Jordan XIII Playoffs - February 18, 2023

The jersey correlates with the shoes since it's a 1997-98 jersey. The different variation of that white Bulls jersey I want to get is the 1998 NBA All-Star Game jersey because it was the first time Jordan wore these in a game during that season.
Hear where your coming from but also feel some of us get too caught up in the correct jersey year nonsense.
Got two Ness and will wear them however i want, hell i walk my dog wearing jerseys while in Asics lol. Done with Ness at this point and only want Champion court originals as sometimes the details are off.
The jersey correlates with the shoes since it's a 1997-98 jersey. The different variation of that white Bulls jersey I want to get is the 1998 NBA All-Star Game jersey because it was the first time Jordan wore these in a game during that season.

This is exactly how I remember the shoes.

The All-Star iteration is the perfect correlation but I do appreciate how the regular season jersey is a little more wearable since you can correlate other shoes with it.
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