The resiliency from those who are still trying. Hand clap. I hope you guys cop.

Hanging on like a ballon string :smh: .. Post Office called me a few mins ago talkin bout "I'm pretty sure your package will arrive by Fri/Sat just hang in there." :stoneface: ... This all could've been avoided if my boy didn't get fired from HoH the day after the Gamma 11s drop :x
Lol did he get fired for holding kicks for people?

Nah its was seasonal, his last weekend was supposed to be this weekend but they pulled the plug earlier than expected.

Feel like royals r so hard to come by now a days especially ds


This all could've been avoided if my boy didn't get fired from HoH the day after the Gamma 11s drop :x

Cherry Hill? :nerd:

Nah, Fulton St in BK.

so you think matt Powell is lying?

Probably not lying as much as just doesn't have all the info, he bases his numbers off of 5 chains sales I believe

How many mom and pops had these does he include those numbers I don't believe so and Nike doesn't release any numbers of their own so it's just an educated guess on his part

Pretty much. Sounds more like an estimate rather than an exact number. Too many factors in determining production numbers. He ain't counting these moms and pops shops in the hood :lol:
Curious as to how many of you that purchased Bred 1s from End pay with a credit card on release day? I've gotten my orders canceled from them quite a few times when using a credit card to check out, but when I pay with Paypal, my orders get shipped. Of course, when I catch restocks and pay with Paypal, my orders go through?
Yup paid with CC. Did your order go through? I think youre the one who ordered the same size as me on End last Sat.
Probably not lying as much as just doesn't have all the info, he bases his numbers off of 5 chains sales I believe

How many mom and pops had these does he include those numbers I don't believe so and Nike doesn't release any numbers of their own so it's just an educated guess on his part
sounds like he took them into consideration, at least the ones who submitted information to him.
Every mom and pops store i stopped into in NY had 1-2 size runs.  I think there were definitely more than 25k of these.

The difference was everyone and their mother wanted them.
for you guys trying... are you guys just trying to get a pair under resale value?  (under 300-350)

I'm trying to get these at $300 and that isn't even happening. Might bite the bullet at go with $400 from a legit reseller. Pairs are soaking up and I don't want to pay royal prices or buy GM pairs.
i like how these were so limited that they actually had the reverse effect people predicted on the banneds, and the prices are going up...

i'm getting higher offers on my banneds now than i was a few months b4 this release.
Anyone who knew what was going on could have told you a month ago this release would push banneds up at least $200.

People were straight up convincing themselves foolish for this shoe..
lmao I hope you wouldn't pay 400 for any shoe !
If ima drop 400 it's gonna be for some motorboat jones. I'm still salty about those but 400 for some 1's hurts man. And resellers are capitalizing off of the hype and pushing up their prices
These are so clean in person. Leather is on par with royals and shadows which are the 2 best NA 1s from this year. Just a classic color combo and it is extremely well done. Just my opinion, but they're worth the resale price...again just my opinion. Good luck to everyone still looking.
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