Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

5x NBA Champ
3x FInals MVP
2x MVP
15x Allstar selections
8x Defensive 1st team

5x allstar

Just because he plays like Duncan doesn't mean that he is Duncan.

Championships, stats, skill, marketability are all in the formula in what constitutes a superstar. Lamarcus falls short. I am not saying that he isnt a great player and he did some good things in Portland. I have seen many Portland games.  I just think people throw out the superstar moniker out too easily.

The numbers you threw out are what make duncan a Legend not what make him a superstar.

Mcgrady doesnt have half those achievements but ud still consider him a superstar
1.Hm. Not sure why any one would look at Timmays history & think he isnt a superstar, as much as it pains me to say that. He's not in the media as much as some other superstars of his day, but he was in the conversation EVERY year. He's not anywhere near his prime these days, but Tim & Admiral were a force to be reckoned with. Definite NBA superstar. Timmay was DOMINATE back in his ACC days, and I hated him for it. LoL So he was superstar level even before NBA.
If youve watched bball for any long period of time, then no way anyone could deny his greatness & superstar status. He earned that.

2.Many of the big market teams started going with 3 "bigs" as far as superstars. It's definitely nothing new, not at all. Probably would be a lot more of it right now if the NBA wasn't worried teams in smaller markets falling behind. I dont think the NBA is as concerned with happening this anymore though.

3 EVERY Warriors half court possession flows through Draymond. The team feeds off his energy & leadership. They rely on his decision making. I would call that irreplaceable. Even Kerr has said this.

On another note, I was planning to go to the last Warriors home game this week after that loss for 70. Was gonna bust out my 72-10s for the 1st time at the game while celebrating both teams! I swear my plans changed not even a day later, and I'll be on a plane to Hawaii instead on the 13th. Ugh. Not complaining about Hawaii, but I would much rather be at the BIG game. :\
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I'm gonna hedge bet the mess out of tonight's game so if they break the record I'll at least be able to buy a few pairs of Jordans at resell. But I really hope they lose 2 of 3 left at least.
worst case, goes from a LEAGUE record to a TEAM record

not sure how or if it would effect the shoe value ....IMO
worst case, goes from a LEAGUE record to a TEAM record
not sure how or if it would effect the shoe value ....IMO

Every team has an individual record they hold, but 72-10 covers all of basketball
Who else is talked about as a superstar on the Warriors? My definition of a superstar is the player the team builds around and irreplaceable. Draymond Green is NOT I repeat NOT a superstar, he's replaceable and he's not even a star player in my eyes. He's a solid role player that is equivalent to a modern day more consistent Robert Horry.

AND how many splash brothers are there? 2 if there were a third superstar they would be added or given a nickname as well. The splash brothers (Steph & Klay) are the superstars of the Warriors.
Draymond not a superstar??? Comparable to Horry? Ok. And that's when your opinion loses its validity.

He may not do a single thing at an elite level, but he does EVERYTHING at a well above average level. He truly can guard 1-5 for long stretches. He is the key cog to the Warriors' death lineup.
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This thread has gone down hill. Records were made to be broken, that is the nature of sports. The XI 72-10 is a sweet shoe, I was on the fence about it, but I won't a raffle and kept them. Enjoy the kicks and let's not get carried away with which team is better. Game has changed the talent in the league has gone down hill because kids don't refine their games in college.
This is my take on the whole thing.

NBA players today are bigger, stronger, and more athletic than yesteryear. However, the players now do not think of the NBA of how the players used to think of it. The NBA is now seen among todays players as a platform to develop their brand. Ironically Jordan has the best brand recognition because of his play. Players are making a ton of money and don't feel the need to put in the extra mile.

NBA players of previous decades are more developed from a skill standpoint because of the need to put in the extra work. Hard work of this era is different of hard work of the previous era. Guys from the previous era also had a different mentality towards the game. Not only are they 100% about basketball, they were also more aggressive. This aggressiveness translated into rougher basketball. When I think of the 90's I just remember seeing players always try to dunk on someone and go hard for a block. Now 7' footers are content with a layup and if a guy is on his way to the basket he may not go up for it because he "doesn't want to be Instagram" or whatever social media platform.

Tl;DR : Players from the 90's are more skilled, the players today are more athletic.
Repped.  Thank you!!! I've been saying this for years.  I'm 32 so I've seen basketball change ever since I watched in the early 90's.  Yes, the players are a lot more athletic and bigger in today's game.  The biggest difference between today's players and the 90's/early 00's is that back then, players were basketball players that just so happen to be pretty athletic.  Nowadays the game is built on athleticism that the skill and IQ part of the game almost becomes secondary.  Point guards and shooting guards could handle and knock down a mid range jumper on a regular basis.  Bigs had a post game.  Now you have point guards that struggle to knock down a wide open 15 foot jumper but can dunk easily over your center.  You have a center like DeAndre Jordan or even Dwight Howard who can run and jump with the best of them but shoot like a...well no need to go into that, where as in the 90s you had Hakeem, Patrick, the Admiral who could play with there back to the basket as well as face you up and work you.  

I get that comparing is the wrong thing to's better to just appreciate greatness while you witness it.  What makes it difficult is that you have people or maybe a younger generation who didn't see basketball in the 90's or early 00's saying that the Warriors are the best team of all time, Steph might be the GOAT, Kobe is better than Jordan, Leborn is better than Jordan...blah blah blah.  I will say this though...if you take the Warriors and you play them against the Bulls, and I have a million on the line or a gun to my head, I don't know if I can bet against MJ.  Maybe it's me being biased or me being that old guy saying "back in my day..." but I just have a hard time going against a guy that has proven to everyone that he is going to find a way to win.  People forget, once MJ learned how to win, he forgot how to lose (I don't count his Wizard days...those were atrocious)...I thought I was in the 72-10 XI release thread lol..
Draymond not a superstar??? Comparable to Horry? Ok. And that's when your opinion loses its validity.

He may not do a single thing at an elite level, but he does EVERYTHING at a well above average level. He truly can guard 1-5 for long stretches. He is the key cog to the Warriors' death lineup.

It was more Lance being Lance. Why the hell didn't he call a time out?
Dude wasn't getting the call vs any team. Doesn't deserve it for being a dumbass

Eh, if that was Steph or klay they'd be at the free-throw line for the win. Happened too many times for the Warriors this year in these close games.
Bulls were better.

Hopefully they lose in the playoffs and make this meaningless.  73-9 is a guarantee now.
:rofl: People are already saying the 72-10 11's are worthless on Twitter :lol:
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