Justice League vs Avengers vol. pretty sure this has been debated before

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

It depends on the writters. Especially that whole Sentry vs. Supes argument in the other Avengers vs. JL thread. Bringing up silver age Supes just opens the door to make Sentry doing anything.
Originally Posted by RFX45

In the end, it doesn't matter because it is an actual event in the comic book so it hold more true than anyone elses argument or reasoning to why one would beat who. To be fair, Supes said he barely beat Thor and by the end Supes couldn't lift Thors hammer anymore since he was only deemed worthy at the time of distress. 
Overall though, magic is Supermans weakness but he has managed to beat it anyways in his books. He turned Shazams lightning on him and turned him back to kid for example. And Thors own weakness is arrogance and he'll likely takes Superman very lightly and lose in the end. 
What kind of argument is "it's an actual event"? If it's badly written it doesn't count imo or better yet what's the point of counting it? Besides just cuz it's an event doesn't mean it's in continuity. I could easily argue those Avengers aren't the main Marvel Universe's Avengers as I could for DC's JL. That page you posted alone just wreaked of terrible dialogue. Not to mention it's not even a one on one fight when you respond to someone saying Supes would lose to Thor.

You should know that every time there's a Marvel/DC crossover book DC head guys @*+!% and moan about Superman and Batman never being defeated and looking bad.

My point is this was actually, badly or not, it is still written and it happened in some unknown part of the multi-verse so it is more evidence than one guy saying "Thor can beat Superman because he has magic." It is solid evidence and in fiction, whether it is biasly written or not, it is still a fact. Kind of like proving someones strength, having a page out of a comic as evidence is better than just someone saying it because they believe the character could. In a  battle between Thor and Superman, continuity or not, amazingly written or not, horrible dilalog and all, I have provided evidence that Supes won. Where is you evidence that Thor could win? That is how discussions are made and with comic books/fiction, this is how we present evidence.
And I gave Thor credit to stay unbiased. Superman clearly said he barely beat Thor and that the hammer was just allowed for use by him at one time. 
Again how do we even know it's our Thor or Superman? Couldn't care less for alt reality fights and again if you go in to it knowing there's bias written in to it the evidence isn't credible. At that point it's barely better than fan art.

But I'm not even arguing Thor would beat Supes, I'm saying that's crappy evidence.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

It depends on the writters. Especially that whole Sentry vs. Supes argument in the other Avengers vs. JL thread. Bringing up silver age Supes just opens the door to make Sentry doing anything.
What kind of argument is "it's an actual event"? If it's badly written it doesn't count imo or better yet what's the point of counting it? Besides just cuz it's an event doesn't mean it's in continuity. I could easily argue those Avengers aren't the main Marvel Universe's Avengers as I could for DC's JL. That page you posted alone just wreaked of terrible dialogue. Not to mention it's not even a one on one fight when you respond to someone saying Supes would lose to Thor.

You should know that every time there's a Marvel/DC crossover book DC head guys @*+!% and moan about Superman and Batman never being defeated and looking bad.

My point is this was actually, badly or not, it is still written and it happened in some unknown part of the multi-verse so it is more evidence than one guy saying "Thor can beat Superman because he has magic." It is solid evidence and in fiction, whether it is biasly written or not, it is still a fact. Kind of like proving someones strength, having a page out of a comic as evidence is better than just someone saying it because they believe the character could. In a  battle between Thor and Superman, continuity or not, amazingly written or not, horrible dilalog and all, I have provided evidence that Supes won. Where is you evidence that Thor could win? That is how discussions are made and with comic books/fiction, this is how we present evidence.
And I gave Thor credit to stay unbiased. Superman clearly said he barely beat Thor and that the hammer was just allowed for use by him at one time. 
Again how do we even know it's our Thor or Superman? Couldn't care less for alt reality fights and again if you go in to it knowing there's bias written in to it the evidence isn't credible. At that point it's barely better than fan art.

But I'm not even arguing Thor would beat Supes, I'm saying that's crappy evidence.
But you're not seeing it for what it really is fam 

Its the ONLY evidence that exists. You can't work around it. 
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by RFX45

My point is this was actually, badly or not, it is still written and it happened in some unknown part of the multi-verse so it is more evidence than one guy saying "Thor can beat Superman because he has magic." It is solid evidence and in fiction, whether it is biasly written or not, it is still a fact. Kind of like proving someones strength, having a page out of a comic as evidence is better than just someone saying it because they believe the character could. In a  battle between Thor and Superman, continuity or not, amazingly written or not, horrible dilalog and all, I have provided evidence that Supes won. Where is you evidence that Thor could win? That is how discussions are made and with comic books/fiction, this is how we present evidence.
And I gave Thor credit to stay unbiased. Superman clearly said he barely beat Thor and that the hammer was just allowed for use by him at one time. 
Again how do we even know it's our Thor or Superman? Couldn't care less for alt reality fights and again if you go in to it knowing there's bias written in to it the evidence isn't credible. At that point it's barely better than fan art.

But I'm not even arguing Thor would beat Supes, I'm saying that's crappy evidence.
But you're not seeing it for what it really is fam 

Its the ONLY evidence that exists. You can't work around it.
Nah, until the writers get it right, you know with a reasonably sound story behind it or at least a legit one on one that reflects the characters as they are in their current books  and not just doing it for sales, I don't call it evidence, it's a hack job.

Plus there's a whole bunch more of Marvel/DC crossovers. I got one where Batman simply punches Spider-Man in the gut and knocks him out (he didn't use any gadgets or machinery and no prep time), took Spidey out like he was a regular purse snatcher, according to you that'd be evidence that Batman with nothing more than his fist is stronger than Spider-Man when we all (should) know that it is not true and definitely not fact. That's straight up WIS. Just a terribly written crossover looking for fans to shell out the cash. I don't need to "work around it" if they're not gonna write the characters right.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Again how do we even know it's our Thor or Superman? Couldn't care less for alt reality fights and again if you go in to it knowing there's bias written in to it the evidence isn't credible. At that point it's barely better than fan art.

But I'm not even arguing Thor would beat Supes, I'm saying that's crappy evidence.

It doesn't matter if it's our Thor or our Superman, you know there are several other Thors and Supermans, there are other worlds, other universes. That comic, as crappy it may be, has a version of Superman and Thor that fought. They fought with their signature powers such Mjolnir and heat vision. So they are the superheroes we are talking about, elseworld or not. I can mention Kingdom Come Superman or Ultimates Thor, they will all have different levels of strength and may even differ in some powers but they are who they represent. In the comic book in question, they are obviously put together toe-to-toe and again Supes admits in barely winning, so obviously their power are still on par with each other just like we all assume they would be, Supes just happens to win. It isn't crappy evidence, it is the only evidence there is because these mash-ups will likely never happen again. 
I agree, there might be a bit of biased to make Superman the overall winner, it's because he is the biggest Superhero in that book and he is Superman. I would argue though that it isn't completely biased, if Superman merely taps Thor and he falls to the ground dead, then yeah that is a complete Supes bias. But that isn't the case, the writer obviously tried to make it fair by the evidence I presented (again, Supes admitting to barely winning and not being able to lift the hammer later on). And really, this is fiction, no matter where you look there will be biased. This isn't merely fan art, it is published by Marvel and DC, so we have to accept it as a source material especially if it is the only evidence of Thor and Supes fighting. Other than that, we can only provide other evidence. Supes survives a nuclear attack in TDKR so that shows his vulnerability, now show me Thor surviving the same ordeal and then I can show you how Supes survived a battle with Shazam who uses lightning magic just like Thor and then show me how Thor survive massive punches from the Hulk and so on and so forth. Simple as that. So not dismiss what Marvel and DC actually printed because they are the source of all our discussions and nothing else. Everything else is just guesses like that Franklin Richards becoming an Avengers later on so the Avengers automatically wins, well no they don't because it hasn't happened. 

Again, your view of crappy evidence or not, it is evidence nonetheless. So if someone says Thor will beat Superman because he can smash his hammer on Earth and crack it in half with his his lightning, you'd believe that than asking for a screen cap evidence that Thor actually has the power to do it? Thor vs. Superman, who could win? I showed who won so far with one evidence, again where is yours that Thor could win too? And really, that was all I was saying in the initial post you quoted me on. Just showing evidence that Supes can and has won against Thor, not to mention the post I quoted has it saying that Supes would get destroyed by Thor suggesting Supes had no chance.
Hulk and this guy:

Are taking out almost all of the JL

Also on an unrelated matter this guy would take both teams out himself:

> JL & Avengers
After gaining the power of the Runes in combination with the Odin Force, Thor's powers reached even greater heights, and he reached the point of surpassing his father in power to an even greater extent. With gaining the power if the Runes he gained understanding and enlightenment. He became virtually omniscient as well as quasi-omnipotent, being able to see the past, present and future completely, being able to see past the veil of time itself, he could see the future of all things, of every man and beast, every leaf on every tree, he could see beyond quantum structure; beyond the cosmic architecture, into the nothingness itself and the end of all things.

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Again how do we even know it's our Thor or Superman? Couldn't care less for alt reality fights and again if you go in to it knowing there's bias written in to it the evidence isn't credible. At that point it's barely better than fan art.

But I'm not even arguing Thor would beat Supes, I'm saying that's crappy evidence.
It doesn't matter if it's our Thor or our Superman, you know there are several other Thors and Supermans, there are other worlds, other universes. That comic, as crappy it may be, has a version of Superman and Thor that fought. They fought with their signature powers such Mjolnir and heat vision. So they are the superheroes we are talking about, elseworld or not. I can mention Kingdom Come Superman or Ultimates Thor, they will all have different levels of strength and may even differ in some powers but they are who they represent. In the comic book in question, they are obviously put together toe-to-toe and again Supes admits in barely winning, so obviously their power are still on par with each other just like we all assume they would be, Supes just happens to win. It isn't crappy evidence, it is the only evidence there is because these mash-ups will likely never happen again. 
I agree, there might be a bit of biased to make Superman the overall winner, it's because he is the biggest Superhero in that book and he is Superman. I would argue though that it isn't completely biased, if Superman merely taps Thor and he falls to the ground dead, then yeah that is a complete Supes bias. But that isn't the case, the writer obviously tried to make it fair by the evidence I presented (again, Supes admitting to barely winning and not being able to lift the hammer later on). And really, this is fiction, no matter where you look there will be biased. This isn't merely fan art, it is published by Marvel and DC, so we have to accept it as a source material especially if it is the only evidence of Thor and Supes fighting. Other than that, we can only provide other evidence. Supes survives a nuclear attack in TDKR so that shows his vulnerability, now show me Thor surviving the same ordeal and then I can show you how Supes survived a battle with Shazam who uses lightning magic just like Thor and then show me how Thor survive massive punches from the Hulk and so on and so forth. Simple as that. So not dismiss what Marvel and DC actually printed because they are the source of all our discussions and nothing else. Everything else is just guesses like that Franklin Richards becoming an Avengers later on so the Avengers automatically wins, well no they don't because it hasn't happened. 

Again, your view of crappy evidence or not, it is evidence nonetheless. So if someone says Thor will beat Superman because he can smash his hammer on Earth and crack it in half with his his lightning, you'd believe that than asking for a screen cap evidence that Thor actually has the power to do it? Thor vs. Superman, who could win? I showed who won so far with one evidence, again where is yours that Thor could win too? And really, that was all I was saying in the initial post you quoted me on. Just showing evidence that Supes can and has won against Thor, not to mention the post I quoted has it saying that Supes would get destroyed by Thor suggesting Supes had no chance.

Of course it matters. Thor from the Ultimate universe is different from the main MarvelU Thor and he's different from Thor from Earth-5868. It's the same as Superman from Earth 2, Superman Prime, etc. If I'm asking this question, I'm making sure who I'm talking about and before I even look at the crossover I'd read their books. Not just look at the crossover and say case closed.

Also I wasn't stating opinion when I said DC made it so Superman and Batman would never lose to any superhero in Marvel when they do their crossovers. It's basically in the contract that their golden boys can't be seen defeated by a Marvel superhero. I'm pretty sure DC wouldn't do the crossover involving the brothers unless Marvel writers agreed to that. So when you get a fact like that, that obviously hinders the writers you must ask what's the point? How is that still credible evidence? If you know Supes and Bats won't lose? At that point it doesn't matter that DC and Marvel agreed to publish it, won't matter cuz the main focus is money. This is the difference between suspending your disbelief and just realizing the writer can't write something specifically.

For example:
Who would win between Spawn and the Red power ranger? Wait before you answer keep in mind that no power ranger can ever lose to an Image character.

FOH. I'll continue to dismiss it until they get it right, just like I do with horribly written runs by certain writers for certain comics.

I didn't call the crossover fanart. Maybe you should reread what I said. How does Supes surviving a nuclear attack show his vulnerability btw?
Originally Posted by PLVN

After gaining the power of the Runes in combination with the Odin Force, Thor's powers reached even greater heights, and he reached the point of surpassing his father in power to an even greater extent. With gaining the power if the Runes he gained understanding and enlightenment. He became virtually omniscient as well as quasi-omnipotent, being able to see the past, present and future completely, being able to see past the veil of time itself, he could see the future of all things, of every man and beast, every leaf on every tree, he could see beyond quantum structure; beyond the cosmic architecture, into the nothingness itself and the end of all things.


Yeah, Rune King Thor is a monster
Originally Posted by Rick2345

Hulk and this guy:

Are taking out almost all of the JL

Also on an unrelated matter this guy would take both teams out himself:

> JL & Avengers

Well if Sentry really holds the power of 1000 exploding suns, then technically he would make superman stronger. But sentry has always been too busy fighting his alter ego, the Void. there are plenty of JLA members who would body him, and Earth 1 Superman would ATLEAST fight Hulk to a standstill
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Of course it matters. Thor from the Ultimate universe is different from the main MarvelU Thor and he's different from Thor from Earth-5868. It's the same as Superman from Earth 2, Superman Prime, etc. If I'm asking this question, I'm making sure who I'm talking about and before I even look at the crossover I'd read their books. Not just look at the crossover and say case closed.

Also I wasn't stating opinion when I said DC made it so Superman and Batman would never lose to any superhero in Marvel when they do their crossovers. It's basically in the contract that their golden boys can't be seen defeated by a Marvel superhero. I'm pretty sure DC wouldn't do the crossover involving the brothers unless Marvel writers agreed to that. So when you get a fact like that, that obviously hinders the writers you must ask what's the point? How is that still credible evidence? If you know Supes and Bats won't lose? At that point it doesn't matter that DC and Marvel agreed to publish it, won't matter cuz the main focus is money. This is the difference between suspending your disbelief and just realizing the writer can't write something specifically.

For example:
Who would win between Spawn and the Red power ranger? Wait before you answer keep in mind that no power ranger can ever lose to an Image character.

FOH. I'll continue to dismiss it until they get it right, just like I do with horribly written runs by certain writers for certain comics.

I didn't call the crossover fanart. Maybe you should reread what I said. How does Supes surviving a nuclear attack show his vulnerability btw?

I don't think you understand what I am saying at all. I am saying the particular book we are speaking of, it doesn't matter which universe each are from. It is them fighting each other so it doesn't matter. 
I am not going to respond to all your rants because we'll be going in circles here. It is simple as this. Thor vs Superman, someone said Superman would get destroyed, I showed panels of them fighting and how that it sin't true with Superman winning. I made a point that it is a better evidence than an anonymous internet guy saying Thor wins because he believes it in his imagination. Contract or not, DC and Marvel agreed to the outcome and it was published so in the comic book fiction world, it is fact. What ever they print is our geek encyclopedia and is it what we perceive as fact. 

And as for how Superman surviving a nuclear attack explosion showing his vulnerability? It's obvious, if he survives then he is more than capable and strong enough to withstand it. Hypothetically if Thor dies from a nuclear explosion then it means Superman shows he is more invulnerable to it that him and you can conclude he  might be stronger because he is harder to kill/defeat. I mean did I really need to explain that? 

Also, it seems like you are just, if not more, biased than the writers. You refuse to accept the outcome and what is written and printed on the panels because you don't like it? So if they kill your favorite hero you refuse to accept it because it was badly written in your point of view? And in that point, there really is no more point in discussin anything with you since if you don't like one persons opinion, you'll simply dismiss it so what is the point? 
 I can say Superman punched the Earth and imploded, show you panels and a whole transcript of it happening in the comic book world but if you deem it a horrible idea or doesn't get your approval then to you it never happened. So again, what is the point in discussing anything with a person like that? 
You're not explaining at all why it doesn't matter. You're just saying they're fighting each other so it doesn't matter. So you're right I don't understand that logic.

I never said anything about accepting the outcome. I already told you I don't care about Thor fighting Superman but I do care if it's written right. Can't be when it's already built in that no matter what Superman can't lose. Knowing that ruins the rest of it.
And as for how Superman surviving a nuclear attack explosion showing his vulnerability? It's obvious, if he survives then he is more than capable and strong enough to withstand it. Hypothetically if Thor dies from a nuclear explosion then it means Superman shows he is more invulnerable to it that him and you can conclude he  might be stronger because he is harder to kill/defeat. I mean did I really need to explain that?
You already said he survives the attack. So it isn't showcasing vulnerability. There is no if, you already said he survived it, not if he survived it
That's a showcase of invulnerability but maybe you didn't form that sentence right.
You refuse to accept the outcome and what is written and printed on the panels because you don't like it?
Refusing to accept an outcome and dismissing something are two different things. I never once said refuse to accept in that last post, where are you getting these words from?
So if they kill your favorite hero you refuse to accept it because it was badly written in your point of view?
I'm not gonna refuse to accept it. I'll just wait to that hero comes back to life and ignore the whole part of the book where they died in badly written way. If Spider-Man died after getting punched (saw it coming) by a random bank robber I'd dismiss that issue and the writer. If it's badly written, it's badly written. I'm not gonna refuse that Spider-Man is dead. I'm going to dismiss this being part of Spider-Man continuity in it's entirety word to the writers retconning his marriage to MJ. To be even more clear if Superman was shot by Lois Lane and died and the writer later revealed that Supes died because he was shot by the one person he truly loved I'd completely dismiss that !%%+%#*! story. I might even write an angry letter to DC.
And in that point, there really is no more point in discussin anything with you since if you don't like one persons opinion, you'll simply dismiss it so what is the point? 

Well now you just sound confused. If we're discussing something and stating opinions and I disagree, then I simply disagree. If you provide non-credible evidence to support your opinion I'll dismiss it. Won't mean I dismiss your opinion, I'll simply won't agree with it until you present a convincing or at the very least understandable argument.

When I say I'll refuse to dismiss it until they get it right I'm talking about Marvel/DC doing a crossover again. They've done more than one already. Don't know why you're talking like it'll never happen again.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Again how do we even know it's our Thor or Superman? Couldn't care less for alt reality fights and again if you go in to it knowing there's bias written in to it the evidence isn't credible. At that point it's barely better than fan art.

But I'm not even arguing Thor would beat Supes, I'm saying that's crappy evidence.
But you're not seeing it for what it really is fam 

Its the ONLY evidence that exists. You can't work around it.
Nah, until the writers get it right, you know with a reasonably sound story behind it or at least a legit one on one that reflects the characters as they are in their current books  and not just doing it for sales, I don't call it evidence, it's a hack job.

Plus there's a whole bunch more of Marvel/DC crossovers. I got one where Batman simply punches Spider-Man in the gut and knocks him out (he didn't use any gadgets or machinery and no prep time), took Spidey out like he was a regular purse snatcher, according to you that'd be evidence that Batman with nothing more than his fist is stronger than Spider-Man when we all (should) know that it is not true and definitely not fact. That's straight up WIS. Just a terribly written crossover looking for fans to shell out the cash. I don't need to "work around it" if they're not gonna write the characters right.

Since you said you'll "dismiss it" until they get it right, please tell us what the right way is? Because if Marvel and DC creating an alternate universe for these characters isn't good enough then what is? 

I hate Superman just as much as the next man, but with that Prime version FX posted back there, whether DC made a rule about him or not, nobody is beating that. So Supes wins either way. 

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

Who wins, Hulk vs. Superman in a 1-on-1 battle?

Superman has already beaten the Hulk. But I guess since that series "wasn't written right" I would still say Supes.. Especially with the version FX posted back there. Duke was hyped up on all sorts of gameshark codes. 
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by PRIME

But you're not seeing it for what it really is fam 

Its the ONLY evidence that exists. You can't work around it.
Nah, until the writers get it right, you know with a reasonably sound story behind it or at least a legit one on one that reflects the characters as they are in their current books  and not just doing it for sales, I don't call it evidence, it's a hack job.

Plus there's a whole bunch more of Marvel/DC crossovers. I got one where Batman simply punches Spider-Man in the gut and knocks him out (he didn't use any gadgets or machinery and no prep time), took Spidey out like he was a regular purse snatcher, according to you that'd be evidence that Batman with nothing more than his fist is stronger than Spider-Man when we all (should) know that it is not true and definitely not fact. That's straight up WIS. Just a terribly written crossover looking for fans to shell out the cash. I don't need to "work around it" if they're not gonna write the characters right.

Since you said you'll "dismiss it" until they get it right, please tell us what the right way is? Because if Marvel and DC creating an alternate universe for these characters isn't good enough then what is? 

I hate Superman just as much as the next man, but with that Prime version FX posted back there, whether DC made a rule about him or not, nobody is beating that. So Supes wins either way. 
You know properly representing each character, a sound story to set the premise and lead up to the fight, a good fight without WIS or PIS, etc. In this day and age it isn't hard at all.

Whoa I don't know what you mean by Marvel and DC creating an alternate universe. I never said anything about that or the amalgam universe for instance. They got the premise right when they did the crossover with the brothers that led up to the amalgam universe, they could've stopped short there and then actually had decent fights instead of the rushed bull @*$% that occurred.

As far as Superman Prime thing, Thanos with the heart of the universe would easily dwarf him. It's easy to just give a character unlimited abilities. Marvel was trying to one up themselves since the Infinity Gauntlet for a while until they quit after the aforementioned.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

 I never said anything about accepting the outcome.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

 I'll continue to dismiss it until they get it right, just like I do with horribly written runs by certain writers for certain comics.

Wait you don't know the difference between not accepting the outcome and dismissing something in it's entirety? If Thor would've won I still would've dismissed the whole thing in it's entirety. I really don't think you're understanding what I'm saying AT ALL. Seems you think I'm saying until they write it where who I want to win wins I won't accept it. Where as I'm actually saying when they write an actual good story and fights it'll actually be good evidence to support an argument of who wins in a fight.
i dont read teh comic but judging from the pics seems like JL > avenger cuz JL has more extraterritorial super hero = more cheese power lol
At the end of the day I'd rather read marvel titles than DC one's

So who wins? Avengers, because I don't read that JLA crap. Are they still fighting darkseid?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

 I never said anything about accepting the outcome.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

 I'll continue to dismiss it until they get it right, just like I do with horribly written runs by certain writers for certain comics.
Wait you don't know the difference between not accepting the outcome and dismissing something in it's entirety? If Thor would've won I still would've dismissed the whole thing in it's entirety. I really don't think you're understanding what I'm saying AT ALL. Seems you think I'm saying until they write it where who I want to win wins I won't accept it. Where as I'm actually saying when they write an actual good story and fights it'll actually be good evidence to support an argument of who wins in a fight.

That isn't what you wrote at all, stop back pedaling. 
 It's clear on the quote, you dismiss until they get it right and it is only right when deem it be. I'd say only about 1 out of 5 comics are written well and even less are written great. So in that sense, to you, they have been dismissed just because it isn't up to your standard. If you don't find it enough evidence because it isn't as good as you'd hope, then it isn't valid in your mind. That is very clear with what you've been saying. 
If that were the case, then I dismiss everything you say and I win the argument. 
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

At the end of the day I'd rather read marvel titles than DC one's

So who wins? Avengers, because I don't read that JLA crap. Are they still fighting darkseid?

We get it, you hate DC, you hate Superman. You've said that already.
In that case, I don't read comics anymore, just manga so I guess Naruto wins. 
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