about to pull the trigger on a size 12 for $250... local meetup ... if these are anything like the Royals (which by all accounts, it seems like they are) .... waiting for these to drop in price is foolish to say the least 

repped homie!
i saw one for $225.25, i think he needed bus money.
@ some of you crying over a person posting pics of multiple pairs screaming "shame".
Pull ya skirts down...Must've been the same kids who cried during every recess break in elementary.

It's a pair of shoes. Get over it.
One store I walked out with 6 Shadows. The Black Toes I was able to cop 2-3 from the same store. For the Breds, none of these stores even carried them. In fact, more stores carried Royals than Breds (I live in Cleveland).

Hmm...this is interesting to say the least. Their are a couple people who've told me also that stores that got royals didn't even receive these. If more of the allocation went to the US and stores that got less allocated royal pairs couldn't get these...then what's really happening with the US stock of black/red 1's?
So havnt been in this thread for like a week, but I ordered a pair from the dude Zyzz suggested. They came in on thursday and Im pretty sure there fugazi. Pissed cuz i thought they were gonna be legit. compared em to my royals and the leather is off, the wings logo isnt as embossed, and just the overall shape is off. I dont even know what to do at this point. $260 gone SMH
I feel awful for you.. Zyzz co-signing fakes? :rolleyes :x
So havnt been in this thread for like a week, but I ordered a pair from the dude Zyzz suggested. They came in on thursday and Im pretty sure there fugazi. Pissed cuz i thought they were gonna be legit. compared em to my royals and the leather is off, the wings logo isnt as embossed, and just the overall shape is off. I dont even know what to do at this point. $260 gone SMH

:frown: I'm sorry to hear that man. That sucks
Dude is selling his locally after he wore them for about two hours. What should I offer him since there's room to negotiate since their not DS????
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