Jordan III REIMAGINED “White Cement” -March 11th 2023

I'm thinking he might of lost a game to him or maybe didn't get selected to win a free pair of shoes during Weartesters "12 Days of Kicksmas" give away last year 🤷🏿‍♂️. There has to be a reason for this much bitterness.
No I just honestly used him as an example.. People like Qias Omar, Coolkicks, and especially blatant culture vultures like Teddy/BoostGod (remember that dude?) and Just Wynn were/are far worse. I’ll give Nightwing credit that he is a lot more knowledgeable than most ShoeTubers, his content is just cringe with the movie clips along with his gatekeeping, etc.
I think it’s more that he tries to be a gatekeeper for the ShoeTube crowd while doing corny sh*t himself.. He is very knowledgeable about sneakers but I can’t stand that kind of pretentiousness when he himself is technically an influencer.
This gate keeper term gets tossed about too much. Don't get me wrong, I hate the pretentiousness of it as much if not more than the next guy. And to be honest this pretentious gate keeper attitude is a big reason why the game is the way it is now with all the cliques and looking down on certain people and certain models and weird rules and shop staff being acting like they're better than people, backdooring to "VIPs", etc. We could have been and should have been more welcoming to new people and we weren't. And now those people have found a home with the people we find cringey and counter to the foundation of what sneakers are all about.

That being said, people like Nightwing are not gatekeeping. They have their preferences, as well do. And they try and uphold standards, as we all do. But he reviews too many models and brands to be a gate keeper like you're talking about. His only beef is with certain kinds of resellers. He big ups a lot of consignment shops and eBay resell stores so no way he's against all resellers/reselling.
That being said, people like Nightwing are not gatekeeping. They have their preferences, as well do. And they try and uphold standards, as we all do. But he reviews too many models and brands to be a gate keeper like you're talking about. His only beef is with certain kinds of resellers. He big ups a lot of consignment shops and eBay resell stores so no way he's against all resellers/reselling.
Yes but the difference is that he has a platform. Also, why is he even beefing with resellers? Like nobody likes paying resell but resell culture is what it is-he’s just playing it up for views.

Again, I respect his knowledge but can do without all of his preaching. Also, his content is extremely cringe with all the clips, etc. so it’s hard to take him seriously, even when he is making legitimate points.
I don't mind Nightwing, Bulltrc (he's local and a cool dude), there was one guy on here that was always in the SB threads and he got banned on YT somehow and I liked his vids. If you don't have any age on you I don't wanna hear you talk to me about shoes (for the most part). Why do you think I talk to y'all geezers everyday?
You’ll know when it’s time
1) asks sizing questions
2) informs us of eBay prices and his offers
3) shows us pics to make sure they’re good
4) buyer accepts
5) let’s us know they’ve arrived and shows us more pics to make sure they’re good

I really wonder what his collection is like
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