Jordan Brand x Fakes/Variants: At it again **pics**

o wow. Thats real @#%$ up JB. nice find

I will get one for free. lol....


Wow, JB really effed it up this time.
FS: AJ VI DMP black DS 11.5 $265 shipped
FS: AJ XIII fr blu/flnt gry 11 DS 11 $165 shipped
FS: AJ XIII blk/rd NDS 11
$150 shipped
FS: AJ XIII blk/alt NDS 11 $150 shipped
FS: iPod video black 30GB like new
cool info i am gonna try to cop this shirt

To whoever brought up my original point, yes, I think if someone went to MJ and defined the issues his company has been having and how it's affecting a fan base, I believe he'd do something about it. Now granted, he could blow you off and strive for the $$$, but a real business man would get it together. How would Bill Gates react if he found out a bootlegged copy of Windows XP (where you could tell the variancy) was in an ad running in thousands upon thousands of magazines? If JB found out about these issues (and they have and will) and did nothing to resolve the issue, that would laminate them as a terrible company. (I did see Baby J's post, so I know that it's being handled, or well, I atleast hope so)

Someone is dropping the ball. Now, I don't know how much these apparel designers make yearly, but I'd glady take their job for the oppurtunity they have, and to produce a pleasing product. (Not to just NT, but worldwide) Now, the copying of the image is NOT an accident at all, but due to the designers not knowing the difference between variants and real (unfortunately), this is a sub-conscious mocking of the true fan.
Go See ATL For One Reason....Lauren London. Yezzir!
That is ridiculous.

Thanks Brim for posting here... I think you should have Raja do a ceremony the way you did last year by burning those fake jordans you found in an apt. :lol:

ok so Fake IIIs, Fake Shirt, and wrong DMP date... and people can still defend Gentry and Larry Miller?? These execs need to be FIRED hands down!

Someone seriously needs to forward these topics to Philip H. Knight, Chairman of the Board of Directors at NIKE. (ok ok I will)
I been tryin' to tell y'all for years...

Jordan Brand = Variants...They're the same...JB is seein' all that $$ off the books...

I've refused to believe the "fake makers" "just happen" to gain access to these blueprints, molds, And materials...And JB has done NOTHING about it after all of these years...

And y'all are quick to at some fakes even if they look decent, Are of a high quality, Or are in a nice colorway, "I'm quitting the game! " Dudes is naive... Open your eyes...

I think JB is just givin' people what they want on the low (Like the A+ Fire Red 4 fakes) Without compromsing their "integrity" by bein' associated with shh like lime green 11's and whatnot...

- preach! :pimp:

For those keeping score at home:

- Fake III Ad
- DMP Date Error
- Fake Tee

- somethingelse to add to the survey
- Foreal, this needs a sticky of how JB is falling off, complete with pics of all three incidents.

kinda weird how the image on the shirt stretches too far up on the neck.

- ouch! :rofl:
get em' boys :lol:

The end is near, if I can find both IV's from 99 and Black V's from 00 I'm out. JB is becoming Payless, just go ahead and start selling to Wal-Mart JB.

Don't misquote mis T2... don't blame everyone for the actions of perhaps one. Shady business goes on in EVERY Industry. I don't think Brand Jordan Exec's would impact their own revenue in order to make money on the side and perhaps see jail time.
You know how many Ethic Codes would be broken with someone doing that.

My statement was to merely make you aware, what is possible and that people are opening their eyes more and more.

Think about how well the DUB Zero's actually did IN STORES.. that made Brand Jordan release another colorway.

Well think about how many FAKE Dub Zero's were made with Spongebob and one's without.

Now if there were NO Fakes.. the Sales of the Dubs would have been been 2 to 3 fold what they were in Stores. Therefore giving even MORE credibility to the Marketing cats that they were right to come up with that tacky concept.

Now bring that to a Signature level. With as many kicks you see on the street that are fake of new releases.. imagine how many sales would happen if there were NO fakes.

This impacts the Designer who thru Sell thru appears not to be selling a popular shoe. NOT in OUR Eyes.. but in the Regular Consumers eyes. His sales look like 100'000 when in fact they are about double that with street sales and web sales via fake sites.

Do you think a Designer would sabotage himself, or an exec risk his own bonuses to make some money on the side and be tied to Chinese Mafia?

I dont. But I do think SOMEONE is getting their palms greased with Green Backs.

Who controls the molds.. because no matter what some of you think. 2-D pictures can not produce a 5-D shoe.
You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
^^ word

Now, the copying of the image is NOT an accident at all, but due to the designers not knowing the difference between variants and real (unfortunately), this is a sub-conscious mocking of the true fan.

It is really unfortunate. JB has garnered a rep for marketing fakes. Hell, but who is to say that our whole collection isn't counterfeit? Were we there when they created the shoe? Were we there when the shoe was produced? No, we werent. Nike/Jordan should definitely be ashamed of themselves for this latest stunt. Will it change anything? No, not at all, because there are still idiots out there oblivious to fakes. Someone on page 1 said that if RedBrim did not care about fakes, why did he make a new posting about a fake t-shirt? Because, now fakes are being advertised in major retail chains. To a certain degree, I think that a lot of retail chains carry fakes. I honestly do believe that a lot of stores are carrying fake merchandise. Macys for one, I feel carries fake Louis Vuitton bags. I have been to the authorized LV store and the bags in Macys dont quite stack up next to the official stores bags. We are all hard working men and women who just want to outfit ourselves with the best, and JB seems intent on giving us some garbage. Remember the theory: for every 1 person looking to bail out of the shoe game, 10 more is trying to replace that person.

@ JB for letting such a careless mistake occur.
Good job Redbrim, I knew recognized the pic on that shirt from somewhere.

JB has serious problems according to these past mistakes, and greater steps in quality control/product review needs to be made before any other mistakes like these occur again...
So....JB knowingly sells their shoe molds to the variant makers so they could make all kinds of wacky colors, and then JB gets a portion of the revenue?! That is one of the craziest conspiracy theory I have ever heard, but it actually makes a lot of sense.... No wonder JB doesn't do jack about the fakes, because JB THEMSELVES started it all...clever.

I said that on page 2 chief...
old my out of town friends to "Take off ya hat" They couldn't wear that, In the places that I was takin' em' to...​
"No, not at all, because there are still idiots out there oblivious to fakes"

How can you call people idiots, if they are oblivious? It's not their fault they know not the difference between a counterfiet shoe and authentic one.

If that fact is true. Everyone in your family is an idiot. You were an idiot before you got into shoes. That's an unfair statement.

People who don't know are merely ignorant to the facts. Not straight up ignorant. There are women out there who could spot a fake purse miles away.... but could you?

As far as JB starting it all Yung Calog. That's quite the conspriracy theory.

But alas... Brand Jordan.. check the sig.
You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
As far as JB starting it all Yung Calog. That's quite the conspriracy theory.

Well, The JB/Fake thing is one coincidence I have a hard time believin'...
old my out of town friends to "Take off ya hat" They couldn't wear that, In the places that I was takin' em' to...​
That's just sad. JB has officially hit an all time low with this.

And I thought they couldn't get any lower. :smh:
to me for thinking that.
wow uh that kinda leaves you speechless ...............seriously what the hell is going on at JB?
I think its God disguised as Michael Jordan
-Larry Bird
There are women out there who could spot a fake purse miles away

Just as there are die-hard sneaker heads who can point out a fake at a moments notice. I for one have that ability to do so. Then there are heads who can ID the difference between a retro & O.G. without even looking to see if it has a Nike Air or Jumpman on the back. I understand where you are coming from, so I will defend what I previously said. I said that he is oblivious because without saying anything, it was like he defended the fact that JB put a fake shoe on an authentic t-shirt. Yes, it might have been careless, but that is an alarming, and quite frankly...disturbing discovery because we could roll into our local Footlocker, or Footaction, or even order off of Eastbay and be buying fakes and would not even have the slightest idea. For him to say that if dude didn't like or care for fakes, then why post is not good, considering that Brim was merely pointing out to us what we did not know. I for one, never even seen the shirt, and I shop at Footaction, & Finishline all the time. But to a certain degree, we are all stupid, but that is why when person brings something to the light that we are ignorant over, it brings us one step closer to knowledge. My statement might have been unfair to a certain degree, but I hope that I have clarified my reasoning behind what I said. If not, I have no problem further elaborating.

This is what the person said on Page 1:

Who really cares? If its fake then dont pay any damn attention to it. Ignore it. Its not that big of a damn deal like everyone thinks it is.

So, you dont have no problem caking out $150 for some fakes? It is not a big deal? Actually it is, because I dont know about you Brother, but I feel that if I gotta pay authentic money, I should authentic merchandise. See, JB loves people like you, who just "turn the other cheek" and keep it moving. Because they can pique your interest with little bells and whistles and you are sold. I said what I previously said because people like this makes it bad for people who actually can spot a fake at a drop of a dime.

Hopefully I have shed a little more light on my comments.
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