Just curious why teamtaliban got banned and thread closed...

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Where did I make excuses for the Taliban? Where did OP make excuses for the Taliban? Quote it. Let's see it.

And again, what's the point of this thread if you're not gonna take a hard stance? is more research going to change what we do know, and is truth? not likely. So a bit more light is shed on the taliban, it again does not change anything, and it does not appear that you "proponents" want it changed. I hesitate to call you proponents because i don't even know what you are right now.
apathetic attitudes like yours is what keeps this world the same, and perpetuated the ignorance that was seen in the previous thread and onceagain in this thread....

i suppose if i posted some big booty poppin' videos from youtube, this thread would be 5 pages by now.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Where did I make excuses for the Taliban? Where did OP make excuses for the Taliban? Quote it. Let's see it.
A friend of mine linked me to the thread and I found it interesting that people thought Taliban were 'bad' people or however you look at it...don't get me wrong I wasn't surprised by the ignorance,
Man please, you know exactly what the OP was trying to state with the way he opened up this thread. And here you are trying to pretend it'sanything other than the equivalent of "Aw c'mon you guys, the Taliban are really just a bunch of misunderstood individuals." Stop trying to pullthe burqa over people's heads.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Where did I make excuses for the Taliban? Where did OP make excuses for the Taliban? Quote it. Let's see it.

And again, what's the point of this thread if you're not gonna take a hard stance? is more research going to change what we do know, and is truth? not likely. So a bit more light is shed on the taliban, it again does not change anything, and it does not appear that you "proponents" want it changed. I hesitate to call you proponents because i don't even know what you are right now.
Absolutely more research is going to change what we know.

I know a lot about the Taliban. Does that mean I am pro-Taliban? Absolutely not. But I can understand why and how they came to power. I understand wherethey got their funding. And I also understand where they have went wrong in their understanding of Islam, which gives me a stronger position when people feelthe need to associate the 2.

In my opinion, this isn't just about the Taliban. It's about being swept up in whatever the media demonizes.

First it was Black people, then it was the Russians/Communism, and now it's different factions and institutions in the Middle East. Keep yourself from the"us" vs. "them" mentality by doing your research, and realizing that people aren't innately evil; but rather, there is another side tothe story. I'm not saying you do specifically, I'm saying in general.
I, in no way, support the Taliban. They were an oppressive regime in Afghanistan. However, a lot of this has to do with U.S. foreign policies which is based onrealpolitik, hypocrisy, power, greed, and interests which is completely overlooked by the Western media.

When you have Western powers, and the most government like the U.S. that call out terrorism on others, but then they are responsible for committing the biggestatrocities around the world, they have no place to be policing the world and going out to eradicate "terrorism" when they embody that themselves.

The policies of U.S. governments in Afghanistan in the past 2 decades and more ago helped to create both Osama bin Laden and the fundamentalist Taliban regimethat supported him.
The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban when they being created and pursuing power in Afghanistan, and it willfully chose to back their rise to powerin the mid-1990s (they attained power in 1996). In fact, the creation of the Taliban was actively encouraged by the ISI (Pakistani intelligence) and the CIA,as well as other Western intelligence agencies.

The U.S. only went after the Taliban when the Taliban eradicated the drug opium trade in Afghanistan. This whole invasion in Afghanistan has only to do withthe oil pipinelines, and to ensure the control of the production of the drug trade in that region.

My point about all this is that the U.S. and other powerful Western governments do acts of terrorism and manufacture terrorist policies themselves, and theyeven support or ally themselves with terrorist groups and dictatorship regimes that are in line with their interests. That is what wrong with this wholepicture. Yet most people choose to only see one side of the story.
I can understand all that, and i will read ya'lls posts, it's always interesting to hear firsthand accounts (if true). but using an example: Man'swife in need of healthcare, can't afford it, takes loan. Now he's in deeper trouble, can't pay back, bank takes everything away from him, cuts offhelp to wife. He tries to rob the bank, but kills several people in the process, are you still sympathetic to that man's plight?
Can't we all agree that no entity is black or white. Taliban probably had good intentions but executed them horribly.

I mean, anyone that forbids employment, education and sports for women, movies, television, videos, music, dancing, hanging pictures in homes, clapping during sports events, kite flying, and beard trimming, anything made from human hair, satellite dishes, cinematography, and equipment that produces the joy of music, pool tables, chess, masks, tapes, computers, VCRs, television, nail polish, firecrackers, statues,sewing catalogs, pictures, Christmas cards can't be all that great, right?

And stating that Afghan citizens want the Taliban back rather than U.S., isn't that a case of choosing the lesser of two evils?
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

I can understand all that, and i will read ya'lls posts, it's always interesting to hear firsthand accounts (if true). but using an example: Man's wife in need of healthcare, can't afford it, takes loan. Now he's in deeper trouble, can't pay back, bank takes everything away from him, cuts off help to wife. He tries to rob the bank, but kills several people in the process, are you still sympathetic to that man's plight?
That's a really good example because, the back story strongly changes your perception of what happened.

"MAN ROBS BANK, KILLS 10" and your example are going to strike different nerves in your opinion of the man no matter who you are. Yes, what the mandid was wrong, but the back story humanizes him. It keeps us from making quick stern judgments and making false claims of evil and stereotyping. You can beta lot of people would associate race into the matter, whether he was black, hispanic, or whatever.

By humanizing him, we can understand why he did what he did, and I think that's extremely important.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Where did I make excuses for the Taliban? Where did OP make excuses for the Taliban? Quote it. Let's see it.
A friend of mine linked me to the thread and I found it interesting that people thought Taliban were 'bad' people or however you look at it...don't get me wrong I wasn't surprised by the ignorance,
Man please, you know exactly what the OP was trying to state with the way he opened up this thread. And here you are trying to pretend it's anything other than the equivalent of "Aw c'mon you guys, the Taliban are really just a bunch of misunderstood individuals." Stop trying to pull the burqa over people's heads.

As I previously stated, I, in no way support the Taliban. However, it is very hypocritical of the U.S. government to be turning on them just inorder to pursue their own interests and the U.S. former backing of the Taliban should not be overlooked.

The main goal of the U.S. government's current rhetoric about the repressive and oppressive nature of the Taliban, and the U.S. intervention was that itwas not motivated by concern for democracy, human rights, or even 9/11. This had all to do with the selfish colonial expansion of the U.S. in that region andfor the narrow economic and politics interests of the U.S. government and elite. It has aided and even supported the Taliban when it served their needs even ifit would have been just for a temporary advantage. So, the U.S. government launched a war against its former allies only to serve its selfish interests andbased on a strategic calculation that the Taliban would not be able to serve its strategic interests in that region. However, this will only backfire like italways does.

Do you know what government is in power at the moment in Afghanistan? The U.S. government and the coalition groups put in place a corrupted drug warlord regimein that country which is plundering the country and no better than what the Taliban was. Do you think there is any security over there now? Of course not, itis just as worst. Afghanistan is a narco state entrenched and corruption and patronage, with tribal wars and coalition troops fighting on its soil too, withhope withering away and barely a chance for it become stable anytime soon.

People will dog on the Taliban, but yet choose to support the U.S. government sending troops to kill of hundred of thousands of civilians in the country, aswell as its torture of innocent detainees and prisoners of war, and support the drug corrupted warlord regime it put in place. Hypocrisy.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Where did I make excuses for the Taliban? Where did OP make excuses for the Taliban? Quote it. Let's see it.
A friend of mine linked me to the thread and I found it interesting that people thought Taliban were 'bad' people or however you look at it...don't get me wrong I wasn't surprised by the ignorance,
Man please, you know exactly what the OP was trying to state with the way he opened up this thread. And here you are trying to pretend it's anything other than the equivalent of "Aw c'mon you guys, the Taliban are really just a bunch of misunderstood individuals." Stop trying to pull the burqa over people's heads.

Yeah that is what I'm saying. C'mon NT, the Taliban are just a bunch of good dudes.

Read my other posts please, and do your best to comprehend them. Print them out and take notes if you have to.
The best part of this thread is that I've heard White Nationalist say basically the same thing

"The media makes us look evil."
"People don't understand what our organization is about."
"Blah blah blah more propaganda bs."

And what does the U.S. government have to do with any of this? I hate those douchebags as well, but I can hate the Taliban without them involved in any way,shape, or form. Some of y'all just need to realize that your just as biased as the people you call ignorant and close minded. Different opinionsdoesn't mean wrong most of the time.
Disdain for taliban tactics does not equate to full support of the US Gov't. I think ninong put it best though, no organization is black or white, stilldoes not absolve either side of anything.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Disdain for taliban tactics does not equate to full support of the US Gov't. I think ninong put it best though, no organization is black or white, still does not absolve either side of anything.
I agree with that. I was just speaking in general. Just like me being against certain foreign policies of the American government, does not mean Iapprove of Taliban tactics. It is never so black and white.
Me being a former marine who did 1 tour in Iraq . There weren't too many people running to help out with Taliban whereabouts. In afganistan the Taliban areusually helping against the corrupt politican and policemen.

Al queda started as a CIA operative and grew latlrge enough that they didn't need US backing anymore. Once you cross the US, they'll smear so muchpropaganda against you , that your own family might turn against you.

Remember this is the Same govt that gave native Americans small pox... Syphillis to black people.... Justified the slave trade . Seperate state and church buthas in god we trust Our most valuable asset..

I love America but I'm not in love with it
Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
People will dog on the Taliban, but yet choose to support the U.S. government sending troops to kill of hundred of thousands of civilians in the country, as well as its torture of innocent detainees and prisoners of war, and support the drug corrupted warlord regime it put in place. Hypocrisy.

It's not like it's only one choice or the other therefore it's not hypocrisy. Nor is it ignorance. Imagine that -- ignorance because someonedoesn't support an extremist radical Islamic agenda such as one promoted by the Taliban. Imagine that.

At what point did civilized and informed people who don't agree with agendas that cause degradation, malfeasance and basic thievery of human rights come toget labeled as hypocritical and/or ignorant? Only when trying to discuss real-world situations with those who are actually hypocritical and ignorant --that's when.

I don't support the US sending troops to wherever in the world it feels like. I don't support the war machine that continues to create mass chaosthroughout the world.

That view has nothing to do with and is completely independent with me not seeing things the way some people in this thread are asking -- that we view theTaliban simply as "victims of bad public relations." Because that's the message I'm getting here. That we view groups like the Taliban withmore "understanding" because they've been given a bad break by either the US Government, the US media or some other historical fracas, which hasclearly not allowed people like me to come up with an opinion that agrees with people like the OP and other sympathizers of these Islamic extremists.

I know how the Taliban grew and eventually came to take hold of Afghanistan. That doesn't mean I'm giving them or anyone who asks to view things in amore "open minded" manner any leeway or sympathy when they try to convince me that groups like these are anything less than the fascist & vileradicals they are.
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