Jordan Retro Restocks

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wheres that perez kid.. he put his blog on the line guaranteeing the restock while everyone was *****t!ing on him.. guess u NTers have to eat ur words.. that kid has balls
I think he was banned last night. I'll keep my feelings to myself on that one.
Salty about those cords, but on the bright side I can start balling in my  playoffs
wheres that perez kid.. he put his blog on the line guaranteeing the restock while everyone was *****t!ing on him.. guess u NTers have to eat ur words.. that kid has balls

+1... There were a few members in here that was on him hard... That guy came thru and needs to get all the respect from us NT'ers. Putting his reputation blog on the line too... BALLSY!!!!
nobody even wants the breds anymore, fsr, shows how fast the hype train moves 
You also have to consider it's a week day and you would've had to have known about it. That's probably the only reason why it didn't sell it in 30 minutes instead of the hour and 9 minutes it took.

Best believe people want Bred XIs.

And I can't reiterate it enough. As a COMMUNITY, we should create a petition for the FNL issues. There's already a thread about it. I've seen way TOO many complaints this morning.
I just thought of something. Remember a few months ago when FL restocked on the concords and their tweet was in different colors (black, concord, and cool grey) and it hinted on more restock in the week. Although it happen that week, I think this is a part of that. I'm sure they said let's hold back that and hit them with it NOW LATER. I am calling it now. DO NOT BE SURPRISED TO SEE A RESTOCK ON ALL JORDAN XI'S. I think we will see the space jams, concords, cool grey's and breds(which the breds are confirmed) restocks all in the next week. I'm making space in my bank account now because if they do, I will instantly drop $720 plus tax on all 4 just to have multiples for later.
and heres ur post from 3 days ago, u called it!
You mean your credit card accounts or finishline account?
Your finishline account. Here is the text directly from FNL's blog:

I buy from all the time, but can never buy the Jordan releases due to checkout errors. Why? has a fraud protection system that checks to make sure any flagged accounts are not fraudulant purchases. This method can take a few days to complete. Since the Jordans will sell out within a day the system automatically rejects any accounts flagged as potential fraud. We recommend contacting your financial institution to confirm your account information in order to resolve the issue. In the meantime try the eGift card method in our tips above.
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congrats if you got at least one

i've ordered so many releases with FNL never really had a problem... including this one

able to cop the concords & breds in 3min but in 2 separate transactions, coulda cop more but just saved it for others.

I really don't know why quite a few of you are getting errors on checkout though?

 this a crazy restock or what
Sorry I couldn't provide the actual dates because my source didn't know it last week at the time. By time I got the word through text I was knocked out sleep last night. I mentioned last week (check the thread if you doubt me) that FL was releasing all the XI's this week leading up to all start weekend. I'm still waiting on the final word for when the space jams will release. We were thinking one of each pair each day, but FL just changed it and did 3 in one day. Another restock will happen so do not get mad if you missed out today. Friday morning and Saturday morning is what I am hearing. They may throw a curve ball, but be prepared all this week for 8 am releases.
Good looking on the info, now I gotta make sure i'm by computer 8am for the rest of the week lol. Tired of missing out on concords.
People talking about they missed the concord restock when sz 16,17,18 were still available.... Ya'll better than me.
Sorry I couldn't provide the actual dates because my source didn't know it last week at the time. By time I got the word through text I was knocked out sleep last night. I mentioned last week (check the thread if you doubt me) that FL was releasing all the XI's this week leading up to all start weekend. I'm still waiting on the final word for when the space jams will release. We were thinking one of each pair each day, but FL just changed it and did 3 in one day. Another restock will happen so do not get mad if you missed out today. Friday morning and Saturday morning is what I am hearing. They may throw a curve ball, but be prepared all this week for 8 am releases.

Nike has to be making more of all these shoes!

By now a pair of Space Jams that has sat this long would most likely be pretty yellow I would think?

Will the cool grey's be apart of this restock week as well ?
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