Jose Bautista...

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

My logic is simply impenetrable on this one, it would be silly to assume that it is steroids.
Just because you are uninformed about what makes a duck a duck doesn't make it a duck....uh..yeah.


Looks the same size to me.

I don't buy the steroids, not enough evidence.


Actually no evidence really.
thats where your theory is flawed.

Juicing doesnt necessarily make an athlete bigger , it helps you at whatever you train for. Track & Field sprinters use PEDs and they dont do it to get bigger, they do it to get faster.

if a hitter with Warning trrack power juiced, it turns those Fly balls into Homer runs and wall shots.

btw, you're  looking in the wrong spot, an athletes base is his legs, and if he would want to make himself stronger and increase speed and endurance  the biggest change would be his mid  area and lower half

I understand this, I was just using other peoples logic against them, posting before anf after pictures seems to be an unreliable measure of PED use and it seems you agree with me.

My point is PED's can't make garbage great...
on both points, yes.

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

My logic is simply impenetrable on this one, it would be silly to assume that it is steroids.
Just because you are uninformed about what makes a duck a duck doesn't make it a duck....uh..yeah.


Looks the same size to me.

I don't buy the steroids, not enough evidence.


Actually no evidence really.
thats where your theory is flawed.

Juicing doesnt necessarily make an athlete bigger , it helps you at whatever you train for. Track & Field sprinters use PEDs and they dont do it to get bigger, they do it to get faster.

if a hitter with Warning trrack power juiced, it turns those Fly balls into Homer runs and wall shots.

btw, you're  looking in the wrong spot, an athletes base is his legs, and if he would want to make himself stronger and increase speed and endurance  the biggest change would be his mid  area and lower half

I understand this, I was just using other peoples logic against them, posting before anf after pictures seems to be an unreliable measure of PED use and it seems you agree with me.

My point is PED's can't make garbage great...
on both points, yes.

Originally Posted by franchise3

My dude Osh, won
Osh is a smart dude so he sounds always convincing.  Doesn't mean he's right.  He can quote a study from whoever and whatever he likes claiming that steroids don't help guys and you and I know that simply isn't true.  Why were 95% of the guys taking it if there was no advantage? The guy is quoting some scientist who claims upper body strength has no benefit in hitting a baseball...Does anyone in their right mind believe that?
Sure hitting comes from your core mostly, but it doesn't hurt to have loads of upper body strength than can turn warning track shots to 450 feet bombs.  But as I've said I've seen Mike Piazza hit a one hand off balance home run on multiple occasions.  If you watched during this era dudes were muscling it out of the ball park.  If you watched an ounce f baseball in this era, it is obvious steroids had a huge impact on the game, I don't need scientific evidence to tell me that.  While I'm not sure Osh realizes this, sports are played in on a field, not in a computer lab.

[table][tr][th=""]Rank[/th][th=""]Player (age that year)[/th][th=""]Home Runs[/th][th=""]Year[/th][th=""]Bats[/th][th=""]HR Log[/th][/tr][tr][td]1.[/td][td]Barry Bonds (36)[/td][td]73[/td][td]2001[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]2.[/td][td]Mark McGwire (34)[/td][td]70[/td][td]1998[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]3.[/td][td]Sammy Sosa (29)[/td][td]66[/td][td]1998[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]4.[/td][td]Mark McGwire (35)[/td][td]65[/td][td]1999[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]5.[/td][td]Sammy Sosa (32)[/td][td]64[/td][td]2001[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]6.[/td][td]Sammy Sosa (30)[/td][td]63[/td][td]1999[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]7.[/td][td]Roger Maris (26)[/td][td]61[/td][td]1961[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]8.[/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (32)[/td][td]60[/td][td]1927[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]9.[/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (26)[/td][td]59[/td][td]1921[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]10.[/td][td]Jimmie Foxx+ (24)[/td][td]58[/td][td]1932[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Hank Greenberg+ (27)[/td][td]58[/td][td]1938[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ryan Howard (26)[/td][td]58[/td][td]2006[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mark McGwire (33)[/td][td]58[/td][td]1997[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]14.[/td][td]Luis Gonzalez (33)[/td][td]57[/td][td]2001[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Alex Rodriguez (26)[/td][td]57[/td][td]2002[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]16.[/td][td]Ken Griffey (27)[/td][td]56[/td][td]1997[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ken Griffey (28)[/td][td]56[/td][td]1998[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Hack Wilson+ (30)[/td][td]56[/td][td]1930[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]19.[/td][td]Jose Bautista (29)[/td][td]54[/td][td]2010[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ralph Kiner+ (26)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1949[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mickey Mantle+ (29)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1961[/td][td]B[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]David Ortiz (30)[/td][td]54[/td][td]2006[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Alex Rodriguez (31)[/td][td]54[/td][td]2007[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (25)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1920[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (33)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1928[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]26.[/td][td]George Foster (28)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1977[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mickey Mantle+ (24)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1956[/td][td]B[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Willie Mays+ (34)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1965[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mark McGwire (32)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1996[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Alex Rodriguez (25)[/td][td]52[/td][td]2001[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Jim Thome (31)[/td][td]52[/td][td]2002[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]32.[/td][td]Cecil Fielder (26)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1990[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Andruw Jones (28)[/td][td]51[/td][td]2005[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ralph Kiner+ (24)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1947[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Willie Mays+ (24)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1955[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Johnny Mize+ (34)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1947[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]37.[/td][td]Brady Anderson (32)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1996[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Albert Belle (28)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1995[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Prince Fielder (23)[/td][td]50[/td][td]2007[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Jimmie Foxx+ (30)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1938[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Sammy Sosa (31)[/td][td]50[/td][td]2000[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Greg Vaughn (32)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1998[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][/table]
Maybe homeruns didn't increase overall but guys hitting a lot of them sure did
.  I'm sure steroids didn't help Brady Anderson, Greg Vaughn, A-Rod, Luis Gonzales, Sammy, Mark or Barry.

And your right Barry Bonds was great.  But guys don't wake up in the eve of their career and turn into home run monsters something Barry never was. If Barry had solid contact with the ball, it was going out of the park.  Period.  So how does one explain that happening at 38 and than say Steroids have no proven benefit, when basically all the guys who have actually opened up about taking it have admitted it made them better.  Clemens doesn't have some of the best year's of his career at 41 without the Stuff.  Jose Canseco, a guy who obviously knows a lot about it since he was huge in ushering in the era of gaudy numbers, claimed he saw marked improvements in the quickness of his hand-eye coordination, something that def. would benefit you a lot.  I'll trust the guys who have actually taken the +!$@, and reaped its success over the nerd in the science lab who hasn't touched a bat in his life.

There's lots of professional studies that are BS.  There are people that believe steroids have no long-term health affects? Do y'all wanna take them and find out? Doubt it...There was just a study that came out where a scientist claimed sugar was poision
, unlike y'all yokels a single study doesn't impress me.

And Matt Stairs, the guy you know so well lost 40 pounds in the offseason of '07, I'm sure that was through his non-workout plan though.
  And I'm sure it is just a coincidence that Stairs had his breakout years in Oakland, on a team full of known juicers.

And your right, there are lots of presidents for break out seasons.  But Baustista isn't a breakout, the guy has his 63 home runs in the past calender year that is an evolution and the only time we've see guys put up those numbers in the past 50 years have been guys who were known juicers.  If you take roids and swing for homeruns like Sammy and McGwire and Gonzo did, you'll have some success.
Originally Posted by franchise3

My dude Osh, won
Osh is a smart dude so he sounds always convincing.  Doesn't mean he's right.  He can quote a study from whoever and whatever he likes claiming that steroids don't help guys and you and I know that simply isn't true.  Why were 95% of the guys taking it if there was no advantage? The guy is quoting some scientist who claims upper body strength has no benefit in hitting a baseball...Does anyone in their right mind believe that?
Sure hitting comes from your core mostly, but it doesn't hurt to have loads of upper body strength than can turn warning track shots to 450 feet bombs.  But as I've said I've seen Mike Piazza hit a one hand off balance home run on multiple occasions.  If you watched during this era dudes were muscling it out of the ball park.  If you watched an ounce f baseball in this era, it is obvious steroids had a huge impact on the game, I don't need scientific evidence to tell me that.  While I'm not sure Osh realizes this, sports are played in on a field, not in a computer lab.

[table][tr][th=""]Rank[/th][th=""]Player (age that year)[/th][th=""]Home Runs[/th][th=""]Year[/th][th=""]Bats[/th][th=""]HR Log[/th][/tr][tr][td]1.[/td][td]Barry Bonds (36)[/td][td]73[/td][td]2001[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]2.[/td][td]Mark McGwire (34)[/td][td]70[/td][td]1998[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]3.[/td][td]Sammy Sosa (29)[/td][td]66[/td][td]1998[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]4.[/td][td]Mark McGwire (35)[/td][td]65[/td][td]1999[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]5.[/td][td]Sammy Sosa (32)[/td][td]64[/td][td]2001[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]6.[/td][td]Sammy Sosa (30)[/td][td]63[/td][td]1999[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]7.[/td][td]Roger Maris (26)[/td][td]61[/td][td]1961[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]8.[/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (32)[/td][td]60[/td][td]1927[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]9.[/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (26)[/td][td]59[/td][td]1921[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]10.[/td][td]Jimmie Foxx+ (24)[/td][td]58[/td][td]1932[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Hank Greenberg+ (27)[/td][td]58[/td][td]1938[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ryan Howard (26)[/td][td]58[/td][td]2006[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mark McGwire (33)[/td][td]58[/td][td]1997[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]14.[/td][td]Luis Gonzalez (33)[/td][td]57[/td][td]2001[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Alex Rodriguez (26)[/td][td]57[/td][td]2002[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]16.[/td][td]Ken Griffey (27)[/td][td]56[/td][td]1997[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ken Griffey (28)[/td][td]56[/td][td]1998[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Hack Wilson+ (30)[/td][td]56[/td][td]1930[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]19.[/td][td]Jose Bautista (29)[/td][td]54[/td][td]2010[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ralph Kiner+ (26)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1949[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mickey Mantle+ (29)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1961[/td][td]B[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]David Ortiz (30)[/td][td]54[/td][td]2006[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Alex Rodriguez (31)[/td][td]54[/td][td]2007[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (25)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1920[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Babe Ruth+ (33)[/td][td]54[/td][td]1928[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]26.[/td][td]George Foster (28)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1977[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mickey Mantle+ (24)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1956[/td][td]B[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Willie Mays+ (34)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1965[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Mark McGwire (32)[/td][td]52[/td][td]1996[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Alex Rodriguez (25)[/td][td]52[/td][td]2001[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Jim Thome (31)[/td][td]52[/td][td]2002[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]32.[/td][td]Cecil Fielder (26)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1990[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Andruw Jones (28)[/td][td]51[/td][td]2005[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Ralph Kiner+ (24)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1947[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Willie Mays+ (24)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1955[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Johnny Mize+ (34)[/td][td]51[/td][td]1947[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td]37.[/td][td]Brady Anderson (32)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1996[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Albert Belle (28)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1995[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Prince Fielder (23)[/td][td]50[/td][td]2007[/td][td]L[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Jimmie Foxx+ (30)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1938[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Sammy Sosa (31)[/td][td]50[/td][td]2000[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]Greg Vaughn (32)[/td][td]50[/td][td]1998[/td][td]R[/td][td]HR Log[/td][/tr][/table]
Maybe homeruns didn't increase overall but guys hitting a lot of them sure did
.  I'm sure steroids didn't help Brady Anderson, Greg Vaughn, A-Rod, Luis Gonzales, Sammy, Mark or Barry.

And your right Barry Bonds was great.  But guys don't wake up in the eve of their career and turn into home run monsters something Barry never was. If Barry had solid contact with the ball, it was going out of the park.  Period.  So how does one explain that happening at 38 and than say Steroids have no proven benefit, when basically all the guys who have actually opened up about taking it have admitted it made them better.  Clemens doesn't have some of the best year's of his career at 41 without the Stuff.  Jose Canseco, a guy who obviously knows a lot about it since he was huge in ushering in the era of gaudy numbers, claimed he saw marked improvements in the quickness of his hand-eye coordination, something that def. would benefit you a lot.  I'll trust the guys who have actually taken the +!$@, and reaped its success over the nerd in the science lab who hasn't touched a bat in his life.

There's lots of professional studies that are BS.  There are people that believe steroids have no long-term health affects? Do y'all wanna take them and find out? Doubt it...There was just a study that came out where a scientist claimed sugar was poision
, unlike y'all yokels a single study doesn't impress me.

And Matt Stairs, the guy you know so well lost 40 pounds in the offseason of '07, I'm sure that was through his non-workout plan though.
  And I'm sure it is just a coincidence that Stairs had his breakout years in Oakland, on a team full of known juicers.

And your right, there are lots of presidents for break out seasons.  But Baustista isn't a breakout, the guy has his 63 home runs in the past calender year that is an evolution and the only time we've see guys put up those numbers in the past 50 years have been guys who were known juicers.  If you take roids and swing for homeruns like Sammy and McGwire and Gonzo did, you'll have some success.
All I know is, wouldn't Bautista be the FIRST dude to get random testing done on him?

But yet, not a peep about him using anything.
All I know is, wouldn't Bautista be the FIRST dude to get random testing done on him?

But yet, not a peep about him using anything.
Originally Posted by franchise3

All I know is, wouldn't Bautista be the FIRST dude to get random testing done on him?

But yet, not a peep about him using anything.
You act like there haven't been PED's that flew under the radar.
Originally Posted by franchise3

All I know is, wouldn't Bautista be the FIRST dude to get random testing done on him?

But yet, not a peep about him using anything.
You act like there haven't been PED's that flew under the radar.
So with more testing, emphasis, and scrutiny, Jose Bautista out of all people chooses to stick out like a sore thumb.

That and his league leading .368 average while striking out a lot less, and walking more.

He was on PED's last year, and looking at his numbers this year, definitely on PED's this year! Ok.
So with more testing, emphasis, and scrutiny, Jose Bautista out of all people chooses to stick out like a sore thumb.

That and his league leading .368 average while striking out a lot less, and walking more.

He was on PED's last year, and looking at his numbers this year, definitely on PED's this year! Ok.
Franchise, don't forget that PED's also make you develop a better eye at the plate too.  And I wasn't saying ONLY the uppercut tick in his swing helped him.

Osh, don't forget Roger Maris either...
Franchise, don't forget that PED's also make you develop a better eye at the plate too.  And I wasn't saying ONLY the uppercut tick in his swing helped him.

Osh, don't forget Roger Maris either...
I'm shocked at AMP's argument
you really went out there man, it just sounds like you don't or never will believe anyone can cleanly do something in MLB.

Bautista didn't just come out of nowhere, he bounced around from a few teams in 04 and had only THREE full season in Pittsburgh. It's not like he's a player with a ton of years experience. Dwayne Murphy and Cito Gaston began working and tinkering with his swing in 2008 and it led to a breakout in September of 2009.

Look at the steroid era, the averages around the league were through the roof. So you mean that you really believe that Bautista is the one player who has found the magical substance that no one else has? I doubt that. It's easy nowadays to jump out and say "100% certain he's a user" before than looking at the whole argument.
I'm shocked at AMP's argument
you really went out there man, it just sounds like you don't or never will believe anyone can cleanly do something in MLB.

Bautista didn't just come out of nowhere, he bounced around from a few teams in 04 and had only THREE full season in Pittsburgh. It's not like he's a player with a ton of years experience. Dwayne Murphy and Cito Gaston began working and tinkering with his swing in 2008 and it led to a breakout in September of 2009.

Look at the steroid era, the averages around the league were through the roof. So you mean that you really believe that Bautista is the one player who has found the magical substance that no one else has? I doubt that. It's easy nowadays to jump out and say "100% certain he's a user" before than looking at the whole argument.
I tend to think more in line with AMP on the subject of PEDs, however with Bautista Im definitely not convinced he is using something like I was with plenty of other guys. That said if I'm found intellectually lazy with any of this then I would like to amend my opinion until I'm not
I tend to think more in line with AMP on the subject of PEDs, however with Bautista Im definitely not convinced he is using something like I was with plenty of other guys. That said if I'm found intellectually lazy with any of this then I would like to amend my opinion until I'm not
I dont know how anyone can think he absolutely is or isnt on them.  Its narrow-minded to be fully on one side of the fence with this one.

I wont say I think hes cheating, but with what we now know Im skeptical.
I dont know how anyone can think he absolutely is or isnt on them.  Its narrow-minded to be fully on one side of the fence with this one.

I wont say I think hes cheating, but with what we now know Im skeptical.
Originally Posted by Proshares

I'm shocked at AMP's argument
you really went out there man, it just sounds like you don't or never will believe anyone can cleanly do something in MLB.

Bautista didn't just come out of nowhere, he bounced around from a few teams in 04 and had only THREE full season in Pittsburgh. It's not like he's a player with a ton of years experience. Dwayne Murphy and Cito Gaston began working and tinkering with his swing in 2008 and it led to a breakout in September of 2009.

Look at the steroid era, the averages around the league were through the roof. So you mean that you really believe that Bautista is the one player who has found the magical substance that no one else has? I doubt that. It's easy nowadays to jump out and say "100% certain he's a user" before than looking at the whole argument.
I still love baseball but to me after the era we went through if someone puts up gaudy numbers I don't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore unless they fit a certain type of physical build that I see conducive to power numbers or have consistently produced for a long time.  I just posted an article on how testing is still lackluster, the chances of you getting caught juicing up during the off-season are so minimal its a smart risk for a lot of guys still. If Baustista was on pace to hit 40 home runs would it be different? Sure, I could believe it.

But this guys is headed toward one of the GREATEST SEASONS OF ALL-TIME and I'm getting called out for being suspicious? How is this not out of nowhere, dude played 3 full seasons last and was like a .235 hitter...Those type of guys usually don't go on to become the best player in the game through some adjustments in their swing. And I'm really the only one in here who doesn't believe it?
Originally Posted by Proshares

I'm shocked at AMP's argument
you really went out there man, it just sounds like you don't or never will believe anyone can cleanly do something in MLB.

Bautista didn't just come out of nowhere, he bounced around from a few teams in 04 and had only THREE full season in Pittsburgh. It's not like he's a player with a ton of years experience. Dwayne Murphy and Cito Gaston began working and tinkering with his swing in 2008 and it led to a breakout in September of 2009.

Look at the steroid era, the averages around the league were through the roof. So you mean that you really believe that Bautista is the one player who has found the magical substance that no one else has? I doubt that. It's easy nowadays to jump out and say "100% certain he's a user" before than looking at the whole argument.
I still love baseball but to me after the era we went through if someone puts up gaudy numbers I don't give them the benefit of the doubt anymore unless they fit a certain type of physical build that I see conducive to power numbers or have consistently produced for a long time.  I just posted an article on how testing is still lackluster, the chances of you getting caught juicing up during the off-season are so minimal its a smart risk for a lot of guys still. If Baustista was on pace to hit 40 home runs would it be different? Sure, I could believe it.

But this guys is headed toward one of the GREATEST SEASONS OF ALL-TIME and I'm getting called out for being suspicious? How is this not out of nowhere, dude played 3 full seasons last and was like a .235 hitter...Those type of guys usually don't go on to become the best player in the game through some adjustments in their swing. And I'm really the only one in here who doesn't believe it?
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Osh's narcissism puts mine to shame.

I'm of the opinion that everybody acts like this on the internet, I just make no attempt to hide it.
Any position I feel strongly enough to take, I operate from a position of righteousness, that is to say, not only am I correct but all who disagree with me are sinful and their only hope for salvation is to accept me as there lord a savoir.

But seriously I'm done with topic, no point arguing when you refuse to question common knowledge beliefs you hold so dear.
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