Justice League vs Avengers vol. pretty sure this has been debated before

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

At the end of the day I'd rather read marvel titles than DC one's

So who wins? Avengers, because I don't read that JLA crap. Are they still fighting darkseid?

We get it, you hate DC, you hate Superman. You've said that already.
In that case, I don't read comics anymore, just manga so I guess Naruto wins. 
yea you wish...sasuke all day err day.

Btw...I was going through my old threads and you advised me to pick up some molton brown...I did that yesterday...pretty good stuff.
Originally Posted by solarius49

As a fanboy, if you read the forums on Marvel.com, its pretty much accepted that Batman would beat anybody if he has prep time.
Damn.  Even on the Marvel forums they agree that Batman is the g.o.a.t. 
.  So I guess someone should attack him when he doesn't have time to prepare.  I do remember Bane did break his back and put him in a wheelchair.
Superman would take care of the hulk..He would fly him out to space and leave him there. Could Thor bring him back though?
Originally Posted by datdude87

Superman would take care of the hulk..He would fly him out to space and leave him there. Could Thor bring him back though?

But then wouldn't King Rune Thor body everyone in JL?
It's be funny if Bruce Wayne did a slow hostile takeover of Stark's company. Causing him to start drinking again and go into depression. Iron man wouldn't even be a factor
Originally Posted by blakep267

It's be funny if Bruce Wayne did a slow hostile takeover of Stark's company. Causing him to start drinking again and go into depression. Iron man wouldn't even be a factor

I doubt Starks would let that happen in is current form and besides if Stark uses the Bane tactic Batman is as good as dead.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I personally think the Avengers would mop the JL...

But Kyle Rayner Green Lantern was a comic book artist with a ring that can create any solid structure he can imagine.

Do the math.

Please tell these people about GL.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I personally think the Avengers would mop the JL...

But Kyle Rayner Green Lantern was a comic book artist with a ring that can create any solid structure he can imagine.

Do the math.

Please tell these people about GL.

Not to mention that there are SEVERAL Green Lanterns.And as for Rune King Thor, Superman Prime would destroy him....AND Superman Prime has a GL ring
It would be a draw.
In an all out battle between them the fabric of all realites would be undone, destroying everything and everyone.
Originally Posted by solarius49

 And as for Rune King Thor, Superman Prime would destroy him....AND Superman Prime has a GL ring

I think Rune King Thor with Odinsforce would beat Superman Prime but against Superman Prime One Million, then Rune King Thor will likely lose.
Originally Posted by solarius49

lmao Superman Prime just shut this down haha

but in Crisis on Infinite Earths, when he was SuperBOY Prime, and only had the powers of a normal Superboy, he went on a rampage killing 100s of Green Lanterns, and I believe he killed Supergirl.
think it was less GLs than that and I'm not sure about killing Supergirl but I know he killed a few heroes.

dudes a beast though and I HATE Supes. loathe

@ SBP and RKT mentions on NT. I love this thread.
To me i feel its a push i like both of them i think it depends on the characters and so on...But we all have our bias
Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

To stay on topic Avengers would own.

Enough with Batman if Dark Knight never came out half of y'all wouldnt care about him.
Originally Posted by AirThompson

Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

To stay on topic Avengers would own.

Enough with Batman if Dark Knight never came out half of y'all wouldnt care about him.
So........who on the Avengers is capable of fighting the Flash?
Im a Marvel Fan to the death of me, but the JLA's main roster has way too many heavy hitters, its really not even fair. 
Can we just stick to regular Superman and other characters?

I still think just based on various powers Superman isn't being stopped unless Stark knows of Kryptonite. Especially if somebody stupid like Hawkeye has an arrow pointed at Lois. Maybe Hulk dangling her from the top of Stark tower. Superman would go OD in regular Smallville, Richard Donner music, Christopher Reeve, too old Jimmy Olsen version.

.........all the while as everyone is battling. Batman would be in the background lurking, hacking Jervis turning Stark tower into a New York Wayne tower prepped with Gamma Ray reversal, portal back to Asguard, and instructing Flash in his ear piece to grab Cap take him back to 1940 for his first date seated at the table in front of his girl, and have his own 13 year old son Damien take both Hawkeye and Blackcat by himself. Red Robin would be on standby just in case Damien slips up and no need to call **** Grayson.

Don't sleep on the DARK KNIGHT and Batman Inc!
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Can we just stick to regular Superman and other characters?

I still think just based on various powers Superman isn't being stopped unless Stark knows of Kryptonite. Especially if somebody stupid like Hawkeye has an arrow pointed at Lois. Maybe Hulk dangling her from the top of Stark tower. Superman would go OD in regular Smallville, Richard Donner music, Christopher Reeve, too old Jimmy Olsen version.

.........all the while as everyone is battling. Batman would be in the background lurking, hacking Jervis turning Stark tower into a New York Wayne tower prepped with Gamma Ray reversal, portal back to Asguard, and instructing Flash in his ear piece to grab Cap take him back to 1940 for his first date seated at the table in front of his girl, and have his own 13 year old son Damien take both Hawkeye and Blackcat by himself. Red Robin would be on standby just in case Damien slips up and no need to call **** Grayson.

Don't sleep on the DARK KNIGHT and Batman Inc!

Not to mention Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter
Ok, lets take just the original, the most popular and core members of each group. If this is a sport, these guys will be starting and everyone else will be benched.

Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Green Lantern

Green Arrow
Black Canary

Captain America


 Black Panther
Scarlet Witch

That seems fair?

As for battles, one=-on-one and to keep it fair.

Superman vs. Thor/Hulk
WW vs. Hulk/Thor
GL vs. IM
MM vs. Vision
Batman vs. Capt. America
Flash vs. Quiksilver
Aquaman vs. Hercules
Atom vs. Ant-Man
Hawkman vs. Black Panther
Zatanna vs. Scarlet Witch
Black Canary vs. Wasp
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye
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