Justice League vs Avengers vol. pretty sure this has been debated before

Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Give Batman five days to prepare. Five days. He solos the Avengers.

Only if Tony Stark is allotted the same time.
Tony Stark is a genius, not a strategist or a tactician.  Oh yeah, did we forget that Batman beat Superman?  Batman + prep time is unparalleled  
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Give Batman five days to prepare. Five days. He solos the Avengers.

Only if Tony Stark is allotted the same time.
Tony Stark is a genius, not a strategist or a tactician.  Oh yeah, did we forget that Batman beat Superman?  Batman + prep time is unparalleled  

Tony Stark is ABSOLUTELY a strategist...maybe not to the level of Bruce Wayne, but he is a strategist nonetheless.

Also why is Batman always given the advantage of preparation time in these things? I don't think I've ever seen it not be mentioned
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by RFX45
Wait you don't know the difference between not accepting the outcome and dismissing something in it's entirety? If Thor would've won I still would've dismissed the whole thing in it's entirety. I really don't think you're understanding what I'm saying AT ALL. Seems you think I'm saying until they write it where who I want to win wins I won't accept it. Where as I'm actually saying when they write an actual good story and fights it'll actually be good evidence to support an argument of who wins in a fight.

That isn't what you wrote at all, stop back pedaling. 
 It's clear on the quote, you dismiss until they get it right and it is only right when deem it be. I'd say only about 1 out of 5 comics are written well and even less are written great. So in that sense, to you, they have been dismissed just because it isn't up to your standard. If you don't find it enough evidence because it isn't as good as you'd hope, then it isn't valid in your mind. That is very clear with what you've been saying. 
If that were the case, then I dismiss everything you say and I win the argument. 

No I'm not. I always said I'll dismiss it. You were hung up on the detail of if I dismiss the outcome. Reread all my posts I never said anything about not accepting the outcome. You just had a hard time understanding what I'm saying and now you're trying to tell me what I was saying. That last post I even broke it down and got more clear for you. In a post responding to someone else I even said what I feel getting it right is and never once said it's right when I say it is. You must still think and are hung up on me wanting it to be a certainw ay when I'm talking about the quality of the entire crossover. That's what I was talking about the first time I quoted you but you seemed to be lost in w/e you made up in your head that I'm saying.

Also another thing you're still confused about, I never said I dismiss your opinion or everything you say
but I guess you're more focused on winning the argument. I said I dismissed that non-credible evidence not your opinion but again you seem unable to get that.
Originally Posted by ricky409

i heard a Tariq Podcast about White People and superheros...

this proves it.
Funny, there's a handful of black ppl in here
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by PLVN

Only if Tony Stark is allotted the same time.
Tony Stark is a genius, not a strategist or a tactician.  Oh yeah, did we forget that Batman beat Superman?  Batman + prep time is unparalleled  

Tony Stark is ABSOLUTELY a strategist...maybe not to the level of Bruce Wayne, but he is a strategist nonetheless.

Also why is Batman always given the advantage of preparation time in these things? I don't think I've ever seen it not be mentioned
Im not saying he gets prep time, im saying that with it he is unbeatable.  With no prep time, its a good fight but Ironman would win
I think it was in the mid90s in one of the reboots of JLA that everyone in the group got pissed at Batman since he'd come up with contingency plans to take EVERYONE out if the need ever came up. As to who'd win between JLA and The Avengers, I'd think JLA has more characters that are overpowered and would be able to take out the Avengers.
Originally Posted by PLVN

Also why is Batman always given the advantage of preparation time in these things? I don't think I've ever seen it not be mentioned

It's like a meme now but really, that's always been how Bats book have been. He'd encounter a villain, be defeated and then come back and win. 
Plus the tower of babel storyline in which he had contingency plans for when anyone from the JLA goes rogue. 

It's his personality and characteristic being deemed a detective and all. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by PLVN

Also why is Batman always given the advantage of preparation time in these things? I don't think I've ever seen it not be mentioned
It's like a meme now but really, that's always been how Bats book have been. He'd encounter a villain, be defeated and then come back and win. 
Plus the tower of babel storyline in which he had contingency plans for when anyone from the JLA goes rogue. 

It's his personality and characteristic being deemed a detective and all. 

sorry im OD bored
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by AirThompson

Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

To stay on topic Avengers would own.

Enough with Batman if Dark Knight never came out half of y'all wouldnt care about him.
So........who on the Avengers is capable of fighting the Flash?
Im a Marvel Fan to the death of me, but the JLA's main roster has way too many heavy hitters, its really not even fair. 

   Its a comic its all imagination. Once you throw in environment & different scenerios nothing comes out the same everytime. I'm saying theres no definate answer who could win.

For example Robin can catch Batman slipping, creep up with a .38 special while Batman is prepping, and put couple pieces of lead in his dome. Dont mean he could beat em everytime. That in that scenario he could. 

Boy Wonder > Batman
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

To stay on topic Avengers would own.

Enough with Batman if Dark Knight never came out half of y'all wouldnt care about him.

Yep, so let's just ignore the 70+ years of some of the best and most influential stories/storytelling in comic book history,all the great TV shows and movies made before TDK and the fact that he's been a cultural icon for decades. Let's just toss all that aside because obviously the only reason that people are into Batman is because of a movie that came out 4 years ago. None of that other stuff is part of it.

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by AirThompson

Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

To stay on topic Avengers would own.

Enough with Batman if Dark Knight never came out half of y'all wouldnt care about him.

Yep, so let's just ignore the 70+ years of some of the best and most influential stories/storytelling in comic book history,all the great TV shows and movies made before TDK and the fact that he's been a cultural icon for decades. Let's just toss all that aside because obviously the only reason that people are into Batman is because of a movie that came out 4 years ago. None of that other stuff is part of it.

also, TDK isnt even the best portayal of Batman and totally different than the 1 we are talking about
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Yep, so let's just ignore the 70+ years of some of the best and most influential stories/storytelling in comic book history,all the great TV shows and movies made before TDK and the fact that he's been a cultural icon for decades. Let's just toss all that aside because obviously the only reason that people are into Batman is because of a movie that came out 4 years ago. None of that other stuff is part of it.

While that probably doesn't apply to most of the people posting in this thread, don't act like the Batman bandwagon didn't reach an all time high after The Dark Knight was released.

I know people that got BATMAN TATTOOS ON THEIR BODIES because of the The Dark Knight...and they're not comic book fans.
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Yep, so let's just ignore the 70+ years of some of the best and most influential stories/storytelling in comic book history,all the great TV shows and movies made before TDK and the fact that he's been a cultural icon for decades. Let's just toss all that aside because obviously the only reason that people are into Batman is because of a movie that came out 4 years ago. None of that other stuff is part of it.

While that probably doesn't apply to most of the people posting in this thread, don't act like the Batman bandwagon didn't reach an all time high after The Dark Knight was released.

I know people that got BATMAN TATTOOS ON THEIR BODIES because of the The Dark Knight...and they're not comic book fans.

Then why make that statement in this thread? Sure TDK thrust Batman back into the general public's eye but Batman was already a well established cultural icon for decades before and Comic book heads have known wassup forever. 
That's like saying that no one gave a %$@! about Spiderman or X-Men before Spiderman 1 and X1.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Then why make that statement in this thread? Sure TDK thrust Batman back into the general public's eye but Batman was already a well established cultural icon for decades before and Comic book heads have known wassup forever. 
That's like saying that no one gave a +$!$ about Spiderman or X-Men before Spiderman 1 and X1.

Maybe he was just trying to aggravate someone (worked)

I dunno.

It's a public forum. The guy can say whatever he wants.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Batman can be handled by the 

They both specialize in Prep time 
Very underrated
definitely, and while I feel like the JLA would still win, Black Panther would give the Avengers a pretty good answer for Batman.  The fact that for 8 pages we have been arguing and discussing a fictional battle just proves how much comics have become our modern mythology.  I LOVE it.  The characters sometimes feel like people we know personally.  We know the situations in which they excel, and their disadvantages, its pretty cool when you think about it
Originally Posted by ricky409

i heard a Tariq Podcast about White People and superheros...

this proves it.

I'm black. I've yet to post in here but have been lurking this thread hard. I love comics.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by ricky409

i heard a Tariq Podcast about White People and superheros...

this proves it.

I'm black. I've yet to post in here but have been lurking this thread hard. I love comics.
Im black and i think I posted in here more than anybody else
Originally Posted by RFX45

Ok, lets take just the original, the most popular and core members of each group. If this is a sport, these guys will be starting and everyone else will be benched.

Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Green Lantern

Green Arrow
Black Canary

Captain America


 Black Panther
Scarlet Witch

That seems fair?

As for battles, one=-on-one and to keep it fair.

Superman vs. Thor/Hulk
WW vs. Hulk/Thor
GL vs. IM
MM vs. Vision
Batman vs. Capt. America
Flash vs. Quiksilver
Aquaman vs. Hercules
Atom vs. Ant-Man
Hawkman vs. Black Panther
Zatanna vs. Scarlet Witch
Black Canary vs. Wasp
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye

Black Panther backup?  He's the sleeper simply because he don't have the popularity.  Dude is more skilled at combat and strategy than anyone on the Avengers.  That is without Panther God power (read about his time in Hells Kitchen written by David Liss). 

I still say JLA but Black Panther is really Marvels Batman with and without his powers.  Don't sleep on T'challa even the Avengers can't handle dude he probably got files on them to take them down like Batman does on each JLA member.
Oh and I'm black too. Batman is my favorite along with Spidey because both characters could have been anyone ask Miles Morales. Wolverine and Black Panther are right after them.

Much love to other characters in both universes.

Again don't sleep on T'challa and the whole Marvel Universe knows this, just the writers aside David Liss don't.
Quicksilver could do NOTHING to the Flash, they arent even the same class of speed. I mean I guess its the closest matchup, but Pietro loses badly
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by RFX45

Ok, lets take just the original, the most popular and core members of each group. If this is a sport, these guys will be starting and everyone else will be benched.

Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Green Lantern

Green Arrow
Black Canary

Captain America


 Black Panther
Scarlet Witch

That seems fair?

As for battles, one=-on-one and to keep it fair.

Superman vs. Thor/Hulk
WW vs. Hulk/Thor
GL vs. IM
MM vs. Vision
Batman vs. Capt. America
Flash vs. Quiksilver
Aquaman vs. Hercules
Atom vs. Ant-Man
Hawkman vs. Black Panther
Zatanna vs. Scarlet Witch
Black Canary vs. Wasp
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye

Black Panther backup?  He's the sleeper simply because he don't have the popularity.  Dude is more skilled at combat and strategy than anyone on the Avengers.  That is without Panther God power (read about his time in Hells Kitchen written by David Liss). 
I did say the most famous and the core members first. I just included the back-up because some of them are notables that needs to be mentioned. I gave him credit by putting him up against Hawkman who is no slouch and can be considered in the starting line-up for the JLA too. 

I would put Black Panther in place of Ant-Man or Wasp but really, those two are founders and actually a bit more recognized. That really is the only reasoning on where they fall on the list, not based on their abilities or powers and strengths.
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