Jordan V Laney 2013-Modern Notoriety "Confirmed"

got my guaranteed ticket
 now time to find some 54' flat laces
 not a fan of the oval ones that comes with these
anyone know if they are doing a raffle or guaranteed pair ticket system at HOH valley fair? im in class right now and the launch located doesn't work on my ipad... :rolleyes
Why don't some of you call or go to your local places instead of asking these questions up here? You would get an answer quicker. :smh:
As in every other thread, the next three days 90% of this thread is going to be full of pointless nonsense. Good luck to those who need it.
A lot of times when you call stores during release week, all you get is the busy signal. Which is why I asked here, but of course its a full blown competition on here of who's got the most connects etc. On here now.... -_- but I was able to get a reserved pair on a second shipment. Good luck ppls
Looks like a lot of pairs out there and that's only footlocker. Shouldn't be hard to get a pair for those that want one.
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