Jordan 6 Ring *New Pics*

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Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This pics make me AMAZED... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... at how they are still ugly.

I think its already been said at this point....but marqueesole can make ANY shoe look good
the straps kill these!!! i would love to see them w/o the
strap...they could possibly be worth copping then
These do look like fakes that were made like three years ago....damn I can only hope they dont grow on me
They're ok.. Maybe they shoud've left that VIII strap off. If I cop I'm thinking of just cutting them off. The holes in the patent leather lookstrange to me too..
Thanks for the pics BTW
spizikes are better than that if anything. im not sure if the placements of the pieces was done right...but then again....i would have to see them in person..iwould definitely beat the crap out of a pair if i got one for cheeeeaaappp.
Originally Posted by aphexacid

If we vote with our pocketbooks and show JB that we will not be tricked into buying these, they will be forced to give us want we want, or stop making shoes completely.

I personally like the dub-zero, and spiz'ike. i think they had their own style, and character. this on the other hand is a monstrosity.

and who wants to bet they have the balls to charge $185?

co-sign. ......... Fusions > Spiz'ikes > Dubs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6 Rings

The Spiz'ikes are the best multi-hybrid shoe, but the Dubs aren't all that bad. These, on the other hand, are hideous. If I see these all around townwith those Oly 6s dropping on Saturday, I'll know that JB is transitioning to the ignorant masses that can't decipher from real IV's vsfake-looking, deformed IVs. The demographic for JB shoes are changing and these ugly 6 Rings are testament to that experiment.
I find these less ugly, less frankenstein like than the Spizikes but i find them just as unpalatable
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