Josh Smith nearly killed Steve Nash.

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by you big dummy

look at the light shining in nash almost died angels was coming to get him! i think j rich stoped them
that wasnt a charge, because nash was already in processs of falling before josh hit him, thats why ITS BLOCKING FOUL
wow this always happes to Nash, first Ricky Davis, then Kobe, and now josh smith, dude just loves getting t bagged
nah nash was set before josh took off but he was in the restricted area ...dude was backpedaling
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Nash took a charge same basket as JSmooth did when Amare poked on him

Amare's > Josh Smith's

That was a charge by the way
Perhaps the overall saltiest reply in here, an absolute refusal to acknowledge that anything even mildly impressive happened. Touche sir....touche.
Originally Posted by Roscoe P Wallace

Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Nash took a charge same basket as JSmooth did when Amare poked on him

Amare's > Josh Smith's

That was a charge by the way
Perhaps the overall saltiest reply in here, an absolute refusal to acknowledge that anything even mildly impressive happened. Touche sir.... touche.
I peeped that, son really felt some type of way. We know Amare got him but this thread is for THIS year, and THIS particular play. Notsomething that happened 2 seasons ago.
that's what he gets for dishonorably trying to take a charge
make your father proud and play defense like a man.
that was a charge. he wasnt in the inner circle and was feet planted 1 second before getting facialed. man i feel bad for nash. i mean, they got to make ittougher for people to dunk cause it seems like its a automatic score at that point. smh. next time nash.
it's just sad that nash is smart on the offensive end, but incredibly retarted on the defensive end. yes that was a charge, but dude should know betterafter kobe made love to his face in 05.
We could start a graveyard with the last couple of weeks. Here lies J O'neil, here lies Steve Nash.
Sacrifice the body...that was good defense. I don't see why people are *****ing here. Nash knew he wouldn't be able to block him. So his next bestoption was get back quick enough and take the charge. Do any of you people even saying this was a dumb move on Nash's part even basketball?
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