Kellen Winslow's wife on SportsCenter

Janelle.. I always knew you were a star
There was an appreciation thread in the summer about Kellen Winslow's wife. truth03 came in here and thought it resembled some chick he slept with a fewyears back. He looked up her info, birth date etc. and found out that he banged Ms. Winslow before she met Kellen. He also posted pics of them together aslittle kids.

He shall go down in NT history as one of the all time greats. We are not worthy of being in his prescence

I love to hear stories like this

Someone post the link to the thread with the old pictures
Anybody have any carnal knowledge of Jeff Garcia's wife?

I been lookin for a reason to get a thread goin for her.
She has an Jessica Alba feel to her. I sat next to her and another browns players wife in law and finance class @ real estate school and she was down to earth.She said she was from the san diego area so if truth is from san diego, probably not ducktales
They trying to take me out...they aiming for my knees...I'm a...I'm a $++#*+ Soldier
. Classic right there.
Lmaooooooooo henz stop it! U got the internet goin nuts. U could make a quarter mill messin around wit ya own website if u wasn't lost in that sauce 3 daysa week..

And to those who say janelle doesn't look like a gold digger is correct.. She has no reason to go for money, she is from la jolla, her parents crib waslike 7 thousand square feet.. And she drove a navigator in high school, in 98-99 when them joints first came out smh...

Props to kellen tho, she's a keeper..
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