I  might be picking these up for 230, anyone have any legit production tag pics so I know I wont be buying a gm pair. Thanks any help is appreciated!
I respect you being the bigger man, because of your family...sorry that happened.
thank you kindly!
I definitely know that feel.  That's one of the few reasons I still bother with this hobby.  No matter how badly I want to walk away, the love goes back to my childhood and everyone grips to some bit of nostalgia.

Definitely good perspective in the heat of the moment.  Tough to be the bigger man when that adrenaline starts flowing.  Karma comes back around my dude.  I'm sure you'll eventually come up on a pair at a good price.  I told myself I would never line up again after coming ever so close to laying out a dude the last time I did in 2012.  Just a shame that we have to deal with such ignorance just to land a pair of shoes.
the only thing i'm mad about now is that the dude who said i wouldn't get a pair today a.) got away and b.) was right.  still didn't get my pair, but i did get the W on the moral victory.
I think everybody should put up 10 bills each and we cop eattheface a pair even if we have to go reseller route
lolol i have money, just not $465 for these. i wouldn't want anyone to pay $465 for these.
not sure why anyone would buy off ebay sellers when so many ppl on here have multiple pairs.. would help avoid the fear of buying fakes
wasn't that sskarsim guy the one who sold the bots to people so that they didn't work on some release? like he changed the code to size 10.5 or something.  i know i've seen him trolling other threads around here.  maybe i read that wrong?
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What's been the going price for these at M&P shops in Brooklyn?

I'm still trying to scoop a pair :smh:
Hopefully there are some restocks man.
Man, I'm praying that there are. 
@eattheface i hear that put up 150 then we as a community pick up the rest to help out is a excellent cause
2013 bred I vs Banned I

View media item 714406
Sole on banned I is slightly darker than sole on 2013.

2013 is slightly higher than banned I.

Tongue is of 2 different materials. 2013 has that true nylon feel. Reminds me of old Starter pullover jackets. If you scratch them with your nail, there is that nylon sound. Banned leans more toward a a cotton-blend material. Scratching them with your nail does not produce a noise.

In my opinion, the 2013 is a very well done retro. But the tumbled leather on the banned is the deciding factor as to why I prefer the banned. The banned also came with white laces (that no one uses).

Long night/morning trying for these, finally caught a break! Won my size in local raffle, pick up at my convenience today
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