{["Just For The Culture"]} !!!Interviews!!!

Dec 9, 2007

Hello Everyone!

I'm JUSTCULTURE, the head publisher for "Just For The Culture" Magazine

We are looking for talented people to join our team and yes I am going to be holding interviews here.

We are mainly looking for designers & journalist but if you think you have something that would benefit the team. GO FOR IT!

step 1:
introduce yourself.. and tell us how you can help us out.

step 2:
send in 3 of your best pieces YOU have made/done and explain.

step 3:
if we like your work we will give you a task .. that will prove you have an heart and a desire .. for graphics, design or journalist.

Everything should be email to [email protected] and subject should be "TRY OUTS"



or these?:


For two.
Originally Posted by kdwallace



or these?:


For two.

lmfao... ha... yea... if you interested just lmk... the forum pretty much starting from the ground up... so there is a lot of work to do... email me ifanything...

shouldn't these loosely be called "interviews" at least?

You guys sound like you're 15 year olds
Originally Posted by Stylin On Yuku

Where will this magazine be sold? Who's distributing it? What's your target audience? What's it about?

The magazine is going to be free, Distributed online (Virtual flash, flipping page magazine), Target audience is 15-35 year-oldHip Hop enthusiasts who are heavily influenced by street culture.

Just For The Culture is a magazine dedicated to my, yours, our culture. Starting as a
Sneakerhead dedicated website we decided to put no boundaries and just let it be. Let it grow with the influence of ourculture. You could expect Just For The Culture to grow and expand over the time, covering not only sneaker news but hip hop in general. We achieve to keep youupdated on the latest news when it comes to sneakers, b-boying, graffiti, fashion, and music. Our goal is to tribute the past, present, and future of ourculture.

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