Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Lol at him thinking this increased his black support. Then again you got dudes in here dancing for Kanye, so who knows.
Take a second

the problem with trying to start a discourse with someone like Candace isn't that we shouldn't reach out to people with different political beliefs.

its that Candace is not intellectually honest. she doesn't argue in good faith. she is a propagandist with a blatant agenda. case in point tweeting those fake harriet tubman quotes and not deleting them even though she had 100s of people in her mentions telling her they were fake. she is not interested in bridging the gap, only in getting people to follow her and her organization's agenda.

and honestly, if you really in this day and age with all the information available believe things like systemic oppression doesnt exist, hate black lives matter, align your self with hate groups etc. no amount of conversation with Charlagamagne or TI is gonna solve that. shame on them for allowing themselves to be used as part of her dog and pony show.

She's a useful idiot getting all of her self-hate talking points from Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro and the the Breitbart and Fox news trolls. White supremacist trolls biggest weapons are to deny it exists or deflect to some other useless talking points. It's considered a win for them when they can get some useful idiot black person to deny and deflect for them and shame other black people as being responsible for their own suffering. "See we aren't racist, this kneegrow agrees with us."
Kanye and Candace some modern day house slaves, they done forgot what’s happening outside the walls of massas house because they are too enamored in their time around massa.
That song Watch is fire :pimp:

Ya'll need to stop the hate and let this man be great... if ya'll don't like what he said just stop messing with him and move on
Guilt by association. Supporting a man that supports some thing is just like supporting the thing. You can’t buy a Kevin Durant jersey and claim to not support the Warriors.
Stupid explanation.

So we gonna throw all of hip hop under the bus to save Kanye now?
Why not? last 20-30 years rap been "real" and some not promoting blacks. Supporting gang, rape, violence, drugs.
Wild how half The people mad ain't lifted 1 finger to ever help their community. Nor teach their family children etc real history. Social media sucks
I only see this quote when folks are trying to entertain some dumb stuff
yea well that's not the case here. Was actually a response to someone talking about deprogramming someone, but I must've not have inserted their quote
What you don’t realize is that there is nothing new under the sun. Rap been talking about the same thing from day 1. We were just too young to catch the references.
What you don’t realize is that there is nothing new under the sun. Rap been talking about the same thing from day 1. We were just too young to catch the references.
That's the point though. It's also been influential since Day 1.
A lot of artist has used their platform to make their morney and haven't changed since.
Jay Z (though im not a super fan) Is one I will respect for his evolution.
Same goes for Cole, Kenderick, Common, john legend and many more who found out how much impact they actually had and used their platform for the betterment of our people.
How are you doing today Einstein, still delusional?

Thought you would have caught the joke in me saying I could be Einstein...like the satire in all the memes. Far from delusional my friend.

I feel great as usual. I don't took to "celebrities" for any kind of intellectual insight so whatever he say don't affect my mood none. Plus Ye been proved he's inept in a lot of critical areas. The current events just serve as more irrefutable evidence. Life goes on.

Eloquently said. Wish more people applied this methodology to life.
I feel great as usual. I don't took to "celebrities" for any kind of intellectual insight so whatever he say don't affect my mood none. Plus Ye been proved he's inept in a lot of critical areas. The current events just serve as more irrefutable evidence. Life goes on.
Isn't "Jesus" a celebrity though?
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