I don't know why a lot of you get upset over stock information and release information.

A lot of these stores AREN'T SUPPOSED to tell you if they're getting a shoe so many days before the release date.
I have came to accept that if I am not able to cop a pair of these joints online for retail, I will take my L
I'm getting too old to be salty over a pair of Jordans :lol:
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Wish me luck fellas. Will be trying to camp tomorrow.

Not overnight though. Lol. HOH doing guarantee tickets at a random day and time so will be posted in front of their store :lol:

Hashtag no life, hash tag desperate for breds.
Wish me luck fellas. Will be trying to camp tomorrow.

Not overnight though. Lol. HOH doing guarantee tickets at a random day and time so will be posted in front of their store

Hashtag no life, hash tag desperate for breds.
Bruh, if i could line up i would.. even in this weather F it!, ion eem care..  
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I spoke too soon only 1 store (foot action) is getting these within a 90 mile radius. They are doing fcfs so it's not looking good. Idk whether to camp or try my luck online..
Wish me luck fellas. Will be trying to camp tomorrow.

Not overnight though. Lol. HOH doing guarantee tickets at a random day and time so will be posted in front of their store :lol:

Hashtag no life, hash tag desperate for breds.

Really tho they don't launch until Saturday
But... Can we talk about the pizza party doe?

took awhile but s*** finally got real :lol:

Wish me luck fellas. Will be trying to camp tomorrow.

Not overnight though. Lol. HOH doing guarantee tickets at a random day and time so will be posted in front of their store :lol:

Hashtag no life, hash tag desperate for breds.

damn random day and time? that's rough, hope you don't get snaked

it's that time! stating to get anxious
So for those in the MA area,

Let's share info we know about these shall we lol

You guys think the stores that got the shadows will get these?
I don't know why a lot of you get upset over stock information and release information.

A lot of these stores AREN'T SUPPOSED to tell you if they're getting a shoe so many days before the release date.

they need to if they're gonna do a raffle
you guys still doubting these won;t be at least $350 after RD?

Royals part 2.

I really wish i was in college and had to do a paper for my business class. I would have loved to have done it on the royals and this thread. Would have picked up an A+ and had the teacher thinking I made stuff up.

Stiff baffles me people said this would be GR and easy cop (NOBLEKANE).
FTL said their launch locator will probably be updated within the next day or so, hopefully none of the stores will be doing their raffles yet
I have my two pairs but this is as close to "the final straw" I've ever felt. Makes me angry to know people will either have a difficult time copping or cop pairs that are questionable. All these pairs we see seem very suspect. Too many regular dudes have more pairs than all FTL's in a major city. WTF.

ALL this talk about Nike knows what they are doing, yada yada yada, it makes everyone more hungry for the next release, and the release after, creating snowball effect, yada yada yada. But for me, it turns me off. The current state I;ve seen this past year makes me ill. In fact, I've copped less pairs this past year than I did the previous couple of years. This current sytsem isnt for the 35+ dudes like me. And I know my demo isnt the reach. But as someone said, too scressful.

Good luck everyone, and be safe. Its just shoes. Dont let this consume you while being with the fam on christmas.
You stayed in for a long time. Women must have less patience b/c  I was mostly done after the concord XI release at age 29. I've purchased Royal 1's , True Blue 1 mids , and Unconcord lows since 2011. Jordan 1's and XI lows are the only money I'm giving Nike.
and to think people were clowning me when i copped banneds for 275 week of release
now u got dudes spending well over 300 to lock down sh*t quality 1's
Chances for tickets are looking VERY slim :/. Went to the mall today and found out only foot action is getting them and MAYBE dtlr.
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