Kevin Samuels Thread

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you dudes really have some issues with women

cats spend that on weed or liquor to kick it with their homies no problem but a date with a woman.... GASP

as long as you're not going outside your financial means do your thing playboy

it's dudes flying chicks out to islands and all sorts why would I pocket watch and hate

A date with a woman who brags on social media that she ghosts men after they pay. If all the boys are throwing in money to be kicking it then there's no problem
“MY lifestyle” :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

.... She better have a LIFESTYLE a*** job. She clearly wants to live beyond her means and be taken care of. She wants designer gear, a foreign car and million dollar home..... go get some money then ma’am.

She's all about the checks. If some old saggy man showed up and she knew he was worth a milly or so, she down to do anything.
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What do you do?
I sell Hot Dogs.
Is that all that you want to do?
It keeps the bills paid.

Did you drive here (If at a club)
No, my boys drove.

If she sticks around after this, simply having a conversation and digging the music, vibe?

She's cool.
They BEEN told us what's out there for you if you thirsty enough.

There's enough room on the highway for us to have our own lanes.

I plan on staying in mine (with lane departure activated).

Never understood men in the "It aint trickin' if you got it" lane...but that's none of my business.

Aint nothing "manly" about low self esteem / trying to impress people with your wallet IMO.

For the record...I aint mad at the women at all.

As a matter of fact I prefer women with some game in them.

Steel sharpens steel...

They gets no doe from me though LOL!!!

You'd be surprised how many women friends I still have to this day just buy saying No.

Dont nobody trust a fool.
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My wife is a CEO but I just got fired from dollar tree.... I’m a cashier...

Why am I even working anywhere, if my wife is a CEO???
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