Jordan XVII Low Lightning - May 30, 2024

The brand sucks for including a briefcase and manufacturing them in a lower quantity to drum up artificial hype for these 22 years later.

I doubt the interest or hype with this re-release would be that high if they were mass produced and available at the traditional retail outlets.
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The brand sucks for including a briefcase and manufacturing them in a lower quantity to drum up artificial hype for these 22 years later.

I doubt the interest or hype with this rerelease wouldn't be that high if they were mass produced and available at the traditional retail outlets.
Thats exactly what they did. Nike reps was at the UPNYC release witnessing all the ******** that happened today. Filming and taking pictures was all the store and Nike was concerned about.
It was a smooth release up until the local resellers piled up at the pickup window and took all the big sizes
Me and my homeboy went to two18 early release this morning, the rules was you not supposed to line up until 10am but nobody ever listens up there so I up at about 6:15-6:20 to get a good parking spot cause parking is horrible… was a couple ppl had chairs there that was camping out overnight not to my surpise, so we get out stand in line at about 7:30 and more ppl got out they cars to claim the chairs. One guy has 5 ppl pull up get in front with you (reseller of course) I wasn’t tripping it’s pairs whatever. Then all the local resellers pull up like 30 minutes to a hour before 10am and just linger around the front of the line so I already knew what the deal was….when it was 10minutes to open they all just crowded the pickup window pushing the guys that camped out out the way and I was about to do the same but I wasn’t even in the mood for all the extras. Anyways they all secured their pairs and the “money sizes” and when it got to me the biggest size they had was a 9 they had to have at least 50-60 pairs maybe a little less. As one guy was buying his pair I over heard there was going to be a shock drop of extra pairs at Burn Rubber which is their other store. We jumped out of line rushed over there and pulled up 3minutes before the drop and was first in line. Ended up securing my pair my size and dipped. If I didn’t over hear that conversation I would’ve been heated from waiting all that time and coming out empty handed



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$600 for my 13…. That’s fine if they don’t get more expensive over time. They can keep em for that. I MIGHT be willing to pay $375 for a ds pair with suitcase…. I’d have to sleep on that.
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