Jordan 13 doernbecher on the way

Random question: we donate a set amount to a different charity each month. If I win the raffle, does this count as the charitable donation for December (thereby not counting as sneaker spending)? Am I just a selfish scumbag?
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By IRS definition, charitable contributions represent gifts given without reciprocity...

If you were trying to identify for tax purposes then no.
oh, yeah, i wasn't talking about for tax purposes. i meant more for i want to keep buying stuff in december/two birds with one stone purposes. 
Random question: we donate a set amount to a different charity each month. If I win the raffle, does this count as the charitable donation for December (thereby not counting as sneaker spending)? Am I just a selfish scumbag?

Man I was there for the corks they had like 10 pair or less

It was like 12 pairs me and my girl took two. Dude in front had his girl took 2. And the size run had some missing sizes. We just got there early tho and chilled. Max releases don't bring out the savages.
It's funny how certain ppl in here lie like there won't be leftovers to fool the thr3ad...we all know the truth for chicago and ny niketown
Okay so now after watching this I feel bad for calling them ugly:

I will proudly wear these if I win.

I was going to wear them regardless but this video just put the icing on the cake. Kids shouldn't have to deal with what he is dealing with. :smh:
It's a DB Jordan...  on rarity and the title alone, it will drive the price up.  Hoping I finally get to cook on a DB release this weekend lolz
I wonder why these and the OVO 10s took up to 24hrs for nike to send emails when the other shoes that did this drawing system took 10 mins after the drawing ended.
I tweeted Villa this morning about the Dallas digital signup and got nothing back yet, there was an image posted and tweets saying keep a lookout. they keep playing.....
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