Still Looking for a Pair…. SMH 
I think the thirst for these are too much, especially since my area uses the raffle system. I know every time i try to raffle for any release i never win. when people started bringing their whole family and group of friends to get a raffle ticket on their behalf is when i officially gave up on trying to pickem up at the store... 
tried to buy a pair off CL

for 350 and had sellers flake on me multiple times smh these goin for so much
luckily i copped a FSR of the GS and guess imma just have to flip em and
cop a pair off the bay

You would think they'd wanna flip their shoes quick too if they have a buyer. Good luck getting your pair bruh!
Just saw the funniest post on my local fb group about some dude who bought the mids for $350 and the other guy was like "they are black and red and 1s so they are bred 1s I didn't really lie" lmao There's like a 100 comments of people roasting. I think it's a troll but it's hilarious.

And here is the scammer from georgia that a lot of people have been seeing in different cities on cl.

Low reselling price
Wants money gram
Not in ur city, wont meet in person.

Needless to say, stay away.
ppl need to learn when to quit.. If it wasnt meant to be let go and move on the next release. Look for other opportunities ...smh
Just pay $95 to be constantly reminded you missed out. Almost as bad as the royal ko's later this year :-/
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not feelin the quality on any of these og1 re-releases at all. i dunno if its how soft the leather is but feels cheap. I understand u get alot less than you pay for with JB but wow. was hoping these would be a little better.

you will def get more wears out of them they will hold there shape and stay in good condition less creasin
I know every shoe is not supposed to look the same but are the tags in the tongue supposed to look different

Pair I won from a raffle
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