Keying A Car: Would You Have Done It?

Bishops riding in a new BMW. In my bias opinion I don't see a problem with it. But you should have confronted the Bishop man to man about how you felt and had your lesbian cousins key up the car instead.
VIN # because i call ducktales.

you wouldnt be so nonchalaunt about vandalism on a car if you had a car and motorcycle messed with.

car vandalism is one of the most pie things anyone can do on this planet.

son, did you listen to "i bust the windows out your car" when you keyed another MANS car?

you should relate.
Cmon like previously stated before, no one in your fam had the sense to tell the pastor to cool it during his speech? Then to go outside and key the mans car, then run away. Not going to lie, that's a @*** move. All that was needed was to stop the man mid speech and say shut up and if he doesnt want to, well you go from there.

You have to understand his opinion is due to the time he was raised in.

Dont get me wrong, the pastor was wrong but it doesnt give you the right to key his car. Grow up and handle your problems like an adult. And IMO you deserve to get caught and pay for the damage.

I had my previous car keyed by an ex, not fun, and very expensive to fix.
Originally Posted by il prescelto

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed

a.) do you own a car. VIN #, please

b.) Has your car ever been vandalized?

c.) if you cannot answer yes to both questions, stop listening to drake.

a) the hell you want a VIN for?

b) yes, motorcycle too
c) okay

Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed

outside of a house, which most ppl dont own anyways, what do most men cherish more then their cars? clothes, shoes, pc, video games.....
well i would hope people value their own bodies/health more than any other possessions, but apart from that there's plenty of non-material things that men might cherish more than their cars.
i mean, there's guys in this thread saying OP should have just beat the $%#& out of the pastor. you really think when he's laying in a hospital with fractured bones hes gunna be thinking "damn good thing my car still looks fRe$h"....

Bro, I don't care how high/low your car is in the pecking order in your life...u gonna be TIGHT if someone vandalizes it. 

My POV is this...throwing hands w/ an 80 year old man is pathetic.  What was stopping him from actually having WORDS with him?  He keyed the man's car tho....
  terry cloth. 
Okay, so now that I've had two days to calm down and think about the situation, I feel bad for what I did.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but for some reason keying his car was the first thing that came to my mind. I wanted to get up on the stage and confront him face to face..nah to hell with that, I WAS going to. There's no way in hell i'd be calm after seeing my grandmother (who is gay) leave in tears. The only reason I didnt is because a.) out of respect to everyone else in the church and b.) it still is church and I wasn't about to start using profanity in the house of the Lord.

And for those saying I should have kicked his butt, do remember that I said he was 80. usually if you beat up someone that old, it can land them in the hospital since they can't recover that fast. So in short, yeah what I did was OD and childish, but it goes to show you when you're angry, rationality flies out of the window.
Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by voodoo

Listen to yourself.  He had no business speaking his opinion at a funeral.  Ok, now explain how that has anything to do with damaging someone's property?  You one of those "two wrongs make a right" type dudes?  Again, if OP had a problem with what the man said, he could have been a man about it and stood up and let it be known it wasn't the time or the place for that subject matter.  How did he deserve to have his car keyed?  What if it wasn't even his car?  Did some random BMW owner in the church deserve it?

What if I have a problem with what you just posted?  Should I track you don't and damage your propery?  You deserve it!  You posted an opinion I don't agree with!
No he should have said something about it at the time it happened, that part im agreeing with. The pastor had ZERO business talking about anything of that matter at a FUNERAL. Feelings and emotions were running high, after all it was a FUNERAL. Put yourself in that position, i dont know if you're close to your family or not but if anyone ever went on a slander at a family members funeral and made my family go out crying you better believe something would be done about it. You're probably the little %@%+* type who would just let it go and not stand up for your family. No im not saying dude should have keyed his car, he should have handled it differently but again, emotions, feelings, etc were high and thats what he did in the moment.

Come at me bro.

If you can't be a man and confront someone voicing an opinion you don't agree with, then don't do anything at all.  You say something would be done about it, ok handle the situation like a man... I can tell you that sneaking to scratch a car is not handling the situation like a man.  Since you believe going after a man's property is a solution, you're a coward.  The pastor voicing his inappropriate comments wasn't doing it in a cowardly manner, but apparently nobody had the balls to stand up and confront him.

Come at you bro?  Now you have courage? 

Where are all these feminine dudes coming from?  Boys being raised into straight punks.

Can you read man? Before you try to get all hard body through a computer screen comprehend what is being talked about here. I said given the circumstances i didn't think what he did was wrong. Should have he gone about it differently? Yeah. But he didn't, and i don't blame him for it.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

i think we've all been bamboozled

so NO-ONE in your party had the sense to interrupt this man while the tirade was going on...or confront him after and demand an apology or something?

but we go outside and punch brick walls then have a family meeting then key somebodies car?!

but wait then we realize we cant go back in and say anything to him cause we have to hurry off to go start the procession and head to the cemetery...

did you have a different pastor for the cemetery?
and yes, we had a different pastor for the cemetery.
trust me, I was looking for dude there and did not see him.
i woulda just started talking over him if he was bashing gay people and hurt your grammy's feelings


but instead you took the vengeful female route of keying a car.

first thing you thought of, huh?

Sure he's wrong, but you were all types of wrong. Keying a car? that's wild feminine are you gay too? your passion and femme rage that came out screams repression. An old 80 yr old coot though? you were looking for dude, really? As a young man, there's tons of things a pastor has run off during the sermon that were absolute sins and i'm going to hell that i do routinely and not walk out ready to key his whip. And for ya'll saying that getting your car messed with ain't a biggie, have you ever been surprised first thing in the morning by vandalized personal property? that @%*% will piss you off so much it's just pure rage, you will shoot a 12 yr old in that moment if they did it.
You go onto a Message Board to get people's personal opinion for a situation where you got mad at someone's personal opinion?

You accomplished nothing at the church. You accomplished nothing with this thread. You will accomplish nothing in life.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

i woulda just started talking over him if he was bashing gay people and hurt your grammy's feelings


but instead you took the vengeful female route of keying a car.

first thing you thought of, huh?

lol you're not listening. dude literally said "Okay okay ill stop because i'm ruffling some feathers, but lemme say this" and started all over again, even after several people asked him to stop 
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by Fade On You

No he should have said something about it at the time it happened, that part im agreeing with. The pastor had ZERO business talking about anything of that matter at a FUNERAL. Feelings and emotions were running high, after all it was a FUNERAL. Put yourself in that position, i dont know if you're close to your family or not but if anyone ever went on a slander at a family members funeral and made my family go out crying you better believe something would be done about it. You're probably the little %@%+* type who would just let it go and not stand up for your family. No im not saying dude should have keyed his car, he should have handled it differently but again, emotions, feelings, etc were high and thats what he did in the moment.

Come at me bro.

If you can't be a man and confront someone voicing an opinion you don't agree with, then don't do anything at all.  You say something would be done about it, ok handle the situation like a man... I can tell you that sneaking to scratch a car is not handling the situation like a man.  Since you believe going after a man's property is a solution, you're a coward.  The pastor voicing his inappropriate comments wasn't doing it in a cowardly manner, but apparently nobody had the balls to stand up and confront him.

Come at you bro?  Now you have courage? 

Where are all these feminine dudes coming from?  Boys being raised into straight punks.

Can you read man? Before you try to get all hard body through a computer screen comprehend what is being talked about here. I said given the circumstances i didn't think what he did was wrong. Should have he gone about it differently? Yeah. But he didn't, and i don't blame him for it.
Did you or did you not previously state the pastor deserved getting his car keyed?  I rest my case... carry on nephew. 
you dont understand

i would have yelled over dude until he stopped....obnoxiously.

i wouldnt have said "hey, stop guy" at speaking level

i'd have just kept making loud noises over his talking until he left the mic.

then again, i dont think churches are sacred at all, especially when one is housing a bigot who will "preach" bigotry at a funeral.


keying a car wouldnt have been the first thing on my mind.

all lulz aside, that wasnt the correct way to deal with was actually almost the worst way.

if anything i would have mocked him to his face and made him cry or something.
b_____ move

you gonna key everyones car that has a different view or opinion than you?
This is how the op should have handled the situation.Somebody embed please.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm
Real talk son no hate but...

why do you double space your post?


Like its not a good look at all.


Hell I just skip over your post cause its really really REALLY annoying.


Like I said no hate just asking

*INB4 a personal attack, how much money he makes, or the fact he went to OSU*

why would you think i cared to know that you dont read my posts because they are double spaced?

* out b4 you realize i dont care*
So your grandmother is gay now too?

Seems like you add a new gay family member with each post.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

why would you think i cared to know that you dont read my posts because they are double spaced?

* out b4 you realize i dont care*
You didn't answer the question


Didn't need to be upset.



*INAFTER this dude responds back TWICE even tho "I doesn't care"


Originally Posted by toine2983

So your grandmother is gay now too?

Seems like you add a new gay family member with each post.

I said that she was a few pages ago. My grandmother and one of my cousins is gay
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