help me throughout this whole process :nthat:

Bruh, post office was supposed to open at 8am, got there at 7:50 and they made us stand in the lobby until 8:45 before they opened the doors :x :smh: .. then I had to wait an extra 15 mins after they hit me with the "I can't seem to locate this package" :stoneface: .... (Happy to finally have them in my possession though.)

My man finally happy for you bro! Enjoy im hoping to get my slice soon :pimp:
Dam my size too,grats. Where are you located? 300 for both is like winning the lotto

Live in SoCal. I was getting the 1s for $200 and i asked about the football cleats and he said he had em in my sz. Asked for an extra $100 for em. I could not pass that up. Feel like i stole them lol
Live in SoCal. I was getting the 1s for $200 and i asked about the football cleats and he said he had em in my sz. Asked for an extra $100 for em. I could not pass that up. Feel like i stole them lol

Woww I'm in socal too lol you found these on cl? I only see them for like 350+ :frown:
I really don't like the comparison with luxury brands.

It's not that we can't afford the Jordans, it's that we can't buy them because of their limited quality.

I agree with your statement to some degree. Most of us are within reach of a couple of hundred bucks so it's no biggie. It's really simple. So what if they're limited. Save your $, don't settle, and be satisfied. Every consignment site/store has them. Regardless of price they have them. limited yes, but to buy, No. I can go on flightclub right now and find a pair of laser IV's or eminem 2's for sale. may not be the price I like but it's there. People complain so much about resellers and limited shoes but don't put in time like myself and others to get the kicks. Just sacrifice a little time and have patience you'll get what you want. Resellers aren't going away it's just life. [emoji]128532[/emoji] honestly, if you want a pair bad for retail then you better work hard on getting connects, line up, or have a plain B and save to buy at reseller's price. As for me, i have a normal full time day job that work split days. sometimes I work 6-10's a week, and rarely have weekends so I have to juggle family time all the time. I have a mortgage, bills, wife with 2 kids, and pay two car notes so the odds are stacked against me on every release. I don't have family members that work at a shoe spot, no Bots, just a normal guy like the rest of us hard working cats in the world. I rarely pay over retail but if I don't get it, it's not meant to be. They'll come out in 10 years again or less. Maybe I'll sell or swap to get what I really want, Just work at it a little and hustle if need to be. Honestly, most of us would sell our bred 1's for $1,000 if someone offered. Doesn't that make you a reseller? Lol. I've been in the game collecting and WEARING my collection for over 15 years. Yes, I put wearing on caps because shoes do fall apart in time and meant to be worn. Lol. It never used to be like this. Some of us remember when shoes used to release on Wed and on sat we could sleep in and pick them up Sunday without worrying about size runs. Now it's harder to get because Miley Cyrus has a song about them, celebs wearing them, etc. now everyone wants them. C'mon man really? Miley on jays too? But anyways, Anybody in here that didn't cop I hope you get your pair. Everybody else that did, congrats! On to the next one.
Haven't been here in 5 days, out of general curiosity has anyone restocked or had sizes pop up...
Congrats to captainsneakerhead23, and thank you for the laughs you bring from time to time like the jerusalem character a few months back! Lol never gets old, and congrats to grizzlyanimal as well cool dude in the reebok forums, hardly post but big ups to both
Got a trade lined up for these, but the right toe box is wrinkled. Should I sweat it? Deal is for '88's, btw.
Dude... c'mon.  I'm not sure why they're different, but I'd take 'em in a heartbeat and rock till they fall apart.  Goodluck.
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