Junior seau involved in shooting

I think dudes should wait before we automatically chalk this up to "he had concussions which led to him shooting himself".
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Only way you can make the head hunting "safer" is to just ditch helmets period.
it's a proposed solution in the NHL as well. not just helmets...but pads in general. make them smaller and make players feel less invincible so they're not launching themselves and recklessly tackling. obviously it would have HUGE effects on the way the game is played. could lead to more injuries for a while though, as players won't be able to change their style of play just like that.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by CP1708

The NFL and the growing concussion case against it is going to REALLY get hot soon. 

Shot to the chest, same as Dave Duerson, to preserve the brain for study. 

This is !*@@$# up man. 
I definitely agree. To an extent, it's only going to get worse. More players will start thinking, damn, all this trauma I've been getting over the years, it's too much.

I'm not saying that a lot of them don't experience this, but now that it's becoming more prevalent, it's only going to exponentiate what's going on in their heads.

This might be the case that just pushes it over the edge and we get a full-blown investigation and maybe rule-changes.

Not just about rule changes, this is what can take down the NFL for good someday.  Seriously. 

Not saying this year, or next or anything, but as this type stuff adds up, there will come a day the NFL could get closed down as we know it.  Sounds crazy, I know, but think ahead.......

Not that I don't sympathize with some of your points but no way any of that will happen............no way.

R.I.P to Junior..dude was one of the best linebackers in the history of the game and growing up I always wanted a Junior Seau Chargers jersey. I didnt even know he was playing for the Pats until I heard his name called during the 2008 Super Bowl. 

Side note: this is the 9th death from the 1994 Chargers squad 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Or maybe just get rid of helmets. I wonder what the data is regarding rugby players and concussions and their lives after the game.
Interesting point, but the games are "different" aren't they?  Imagine being on the goalline, 20 something guys with no helmets diving into a pile?  I don't know Rugby inside and out, but it's more of an open field type environment, yes?  Still physical, lot of contact of course, but 2 lines 8 inches away, lined up 80 plays a game?  Make the game 7 on 7 with no lines?  

You guys may not believe it, but NFL as we know it, is going to get tossed at some point.  The more cases like this come up, the more they going to get pointed at.  They can be brought down.  Maybe it takes a decade, or 15 years, whatever, but it CAN happen. 
I have no idea if the situation is similar, but didn't boxing go through a similar phase?
Originally Posted by CP1708

You guys may not believe it, but NFL as we know it, is going to get tossed at some point.  
Dude, calm down. There's too much money involved for all of that. You don't see wrestling threatened by these incidents. MMA is as popular as ever. Money always talks and the NFL is almost bigger than life itself.
Holy +%$%. Thats crazy smh.

IMO, football needs better cushioning around the head man. The cushion inside helments suck
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Not that I don't sympathize with some of your points but no way any of that will happen............no way.

Got your head in the sand man.  Look around, it's already happening.  The case against the NFL grows daily, but it's going to be a LOOOOOONG process.  About a billion trees worth of paperwork/lawyer crap to sift through.  But you're blind if you think the NFL gon be just the same in 2035 as it is today. 

NFL is powerful, and rich, and certainly lawyered up, but it can't survive spending millions and millions and millions in court, AND insuring/protecting players as well.  Everything is about to change, soon.  And you have already seen just the start of it.  In a couple years we may see QB's in red jersey's in GAMES.  They might take away Kickoffs.  You can't stand over the center on PAT's/or Punts now.  Look around dude, it's coming. 

Reports are saying Seau wanted his brain donated to NFL research once he passed. It was also said that He wanted to prove he had some sort of Mental Illness due to the issues with his brain.
There's only so much you can do with padding in the helmet or uniform technology. Guys are FAR MORE athletic (bigger, more powerful) than they ever were. Not to mention the NFL turns a blind eye to HGH usage.

Again, it's at the point where the NFL is going to have incoming players sign waivers in their contracts saying they will not sue the NFL if they become seriously injured.
Originally Posted by AJ from 106 and Park

Originally Posted by CP1708

You guys may not believe it, but NFL as we know it, is going to get tossed at some point.  
Dude, calm down. There's too much money involved for all of that. You don't see wrestling threatened by these incidents. MMA is as popular as ever. Money always talks and the NFL is almost bigger than life itself.

How many wrestlers are we talkin?  100?  500?  1000? 

There are THOUSANDS of former NFL players.  And we pipeline in 250-300 more every single year.  5 years from now the NFL will have another 1200-1500 players join its league. 
500 guys make a case vs Wrestling, not much gets heard/done.  5,000 guys make a case vs the NFL, bigger exposure, bigger case. 

Like I said, not tomorrow.  Not 2015.  But 2025?  2030?  Not that far off, ya know? 

I don't want this to sound poorly, I apologize to anyone that takes offense.  Dave Duerson dies, many don't know him, it doesn't register to them.  Junior Seau now dies, everyone hears that.  THAT will make a lasting impact on people.  The more high profile, the worse it gets for the NFL.  Look at Twitter right now, everyone is talking about the league, brain, concussion, depression, my facebook is going crazy over it.  Same as this discussion we're having right now.  And it will only get worse as more guys take their own lives. 

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by AJ from 106 and Park

Originally Posted by CP1708

You guys may not believe it, but NFL as we know it, is going to get tossed at some point.  
Dude, calm down. There's too much money involved for all of that. You don't see wrestling threatened by these incidents. MMA is as popular as ever. Money always talks and the NFL is almost bigger than life itself.

How many wrestlers are we talkin?  100?  500?  1000? 

There are THOUSANDS of former NFL players.  And we pipeline in 250-300 more every single year.  5 years from now the NFL will have another 1200-1500 players join its league. 
500 guys make a case vs Wrestling, not much gets heard/done.  5,000 guys make a case vs the NFL, bigger exposure, bigger case. 

Like I said, not tomorrow.  Not 2015.  But 2025?  2030?  Not that far off, ya know? 

I don't want this to sound poorly, I apologize to anyone that takes offense.  Dave Duerson dies, many don't know him, it doesn't register to them.  Junior Seau now dies, everyone hears that.  THAT will make a lasting impact on people.  The more high profile, the worse it gets for the NFL.  Look at Twitter right now, everyone is talking about the league, brain, concussion, depression, my facebook is going crazy over it.  Same as this discussion we're having right now.  And it will only get worse as more guys take their own lives. 


Agree completely
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

@ listening to Junior Seau's mother, had me on the verge of tears.

Tears were shed, so sad man. Just the fact his mom was rambling on not knowing where her talk was going, but you can see every few moments she realized her son was gone. One of the sadder things i've seen on ESPN by far...RIP Junior the great...
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