Keying A Car: Would You Have Done It?

Originally Posted by voodoo

The pastor was out of line talking about homosexuality at a funeral, but at least he was voicing his opinon out in the open. Anyone that had a problem with it could have interrupted him and told him to chill with all that. You said the guy was old, old people don't always have their mind right (it's starting to slip away). But sneaking to key his car (at least you thought it was his) was worse than anything he said to everyone's face. Grown man sneaking to scratch somebody's car... a coward dies a thousand deaths.
No. He had NO business speaking his opinion on what he feels is right and wrong at a FUNERAL. I don't care if he was 80 or not, he was obviously well enough mentally to slander a group of people, he knew exactly what was going on. He deserved it, idc.
You gotta be no older than 18 years old, no grown man would ever pull this stunt.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by voodoo

The pastor was out of line talking about homosexuality at a funeral, but at least he was voicing his opinon out in the open. Anyone that had a problem with it could have interrupted him and told him to chill with all that. You said the guy was old, old people don't always have their mind right (it's starting to slip away). But sneaking to key his car (at least you thought it was his) was worse than anything he said to everyone's face. Grown man sneaking to scratch somebody's car... a coward dies a thousand deaths.
No. He had NO business speaking his opinion on what he feels is right and wrong at a FUNERAL. I don't care if he was 80 or not, he was obviously well enough mentally to slander a group of people, he knew exactly what was going on. He deserved it, idc.

Listen to yourself.  He had no business speaking his opinion at a funeral.  Ok, now explain how that has anything to do with damaging someone's property?  You one of those "two wrongs make a right" type dudes?  Again, if OP had a problem with what the man said, he could have been a man about it and stood up and let it be known it wasn't the time or the place for that subject matter.  How did he deserve to have his car keyed?  What if it wasn't even his car?  Did some random BMW owner in the church deserve it?

I have a problem with what you just posted.  Should I track you down and damage your propery?  You deserve it!  You posted an opinion I don't agree with!
Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by voodoo

The pastor was out of line talking about homosexuality at a funeral, but at least he was voicing his opinon out in the open. Anyone that had a problem with it could have interrupted him and told him to chill with all that. You said the guy was old, old people don't always have their mind right (it's starting to slip away). But sneaking to key his car (at least you thought it was his) was worse than anything he said to everyone's face. Grown man sneaking to scratch somebody's car... a coward dies a thousand deaths.
No. He had NO business speaking his opinion on what he feels is right and wrong at a FUNERAL. I don't care if he was 80 or not, he was obviously well enough mentally to slander a group of people, he knew exactly what was going on. He deserved it, idc.

Listen to yourself.  He had no business speaking his opinion at a funeral.  Ok, now explain how that has anything to do with damaging someone's property?  You one of those "two wrongs make a right" type dudes?  Again, if OP had a problem with what the man said, he could have been a man about it and stood up and let it be known it wasn't the time or the place for that subject matter.  How did he deserve to have his car keyed?  What if it wasn't even his car?  Did some random BMW owner in the church deserve it?

What if I have a problem with what you just posted?  Should I track you don't and damage your propery?  You deserve it!  You posted an opinion I don't agree with!
No he should have said something about it at the time it happened, that part im agreeing with. The pastor had ZERO business talking about anything of that matter at a FUNERAL. Feelings and emotions were running high, after all it was a FUNERAL. Put yourself in that position, i dont know if you're close to your family or not but if anyone ever went on a slander at a family members funeral and made my family go out crying you better believe something would be done about it. You're probably the little %@%+* type who would just let it go and not stand up for your family. No im not saying dude should have keyed his car, he should have handled it differently but again, emotions, feelings, etc were high and thats what he did in the moment.

Come at me bro.
I had some +#%#@$! key my car once. I almost ran up on em with a knife behind that #!$@. Beat him down before keying his vehicle.
Damn.. I swear some of y'all @@+$*$ stay on some petty %*@%.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Uh ohh.. he correcting my grammer..... lmao... lame *## @*#%+... no wonder you key cars... your a female... you like men.. this why nobody respect you. So now its not from a iphone4 ... please stop.. really.. stop.


Good one....

This dude Dajon is a lil homophobic himself. Hmmmm. We don't need this on NT
i hate when dudes make fake troll accounts then super troll all the time, but eventually end up getting legit mad in a post and showing their true emotions

see dajon.

stick to the trolling.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by voodoo

Originally Posted by Fade On You

No. He had NO business speaking his opinion on what he feels is right and wrong at a FUNERAL. I don't care if he was 80 or not, he was obviously well enough mentally to slander a group of people, he knew exactly what was going on. He deserved it, idc.

Listen to yourself.  He had no business speaking his opinion at a funeral.  Ok, now explain how that has anything to do with damaging someone's property?  You one of those "two wrongs make a right" type dudes?  Again, if OP had a problem with what the man said, he could have been a man about it and stood up and let it be known it wasn't the time or the place for that subject matter.  How did he deserve to have his car keyed?  What if it wasn't even his car?  Did some random BMW owner in the church deserve it?

What if I have a problem with what you just posted?  Should I track you don't and damage your propery?  You deserve it!  You posted an opinion I don't agree with!
No he should have said something about it at the time it happened, that part im agreeing with. The pastor had ZERO business talking about anything of that matter at a FUNERAL. Feelings and emotions were running high, after all it was a FUNERAL. Put yourself in that position, i dont know if you're close to your family or not but if anyone ever went on a slander at a family members funeral and made my family go out crying you better believe something would be done about it. You're probably the little %@%+* type who would just let it go and not stand up for your family. No im not saying dude should have keyed his car, he should have handled it differently but again, emotions, feelings, etc were high and thats what he did in the moment.

Come at me bro.

If you can't be a man and confront someone voicing an opinion you don't agree with, then don't do anything at all.  You say something would be done about it, ok handle the situation like a man... I can tell you that sneaking to scratch a car is not handling the situation like a man.  Since you believe going after a man's property is a solution, you're a coward.  The pastor voicing his inappropriate comments wasn't doing it in a cowardly manner, but apparently nobody had the balls to stand up and confront him.

Come at you bro?  Now you have courage? 

Where are all these feminine dudes coming from?  Boys being raised into straight punks.
Originally Posted by JUne

You should have spelled out lesbian hater on his car.
Then when he sees his car he'll be like.

lulz were provided.


also I understand how homey could be outta dere right after funeral.

if you're remorseful about it now, then I ain't eem mad doe. 
i think we've all been bamboozled

so NO-ONE in your party had the sense to interrupt this man while the tirade was going on...or confront him after and demand an apology or something?

but we go outside and punch brick walls then have a family meeting then key somebodies car?!

but wait then we realize we cant go back in and say anything to him cause we have to hurry off to go start the procession and head to the cemetery...

did you have a different pastor for the cemetery?
since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed
well he is a pastor

he will "collect"more money and upgrade to a better whip

thats el' game pimping
Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed
Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed

outside of a house, which most ppl dont own anyways, what do most men cherish more then their cars? clothes, shoes, pc, video games.....
Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed

a.) do you own a car. VIN #, please

b.) Has your car ever been vandalized?

c.) if you cannot answer yes to both questions, stop listening to drake.

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed

a.) do you own a car. VIN #, please

b.) Has your car ever been vandalized?

c.) if you cannot answer yes to both questions, stop listening to drake.


Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed

a.) do you own a car. VIN #, please

b.) Has your car ever been vandalized?

c.) if you cannot answer yes to both questions, stop listening to drake.

a) the hell you want a VIN for?

b) yes, motorcycle too
c) okay

Originally Posted by il prescelto

since when is a car a man's most prized possession? get out of here with that %^$&#$ nonsense, anyone who actually thinks that deserves to have their car keyed

outside of a house, which most ppl dont own anyways, what do most men cherish more then their cars? clothes, shoes, pc, video games.....
well i would hope people value their own bodies/health more than any other possessions, but apart from that there's plenty of non-material things that men might cherish more than their cars.
i mean, there's guys in this thread saying OP should have just beat the $%#& out of the pastor. you really think when he's laying in a hospital with fractured bones hes gunna be thinking "damn good thing my car still looks fRe$h"....
Well, you handled that terribly. First of all why get angry to the point you start punching walls and keying cars? That's childish son.

Why not say something in the church? Why not tell him, this isn't the time for that? but you go outside punch the building for what? to show that you are angry?

Who thinks of keying another man's car? That's right females.
Assuming OP's story is indeed true, the pastor was definitely out of line for going off on a tangent like that at your grandmother's funeral, but keying the dude's car in retaliation is a weak move.

I'm not saying you should've thrown hands with him or anything but I'm sure you had ample opportunity to confront him face to face and let him know he was out of line. Not that passive aggressive @+$! of keying someone's car.

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