I want a second pair of these...I'm thinking about just saving up and going the resell route for the next pair. The fakes that are about to flood the market à la a couple weeks after the royals will be interesting to say the least...
Attempt? More Breds were produced than Royals yet the resell price is virtually the same. On top of that Breds have been over retroed. 
Yepp attempt. Source of your made up figures? virtually the same? Sure dudes are asking that while 75% of pairs haven't even reached houses yet.

Production was probably the same... Just no Area 72 all star pack to pair with it to fend off the masses on release day.
Glad you and [@="lower the value of royals" :lol: u dudes kill me it ain't that serious there's real life going on out here, these are just shoes. some of u kids gotta lighten up .
and yeah, i was mistaken on the royals being retro'd comment. so kill me.

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Area 72 pack didn't do anything to the royals.

Every last person that bought the area 72 stuff at my spot picked up royals too.

Only people that got lucky that day was anyone lining up for those fugly jokers.
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...why would they price a better quality shoe at $109 and then turn around 2 years later and drop the same shoe without all the gimmicks and lesser quality for $30 more...

Because they can. Check out the Gucci 1s they just released. $110 and the quality of materials are great. And yet, they are somewhat still available. Nike could have charged $300 for the black/reds and they still would have sold out.
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This has nothing to do with the Breds but I was looking through my regular sites for anything and peeped that one of them has one pair of Black Toes left for a good price. Size 11. PM me if you care.
I'm pretty sure the same amount of all the OG 1's (minus the black/gold) were made in the same numbers, just different demand and that magic word we've been throwing around in terms of royals, "allocation". This release is just an aftermath of the royals. Nobody wanted to miss out on these, even if they didn't truly want them the resell value was enough to make everyone want to grab these.

Oh and not to toot my own horn but remember a couple months back when I was saying these would resell for whatever royals were going for on the market by the time they released, and would eventually go for $600....and a couple scoffed at me claiming GR, it's Christmas and its a black/red colorway so that = abundant pairs :frown: :frown:

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Honestly I don't know where the allocation went. The store that had "500" Royals only received 30 Breds and had people lining up almost 24 hours before they came out.
I think we need a Unauthorized/Authentic comparison now. I know there's quite a few people on here looking to buy online somewhere and none of us wanna get burned
I'm pretty sure the same amount of all the OG 1's (minus the black/gold) were made in the same numbers, just different demand and that magic word we've been throwing around in terms of royals, "allocation". This release is just an aftermath of the royals. Nobody wanted to miss out on these, even if they didn't truly want them the resell value was enough to make everyone want to grab these.

Oh and not to toot my own horn but remember a couple months back when I was saying these would resell for whatever royals were going for on the market by the time they released, and would eventually go for $600....and a couple scoffed at me claiming GR, it's Christmas and its a black/red colorway so that = abundant pairs

not for nothing but Royals did restock at a variety of places throughout the year this year.  Mostly new Villa and HOH store openings, but they were available.  combine this with the fact that the royals never released on ndc. i'm not saying they are a GR, but to compare these with the royals? i don't think that's possible.
Man chill with that noise in this thread. Its cool you got them and want more but that comment keep it to yourself. You see all these dude wanting just one pair and you come here with that. Yeah not cool.
Right.. it doesn't bother me, but was the " i only need one more pair" comment necessary ?  
Yepp attempt. Source of your made up figures? virtually the same? Sure dudes are asking that while 75% of pairs haven't even reached houses yet.

Production was probably the same... Just no Area 72 all star pack to pair with it to fend off the masses on release day.
My source is my own common sense and eyeballs. The same stores I tried to cop Royals from had double bred stock. Villa is a prime example of this. Not every Villa received Royals but all Villa's received Breds. In fact, only 2 Villas in Chicago received the Royals and got only 8 pairs a piece. Saint Alfred's received 7 pairs of Royals and 20+ pairs of Breds etc etc. Some might say allocation was different but I don't agree with that assertion. IMO more Breds were produced yet you still have virtually the same prices for both shoes. Breds are just more highly thought of in the world outside of NT.

As far as his attempt goes, he stated he liked Breds more than Royals. That is his opinion of which I agree with. I could careless how many times they retroed. Him stating that Royals have only retroed once was just incorrect and insignificant in my opinion.
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Man chill with that noise in this thread. Its cool you got them and want more but that comment keep it to yourself. You see all these dude wanting just one pair and you come here with that. Yeah not cool.
Right.. it doesn't bother me, but was the " i only need one more pair" comment necessary ?  
you guys know.....

salt is only good for beef jerky...
... Now that was a humble brag.
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I think we need a Unauthorized/Authentic comparison now. I know there's quite a few people on here looking to buy online somewhere and none of us wanna get burned

I agree. The OG 1's have had a large hand in improving the awareness of GM's/ Fakes and with the demand for the black/red 1's still sky high im expecting to see a flood of questionable kicks on eBay and other non-reputable sites. A lot of NT'ers are considering going to buy the resell route and I don't want any of them getting burned
Because they can. Check out the Gucci 1s they just released. $110 and the quality of materials are great. And yet, they are somewhat still available. Nike could have charged $300 for the black/reds and they still would have sold out.

Don't be giving Nike any ideas now... haha
after many hours at the camping spot and some scares because some goons didnt want to follow tge list and almost got away with it, me and my lady were 1 & 2 and a fellow cool niketalker that I met there was 3rd. Only 13 tickets were handed out and made it out safe and the journey was over. It was tiring but I had a good time not going to lie especially having some cool people there with you.

Just glad I got my pairs after the work I put in. Thank God!!!

View media item 714868

I had to do it guys. ..

Edit: shotout to my lady for wanting to do this with me, she stuck it through and didn't complain. :nthat:
No salt here just saying... just didn't like the unnecesary comment..
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i dont see any in the classifieds, and we cant discuss it over here as well..sheesh...i rather score on NT then resort to the madness on the bay smh
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