Just listened to Pearly Gates....What kinda @%+@ was Prodigy on?

^dont try to explain rap to a rapper... its still dumb... thats like me rappin about aliens...
^Killah Priest raps about having sex with an alien on his new album.

kind of random...lol

Rap has no rules!! you should know this my dude.
"^dont try to explain rap to a rapper... its still dumb... thats like me rappin about aliens..."

oh you're a rapper? you go to school for that? anyone can call themselves a rapper. but only few can call themselves a musician.
Originally Posted by premium911

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Basically, the reason I did that was to grab the attention. I said something shocking to make you be like, 'Yo, what the hell is he talking about' and to make you listen closely to my lines. That's what that was about. I said something shocking about religion basically because I don't believe in religion, No. 1. I don't believe in religion because to me, religion was forced on us when we was brought over here as slaves. They used religion to control us. There was no such thing as religion back in Africa before they took us over here. We had our own connection with the universe and with the Creator. We didn't have books and *@#%. There was no such thing as a Bible or a Koran back then.
I'm pretty sure there was Christianity in Ethiopia. Not to sure about Western Africa where most slaves come from though.

there was that is were the Arc of the Covenant is supposed to be, which it was brought there by King Solomon after his empire was sacked. This dumb @*$+ doesnt know what he is talking about because I'm pretty sure christianity existed in Africa too seeing as it was in Ethiopia.

No sir... Christianity was brought to the rest of the world thru European Exploration / terrorism... I can Guarantee that with a capital G. P is so right on this.. Its logically impossible for christianity to have existed in Africa... you think they worshipped a White Jesus who didnt even speak the same language as them?

First off Jesus wasn't white he was middle eastern and second the Ark of the Covenant is rumored to have been in Ethiopia as early as 3000 years agowhich if you know anything about history that is nearly 2000 years before all the European Slavery began. So how can you say it is impossible for Africans tohave believed in Christianity or anything relating to that faith.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by premium911

Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Basically, the reason I did that was to grab the attention. I said something shocking to make you be like, 'Yo, what the hell is he talking about' and to make you listen closely to my lines. That's what that was about. I said something shocking about religion basically because I don't believe in religion, No. 1. I don't believe in religion because to me, religion was forced on us when we was brought over here as slaves. They used religion to control us. There was no such thing as religion back in Africa before they took us over here. We had our own connection with the universe and with the Creator. We didn't have books and *@#%. There was no such thing as a Bible or a Koran back then.
I'm pretty sure there was Christianity in Ethiopia. Not to sure about Western Africa where most slaves come from though.

there was that is were the Arc of the Covenant is supposed to be, which it was brought there by King Solomon after his empire was sacked. This dumb @*$+ doesnt know what he is talking about because I'm pretty sure christianity existed in Africa too seeing as it was in Ethiopia.

No sir... Christianity was brought to the rest of the world thru European Exploration / terrorism... I can Guarantee that with a capital G. P is so right on this.. Its logically impossible for christianity to have existed in Africa... you think they worshipped a White Jesus who didnt even speak the same language as them?

First off Jesus wasn't white he was middle eastern and second the Ark of the Covenant is rumored to have been in Ethiopia as early as 3000 years ago which if you know anything about history that is nearly 2000 years before all the European Slavery began. So how can you say it is impossible for Africans to have believed in Christianity or anything relating to that faith.

u A-hole he is talking about the " American Jesus " , Religion is dying out anyways Since we got a Better Religion to Follow-by now called" The System"
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

"^dont try to explain rap to a rapper... its still dumb... thats like me rappin about aliens..."

oh you're a rapper? you go to school for that? anyone can call themselves a rapper. but only few can call themselves a musician.

well, im a musician...and no i dont/didnt go to school for it... its just in me...

and i kno u can rap about anything but u should have better reasons than shock value...P goin after Em's title?
Originally Posted by TW3EK

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

"^dont try to explain rap to a rapper... its still dumb... thats like me rappin about aliens..."

oh you're a rapper? you go to school for that? anyone can call themselves a rapper. but only few can call themselves a musician.

well, im a musician...and no i dont/didnt go to school for it... its just in me...

and i kno u can rap about anything but u should have better reasons than shock value...P goin after Em's title?
Its not shcok value if theres a point behind it..........

P spit a single verse with more substance then entire myspace libraries of most so called "musicians" on this board and i stopped listening to mobbafter murda muzik
. Sun came withcreativity and touched a subject that most musicians are afriad reach cause they're too comfortable adding to their vanity talking about their money andhow they shinin
. This wasnt geared directly towards you sun, but dontknock next man, i dont care who it is and call him an idiot for adding creativity, and his personal insight on wax, which is what any REAL musician should bedoin anyways.....
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