Originally Posted by imINchucks5

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Did you even watch the game? That was not the case...Kobe most of the time was penetrating and kicking it out to a wide open shooter (ie Fish who couldn't buy a shot) or running pick and roll with Pau leading to a hockey assist b/c of the big men passing well. Lakers just haven't been knocking down perimeter shots the entire year, which is clearly evident in their offensive struggles this year. It's not that much of a difference than LeBron dribbling at the top for 20 sec, making a move and then kicking it to a shooter...difference is, Mo, Parker, and hell even Moon are hitting their shots.

You only get an assist when the guy hits the shot. He could pass the ball every single time down and if the guy misses the shot he gets no assists. KD had only 1 assist too and 26 shots, and he was passing to a wide open Jeff Green all night, guys have to hit shots dude. 
Did you watch the fourth quarter? How many times did Kobe dribble around the perimeter and pull up for the jumper as the rest of the Lakers watched? 
And you don't seem to understand my point. I *obviously* get the point that his teammates have to hit shots, but my point is that they are going cold because Kobe's playing style doesn't allow them to get their own games going. You blame the cold shooting of the other Lakers on them, I blame it on Kobe's ballhogging. 

Who on the Thunder can guard Pau Gasol? How come he hit more than half of his shots but got HALF as many shots as Kobe got? If a couple of bounces go differently at the end and the Lakers lose, would you be happy that Kobe shot 12-28 while Pau went 8-14? 
i agree

And those were designed plays for Kobe in the fourth. They had Odom bring up the ball, Kobe cut across and Pau come run a high pick and roll. In the fourth quarter of games, they always run a high screen and roll with Kobe and Pau.
kobe was suppose to get surgery on that finger when he played for team usa......................................................................................................why is it still broken??
Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

kobe was suppose to get surgery on that finger when he played for team usa......................................................................................................why is it still broken??
He broke it this season.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

It amazes me how inconsistent this guy Kobe can be, but as soon as he has a great game all of that is forgotten and he's "the best player in the world". It's been like this constantly. He has a 4-21 shooting game and scores 12 points against Milwaukee with just 1 assist, but then some games later he hits a game winning shot and he's "the best player in the world". He may have a 3-19 shooting game in game 3, but if he has 35+ points and scores the game winner in game 4, he'll be "the best player in the world".

Stop trying to customize the criteria for what makes a player the best. Reggie Miller was way clutcher than Clyde Drexler, but he was nowhere near Clyde as an overall player. And if clutchess counted as much as Kobe stans claim it should, then Shaq wouldn't be a top 30 player of all time. Now shut up and watch the MVPs stack up.

   Honestly, I used to have those exact same feelings about Michael Jordan. Not to compare Kobe to Mike or anything, I'm just saying...
Bron has passed Kobe these last couple years but like everytime someone passes Kobe he comes right back and smacks them.

Tmac, Vince, Melo, Wade, Ray Allen, whoever else for that year some claim has passed Kobe.

He's not done and that scares haters because they rather Kobe not play at all and it be all Lebron. They act like Kobe is the only challenge for Lebron and that's a joke because even if Kobe did retire he still got these dudes lurkin.

Didnt Derrick Rose call Lebron the best player in the game last night? 
No need for a thread like this..
Look yet another Kobe vs. _____ thread for the 14 billionth time!

If another player after the next Cavs game says Lebron is the greatest we should make another one.
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

KD you're too young. time to grow up.

  Yeah, Durant should grow up like the guy who trolls in Kobe posts on a message board says.

And I can see where Durant and others have called Kobe the best player in the world maybe meaning he is not the best athlete or most dominant but rather just the best skilled player. I say Lebron is still the best on the planet but that because he cant be stopped and just makes it look like a video game out there.  I can also see where some pro's view Kobe and his work ethic as something to strive for or appreciate while Lebron is so gifted that some either think it comes easy to him or maybe think that all his dancing, posing & attention whoring overshadows his abilities and that might cause some slighting.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Kind of a dumb thing to say down 0-2. Save it until the series is over. That's the problem with NBA players today, they don't have that killer instinct on or off the court. You should feel like you're the best and definitely not slurp other players in the middle of a playoff series. KD is holding his own and there is still a long battle ahead. If that was Kobe at 21, he'd be like, "I'm taking his crown."

NBA is soft now for real.  Damn sure Kobe would've never admitted that to MJ, etc.  before the series is even over.  That's one thing i respect about Kobe.  Still got love for KD but i just think it's showing he's already bowing down in this series.    
Originally Posted by KB8isCLUTCH

Originally Posted by illfrozn

Personally, I still give it to Kobe. LeBron is an excellent player, but except for his dunks and occasional pass plays, I rarely see an actual play that makes me go crazy or want to rewind. I just see a beast -- a huge physical specimen. He rail roads people and leaps over them, and it's instantly the greatest play ever in somepeople's eyes ...

did you watch lebron's performance during the 4th quarter of game 2? dude was lights out from the field.

Absolutely. But 1) It was against my team, so I'm pretending it did not happen, and 2) How often does that happen for LeBron? I feel that EVERY Kobe shot is going down; probably because I've seen him do it so long. When I watch LeBron play, I don't expect every shot to drop (excluding lay-ups and dunks) ...
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

39 points on 28 shots and 1 assist.

Kobe still doesn't get it. If this was a better team they would've lost. If Kobe played a more team-oriented game they would've beat OKC by 20.

Didnt Artest,Bynum,Odom and Fisher go 9-38 last night
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

39 points on 28 shots and 1 assist.

 Kobe still doesn't get it. If this was a better team they would've lost. If Kobe played a more team-oriented game they would've beat OKC by 20.

Wrong...they would have lost the game; he could have had more assists, guys weren't knocking down open shots when he got them the ball.. Him and Pau were the ONLY ones doing/hitting anything out there. The rest of the starts alone were 7-29 and add in Odom they were 9-38. The game called for him to shoot more and get offense.

The Thunders shot distribution was about the same with KD. Neither team shot well and points were at a premium, the two best players had to be more offensively assertive. 
They weren't knocking down shots 'cuz they were standing around watching Kobe dribble around the perimeter. That takes players out of their games. When Kobe plays like this, there's not much difference in this stacked Lakers team and the teams with Smush and Luke getting major playing time: just a bunch of guys standing around watching Kobe shoot. 
Think about it, they almost lost at home in the playoffs to a team full of college-aged kids, most of whom are playing their second playoff game. If I was a Laker fan I'd be worried. Sure they might be able to turn it on later, but it's not a good sign that they're having trouble putting teams like OKC away. 

And the whole "he would've had more assists if people were knocking down shots" line is pure bologna. Missed shots ALWAYS decrease a player's potential assist total, but there is no way to cover up ballhog tendencies when you take 28 shots and only have one assist. If you have the ball as much as Kobe has it, and you're actually playing a team-oriented game, you can't help but to rack up 4-7 assists even on your teammates' worst shooting nights. 

Kobe averaged 5 assists per game and was 1 of a handful to average 25+, 5+, 5+ so get off that. People werent making their shots so why not shoot. You want to criticize him [for no reason], criticize KD too, he took 26 shots with hey look there, ONLY 1 ASSIST and 8 TURNOVERS. There rest of his starters 13-35...duuuuh maybe he shouldve passed more, idiots. Kobe shot 28 shots, rest of the starters, 15-43...yea they didnt shoot enough and they were shooting sooooo great. And its not his fault in your opinion they are just standing around, MOVE! SET PICKS! Some of yall just show blantant hate and its ridiculous.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by PersiaFly

39 points on 28 shots and 1 assist.

Kobe still doesn't get it. If this was a better team they would've lost. If Kobe played a more team-oriented game they would've beat OKC by 20.
Yup. Couldn't have said it any better. Gasol could score 40 if he ever got the rock. He is such a mismatch for the Thunder it's not even funny, but Kobe insists on taking tough shots.

   Kobe and Ron Artest especially need to get the ball inside more ... than would def. destroy this team and most teams in general. Kobe yeh you're a great player but why are u making it difficult when you can't shoot well. Go on the block and shoot in the paint. Even if he would have had 5-6 assists, he had no business taking 16 shots in the first half. Crunch time is a different story.

But i will say this ... w/ OKC athleticism and length, i've seen times where the lakers wanted to go in the post and they couldn't because they would front them and the post guys had to reset to avoid a 3 sec violation. Eh its w/e though ... kobe shot selection
... when they lose they will figure it out maybe

But i digress

I hate Bron but he is the best player in the world ... we're talking about right now ... kobe has mileage, injuries, w/e ... who cares ... he can't finish @ the rim, and can't pass like him ... tthere really isn't an argument right now ... if they make it to the finals, then we can debate again ... if you're gonna play injured, adapt your game, play smarter ... kobe just doesn't get
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Kind of a dumb thing to say down 0-2. Save it until the series is over. That's the problem with NBA players today, they don't have that killer instinct on or off the court. You should feel like you're the best and definitely not slurp other players in the middle of a playoff series. KD is holding his own and there is still a long battle ahead. If that was Kobe at 21, he'd be like, "I'm taking his crown."
Originally Posted by GrizztheBoss

kobe was suppose to get surgery on that finger when he played for team usa......................................................................................................why is it still broken??

He had a torn ligament on another finger I believe and then he broke this finger this season. Not 100% sure.
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