Kevin Samuels Thread

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Isn’t Trump’s wife Melania Russian?

Most powerful man in the World :lol:


A high percentage of what he's saying is true though, because the majority of caucasian people that have generational wealth do not, i repeat do not date down, let alone date down interracially. Im sure some of ya'll will name some random people who have, but I can name 10 people who haven't for your every 1. The ones I went to school with didn't, and the few that did got cut out of the families will/inheritance/family business as a result of the family finding out who they were dating.

For us as African Americans, we don't own or control our culture, and communities anymore. There's no order in place when we compare our people to other societies/nationalities/races because we willingly intergrated with our enemy. Not to turn this into a racial thread. But it's the truth. Im not racist, and I've had this discussion with people that are different nationalities from different religious backgrounds.

If there's no rules/order in place, why would the women, or anybody of that community feel that they have to operate in a manner that benefits their people, when they can be free to do whatever for their own personal gain. We'll never see these issues resolved in our lifetime because this is a western society problem. All of my friends that aren't from the west don't have this problem relationship wise, because they have balance and order and rules amongst their people. Think about when you're grandparents and great grandparents where alive, the black family unit/community was stronger and thriving back then.

Now since we've interrogated, we're more successful individually, but the Black family/Community has suffered in a result of everybody only worried about self, not about their people. Also the West has made the Black Woman the head/lead of our people right now, so why would they follow Black Men when in reality they don't have to. A nation is only as strong in it's leaders, women base decisions off of emotions, and that's how the majority of how everyone think nowadays, everybody is sensitive and emotional and selfish in the west, all female traits.
I have always said this, tall, wealthy, white people marry other tall, wealthy, white people :lol:

I think the underlying issue is capitalism, and the irony that although capitalism is able to curve the way one views individuality, family dynamics, educational attainment and personal accountability, it can't change human natures dependance on social groups and dynamics in its search for advantage.

In short, black people are too American lol with none of the advantages because white folks got all the power.
:wow: :wow: Did he not ask the pops for the OK before proposing? Why didn't they warn my man BEFORE he proposed? That's awful. Did he break it off after that or what? Those situations can go either way.
From what I know, the family was apprehensive cause they ain't really know him like that,(especially since he's black) but then after seeing how he conducted himself, etc they actually grew to like him. When he initially found out, he didn't break up with her off rip. Instead, like a fool, he tried to discuss it with her regarding what was revealed to him and she talked him into keeping the engagement. Basically telling him it was just an old friend. Fast forward, he showed up to her home and hombre was there chilling at her apartment. That's what he needed to see in order to cut ties with her.

I wonder how he feels about that? I have always thought that the men who are overly critical of women and their success, are also on the DL. To me it seems that you cannot get THAT frustrated, without at least sampling the other side in order to find out if you are indeed on the right team. To men, it is just like the right wing white christian males, those who complain about abortion, women's rights and the gay agenda.

These are the dudes that always wind up being exposed like Toe Tappin' Larry Craig.

I cant speak for any other dude but cheating is cheating and my penis doesn't make me unaccountable for my actions. Authority w/o accountability is failure. I have the authority to make my own decisions and as such I should be held to account for the decisions I make. If you cant abide by the terms and conditions of an agreement that you proposed then you aren't worthy of the agreement. Don't lump all us men together. A man gotta have a code. I aint got NOTHIN in common with a Derrick Jaxn type MF. If my friend cheating on his wife then WTF makes me think he wont snake me too?

Then again, I aint "high value" so maybe I should shut up :lol:
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The solution is pretty simple. Do not lie to women, misleading them. Learn from my man Derek Jeter, be nice, and give parting gifts, and don't even consider a long term relationship until you are ready.
The solution is pretty simple. Do not lie to women, misleading them. Learn from my man Derek Jeter, be nice, and give parting gifts, and don't even consider a long term relationship until you are ready.
This. Man. Knows. I definitely used a modified version of the Derek Jeter Playbook and I’ve lost so many sweaters, sweatshirts and hoodies throughout the process |l. Related - I remember on of the other groomsmen at my brothers’ wedding was telling me that back when as single and Juicy Couture was popping he would at all times have a full size run of JC sweatsuits in his closet available for yambs if they needed something for the next following morning :wow: :lol:
This. Man. Knows. I definitely used a modified version of the Derek Jeter Playbook and I’ve lost so many sweaters, sweatshirts and hoodies throughout the process |l. Related - I remember on of the other groomsmen at my brothers’ wedding was telling me that back when as single and Juicy Couture was popping he would at all times have a full size run of JC sweatsuits in his closet available for yambs if they needed something for the next following morning :wow: :lol:
I have stories, and the wife knows my history. I ain't got no problems with women. I want them to get that paper, never wanted any woman to be dependent upon me, unless they were my child.
I have stories, and the wife knows my history. I ain't got no problems with women. I want them to get that paper, never wanted any woman to be dependent upon me, unless they were my child.

I know the history. You cannot seem to learn from it. You can keep throwing your sexy phrase at me all you want. But it still dont change the FACT that YOU are the one bitter about a period of time that YOU were not involved in. NOT me.
All jokes aside I wouldn't be surprised and I would be fine with it. I feel like dude is overcompensating for something. Same way I wouldn't be surprised if Umar Johnson was dating white women on the low. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Umar getting caught w/ a white woman the way I think he would is something I need to see.
- I remember on of the other groomsmen at my brothers’ wedding was telling me that back when as single and Juicy Couture was popping he would at all times have a full size run of JC sweatsuits in his closet available for yambs if they needed something for the next following morning :wow: :lol:
I wonder how many came backfor a 2nd round just for a extra sweatsuit?? Lol

I could hear a rathet calling her girl now-

“boo he handing out 🍆 n JC sweatsuits! The real 1s too girl.”
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All jokes aside I wouldn't be surprised and I would be fine with it. I feel like dude is overcompensating for something. Same way I wouldn't be surprised if Umar Johnson was dating white women on the low. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
No games, I didn't want to be the one to bring that energy in here, but that's been my theory on Kevin Samuels all along.
I wonder how many came backfor a 2nd round just for a extra sweatsuit?? Lol

I could hear a rathet calling her girl now-

“boo he handing out🍆 n JC sweatsuits! The real 1s too girl.”
I never thought of this angle :wow: :rofl: But man, Pre-Uber days were the WORST. I used to live about 5 blocks (~1/4 mile) from one of the main streets in my neighborhood where you could reliably catch a cab. I’d have to toss something on real quick, walk them to said street and wait with them to hail a cab. Uber has made everything so much easier :pimp:

An example of what NOT to do: Was in NYC for my boys birthday (Pre-Uber). He meets a girl who had the same birthday, they chop it up, go back to his place and have sexual relations (he at least got a BJ, might have smashed but I can’t remember). The next morning she wakes up freaking out because she lost her phone and wallet so she didn’t know how she was going to get home. This man said “I’m sorry, don’t worry. I got you” and gave her FIVE DOLLARS IN ONES :rofl: :rofl:After we all stopped laughing and asked why he said “Man, a single ride on the Subway to anywhere is $2.50. That was actually generous!” :lol:

I can only imagine what Kevin Samuels would have to say if she called into his show to complain about that experience. He would be on some “You said he gave $5? IN ALL ONES? Not only are you only worth $5 but he gave you his loose bills. What size did you say you were again?”
Watching Kevin live show on YouTube. He got so many men tryna call in. Even when he says ladies only 100x. They gotta be mad at him. Lol
So if kevin samuels came out the closet, would it change anything about his credibility or viewership?
So if kevin samuels came out the closet, would it change anything about his credibility or viewership?

I would respect him a little more because I know it's difficult for anyone to make that decision to come out in this bigoted society.

I would still think his opinions were trash though. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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