[:: KID CUDI Thread - Kanye/Cudi Album 6/8/18 ::]

no love for mad solar and young lady gaise?

jeeeeeeeesussss christttt gurlllllll

i dont like kendricks part on solo dolo part 2 anyone else with me
Fam its all flames. 

All of it.

Concerning KL, I wish they didnt name is SDII. Being that SDI is my favorite Cudi track ever, it was never gonna satisfy my expectation.

KL snapped on it tho
kanye leaked it cause he's bitter...

on another note, does girls sample Project pat's chicken head?

the alright, alright part...
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Hmm, I don't know...maybe the same way that albums have been leaking 2 weeks before release date for the last 5 or 6 years??

I mean, generally recent big releases have leaked 5 days to a week before release date.

Whatever though :lol:
Cold Blooded...utter filth.

Cudi told us a long time ago he was a wizard in this rap stuff.

this project reinforces that.


Can't say exactly how it'll hold up weeks, months, years down the line, but, after FIRST LISTEN, sounds harder than MOTM & MOTM2.  WZRD doesn't even count. 
just put the album on... havnt been this hyped up to listen to an album in ages... will cop on release date too..
Keeping "The Resurrection of Scott Mescudi" in the library cuz that instrumental is toooooo sick.

Nobody had the decency to tell poor Charles :frown:

Will download now, and listen if I can find it

Edit: found t.

It's on a few sites already, I'll have it in a few minutes.
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the lost black sheep of good music
 ^say thattttt!

..man, 3rd spin. as dark as this man's music has been

and all that he has divulged to the public, i'm scared this dude might die.

i truly hope that his life isn't cut short due to his lifestyle.

i'm sure the acid reference I heard (track escapes me) wasn't the first

but this album is incredible man.

he's building a legendary catalog before our very eyes.

mr. rager lives......

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