Keying A Car: Would You Have Done It?

You should have thought... what would Tim Tibow do right now.
But in all seriousness it makes sense that everyone in the Church has those feelings dude. They worship a book that says it is not okay to be gay, so thats what they believe.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

OP are you a female? This is only acceptable unacceptable behavior if you're a female lol. It would make way more sense.

How old are you btw? im thinking pretty young ( < 21)
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sthebest

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

But I dont understand, why wasnt this relayed to the bishop that this wasnt going to be a gay bashing funeral?
I don't think anyone saw this coming. My understanding is that he was just asked to say a few nice words about my great grandmother and he went off on a tangent.

Ok I understand now. Next time(
) get on the pulpit and stop whoever.
You have that right its a funeral not sunday morning service.
But dont key nobody car, that will get you shot.
Dajon not the only dude that would get rid of your family for touching his car

How old was she?

you tryna get me banned.. after all we just been through freakbaby.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sthebest

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

But I dont understand, why wasnt this relayed to the bishop that this wasnt going to be a gay bashing funeral?
I don't think anyone saw this coming. My understanding is that he was just asked to say a few nice words about my great grandmother and he went off on a tangent.

Ok I understand now. Next time(
) get on the pulpit and stop whoever.
You have that right its a funeral not sunday morning service.
But dont key nobody car, that will get you shot.
Dajon not the only dude that would get rid of your family for touching his car

How old was she?
she was 99 so she had a long and productive life. I know that it was his car because a few people saw him parking it after pulling up.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by RavageBX

OP are you a female? This is only acceptable unacceptable behavior if you're a female lol. It would make way more sense.

How old are you btw? im thinking pretty young ( < 21)
the way OP handled the situation hes probably a kid
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

You may need anger management. Keying a car? That's for bitter ex girlfriends. You keyed the car of an 80 year old man. You have a problem.

He expressed his opinion. He did not personally slander your oversensitive cousins.

Karma is waiting on you
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sthebest

I don't think anyone saw this coming. My understanding is that he was just asked to say a few nice words about my great grandmother and he went off on a tangent.

Ok I understand now. Next time(
) get on the pulpit and stop whoever.
You have that right its a funeral not sunday morning service.
But dont key nobody car, that will get you shot.

How old was she?

you tryna get me banned.. after all we just been through shoefreakbaby.

OP has to be one of the most immature people I've ever come across on NT. Dude actually has the mind of a child.
Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by RavageBX

OP are you a female? This is only acceptable unacceptable behavior if you're a female lol. It would make way more sense.

How old are you btw? im thinking pretty young ( < 21)
the way OP handled the situation hes probably a kid
You guys have to keep in mind that this is a funeral, not a time to preach about homosexuality. I know OP lightweight OD'd, but then again this is a funeral. They're all their to mourn the late family member and the last thing you want to hear is a rant on homosexuality, which had nothing to do with the funeral. OP you did OD, but i understand what you were going through at that moment. Family is family, if your loved ones were offended by someone you retaliate.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

What year was the BMW?

it was brand new didn't you read the thread!?

I read

Shiny and new dont tell me what year it was.

That dude 80, he aint got no 2013 car.

dat late life crisis
maybe he was an NTer too
fall back DajonDondo, he's not worth getting band......nice bron's btw....

he's already showed what type of person he is by keying another mans car....female trait to me...

some people mature faster than others....experience is the best teacher......

to op and other younger NTalker's on here, if you have a problem with someone I recommend finding a non-violent solution instead of possibly causing another problem for yourself and/or others....

OP, i feel for your loss and even the amount of anger you had in you at the time...but that wasnt the best outlet...I highly doubt you would commit the same act if you was 10 years older than what you are now....

to answer your question, No i wouldnt have done it....

p.s. im surprise NT detectives havent located where this funeral was held at and made that call......vandalism i suppose.....
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

You can jump a man, you can stab a man, shoot a man in the leg... +#*$ his wife.... rob him.... etc.. but you dont everrr.. and i mean ever in your low pathetic pitiful life touch another mans car.

People got insurance man, not that big of a deal. He didn't burn the place down 

see this is what im starting to learn about you young dudes...yall dont have "guy code"

its a unspoken term you dont mess with cars...its too cowardly. if you get to the point your so mad you wanna touch another mans car, you should just channel that anger into throwing hands with that person. not key their f'n key... women do that.

IF this story is true (and for some reason I think it's ducktales and dude is trollin'), the boy is terry-cloth.  Rather than actually confront the 80 year old man (not even saying he need to throw hands), he keys the man's car. 
  What type of sucker !%$* is that? 
OP = Straight up coward. The pastor was out of line talking about homosexuality at a funeral, but at least he was voicing his opinon out in the open. Anyone that had a problem with it could have interrupted him and told him to chill with all that. You said the guy was old, old people don't always have their mind right (it's starting to slip away). But sneaking to key his car (at least you thought it was his) was worse than anything he said to everyone's face. Grown man sneaking to scratch somebody's car... a coward dies a thousand deaths.
Mad enough to punch a wall but too $$$$% to confront an 80 year old man. How does that make ANY sense? This is part of the reason why I don't buy OP's tale...
What that bishop said was wrong (which is one of the many reasons why I hate religon), but there are three things you just don't mess with. Someone's wife/family, home, & car...Vincent Vega said it best.

Edit- just realized how much cursing the Pulp Fiction scene I posted had. Not trying to get suspended or banned.
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