KD IV iD “Taxi’s” came in today!  They are amazing in person…  Deciding now which lace combo I like better (Black or Red).

General Thoughts…
found this thread after i ordered my first NikeID kicks...mirror images to these but i chose black mid soles....went for a "bruce lee" theme. tried the YOTD option but I didn't like how the KD and dragon remained white after accent color was picked. popular colorway i guess. sweet, thanks for the pics.
Yeah that Yeezy ID is sick as hell, that just made me really want to ID one...just curious if Matte or reflective camo is the better option...?:smokin
^^^^ I'm ordering it today! thanks Chaose57...:smokin:smokin

ORDERED BLINK CW! Now the wait begins!
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Just ordered my first KD IDs. Not original at all, but I love all the ones I have seen other people do. Wanted to order while they were still up.
those yeezys are dope
Yesss to those Taxi and USA's... If my USA's don't come for some odd reason, I'll definitely be hitting up ID for a pair.
There are only one use promo codes for Nike I.D. from my understanding... From canceled orders, mistakes, etc.
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