Originally Posted by iceNcream

I dont see why not?

let me break this down.

Broken index finger
knee tendinitis
lower back pain
31 years old

13,000 minutes + logged in

And the man is still doing it. I wanna see how he would be without all those ailments. I wanna see anyone's best player in the NBA have all that under their belt and still do it like Kobe.
Nice avy. Got a bigger version?
Honestly they both needed each other, no way shaq was going to win without kobe, vice versa
and Shaq can thanks Phil, Kobe, Robert Horry, Fisher, etc too. Kobe haters never stop hate
Lebron is the best player in the L.

..and let's stop acting like Shaq hasn't played with a superstar on EVERY team he's been on. Penny, KB, Wade, Nash, and LBJ.
I don't know why I am going to reply to a lot of the stuff I am reading but here we go...

First off I will start by saying that the majority that won't ackowlege Kobe's game as being far superior to almost anyone's is pretty much someone who hates Kobe, doesn't understand basketball, or is a Lebron fan.
That should take care of about 95% of people that are arguing against Kobe in this thread and any other one for that matter.

Now I saw somewhere back on page 2 where someone was claiming the Lakers would have won by 20 had kobe passed more. I would like to tell this person that they are watching the game from a biased point of view just like fans of Lakers and Kobe. The difference is that I watched the game and saw MANY times Kobe passed the ball out of double teams and to wide open men only to have them miss the wide open shot or get blocked. I beleive Fiser was 2 for 8 and Artest 2 for 10 and Bynum had a poor shooting night.

If you watched the game from the point of view of a student of the game you would have also noticed that OKC was playing a zone and doubling down on either Pau or Bynum, denying entry into the post. As soon as the ball switched to the other side of the court they would double the big man on that side. The only way to beat that is to penetrate, which the Lakers as a whole did not do well. matter of fact the only player I noticed consistently doing this was Kobe, thus getting to the line to shoot 15 FT's.

When the ball did make it into the post to Bynum he did a poor job recognizing the double and finding the open man, so he would hoist up a bad shot. Gasol would get the entry pass hold the ball till the double teaming player committed back to his man, because his man cut toward the basket but he would pass it back out. I noticed this a few times. He got some foul shots and also made a couple of jumpers and put backs on the offensive glass.

To me Kobe does look a bit slower than he used to be, he is not jumping as high as a few years ago. Part of it is he's hurt but I also think that's him getting older and showing it a bit more. The thing is he knows how to play through injuries and age because he's a smart basketball player. He is a student of the game and is determined to come out on top no matter what it takes.

The argument that Kobe is the greatest in the world will always be subjective so there is no point in arguing it, but to say some of the things I am seeing on this board about Kobe's game not being good enough, or that it could be better is downright funny to me. Everyone, including myself is a basketball guru when watching the game. We all know how things would have turned out if only Kobe would just play the way I want him to play the game.

Bottom line is, there is a reason you and I are posting our opinion on this message board and are not playing or coaching in the NBA, I am sure you know that reason.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by wrctiatobe

why not? he has 4 rings to prove it

He can thank Shaq for 3 of those rings.
Eh. Shaq has played with so many good players w/ all his rings.

They still need to thank Phil Jackson though, so stop it ...
Originally Posted by primetime21

Originally Posted by Remi23

Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Originally Posted by philly5fan

If its not clear that Bron is easily the best player in the league this year hands down

Then A. You don't know basketball

B. You're a kobe stan or Lebron hater

I am not a cavs fan in anyway but Lebron is running the NBA right now
KD is a LeBron hater or Kobe stan!!

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Bron has passed Kobe these last couple years but like everytime someone passes Kobe he comes right back and smacks them.

Tmac, Vince, Melo, Wade, Ray Allen, whoever else for that year some claim has passed Kobe.

He's not done and that scares haters because they rather Kobe not play at all and it be all Lebron. They act like Kobe is the only challenge for Lebron and that's a joke because even if Kobe did retire he still got these dudes lurkin.

Bron passed who? yeah bron might of passed kobe post broken finger. the only thing lebron has passed kobe in is overall slurping fans. kobe won a championship last year did you forget?
Originally Posted by KenJi714

and Shaq can thanks Phil, Kobe, Robert Horry, Fisher, etc too. Kobe haters never stop hate
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

i skimmed thru 6 pages of this, and still no video
this as well.
another one of this i see. Bron shouldn't even be brought up in this thread. He is not relevant in here.
I haven't read muh of this thread... lucky me... so I'll keep this short..

Kobe has the biggest skill set of any player I'VE seen, ever (Including He-who-mustn't-be-named). Is he as CONSISTENT as Bron or "That guy"? Nope. Not right now. Did "That guy" have Kobe's lights out accuracy from any-damn-where on the court? Nope. Could Lebron play LEBRON'S game at the same or close to the same level with a totally %!@**% up body? Hell no.

See, there's trade offs between the two...

MJ can play hurt. So can Kobe.
Kobe can dominate. So can Lebron.
Lebron makes his team better. So did MJ.

Between the two (Kobe and Bron - with MJ as a control), there's an argument to be made for either one being "THE BEST TODAY" when you compare them to what "THE BEST OF ALL TIME" was able to do... but... what makes Kobe just that much better is the fact that we're comparing two peak-level athletes, but only one has a history of greatness. Lebron is a few notches above Tmac right now. As GOOD as Tracy was, he never cemented his legacy so you can't say he's GREAT. As GREAT as Lebron is, he'll never be the BEST until he does some of the things Kobe is EXPECTED to do now-a-days. Kobe's resume is shhhhhing on Lebron's... let's just be honest here.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by iceNcream

I dont see why not?

let me break this down.

Broken index finger
knee tendinitis
lower back pain
31 years old

13,000 minutes + logged in

And the man is still doing it. I wanna see how he would be without all those ailments. I wanna see anyone's best player in the NBA have all that under their belt and still do it like Kobe.
Messed up ankle too
plus he got whitegirls
durant calling kobe the best player in the world after last nights loss is a perfect example of an upward comparison. those of you who know basic social psychological theory should understand. those of you who don't will probably continue reading too much into Durant's opinion and fighting like toddlers.

and as an aside- does it really matter who the best player is? why not just enjoy each individual talent for their uniqueness and their ability to integrate into and help their team win?
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