[:: KID CUDI Thread - Kanye/Cudi Album 6/8/18 ::]

Album started out so heavy but faltered a little towards the end. Still a pretty good album, although he should have definitely left out 4-5 tracks.
I'm going to give it a few days before I really state how I feel about this project. But as of right now, I'm jammin, solid stuff, can't quite say its giving me the mysterious excitement of his MOTM projects, but I'm taking it all in. RZA Wutang Homage was dope, I love the feeling of Young Lady, the four tracks we heard pre leak are on point still, but because I listened to them so much they sound so old.

I love how it starts out, Cudi traveling through a vortex of complex blackness and finally reemerging on some terminator triumph steez...

Burn baby Burn has my ears heavy, but like I said, going to give it a couple more days to set in...
...why i gotta find out this leaked at work tho?

but damn...between this and KRIT coming out tomorrrow :smokin
burn baby burn and cold blooded sound like a subliminal good music/kanye diss :nerd:
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for those not satisfied after the 1st spin, definitely give it another listen. I was semi-disappointed thru the first run, but after listening again I'm really feeling this album. Even the tracks that got leaked early still go
Cudi continues to be favorite artist, no other artist actually makes me "feel" the music

Album is dope after the first listen
Listened to about half of it last night. Some tracks i liked, some i didnt. Definitely not on the same level as a kid named cudi and moon man from what ive heard.
Saw this thread had 80 replies over night when it was crawling for the past couple weeks....knew it must have leaked.

Not listening untill it arrives at my house since its already been pre ordered. Thank god KRIT drops tomorrow that should hold me over until the actual release.
After one play through all I can say is this album is fire. There's quite a few standouts on this album and the one track I didn't even like when I first heard (Girls) sounds great to me now :lol:

RZA showin out on someone else's album once again too...I'm not disappointed in the least.

Album ends kinda weak but the songs are still solid.
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I don't see what everyone's saying. I'm mad disappointed on first listen. Going to give it a few more plays before full judgement. That outro straight up felt like a beat my friend made in Reason.

Yeah, im rubbing my eyes like ARE DUDES REALLY GIVING THIS A 9.9/10 rating?

9.9 was MOTM 1.
That was a classic.
That was my favorite album...EVER.

9.9 this? for an album where cudi is barely found on any of the songs.
He's practically only on a 3rd of the tracks...
Most of it is just instrumentals, and half the instrumentals sound alike.,
He kept going for the whole Outer Space/Alien like music... we get it dude, your on a moon.

Im not hating...I made the thread, ive been excited for this album for years...ive been hyping it up before it even leaked to my friends.

Ive seen Cudi live, i own all his albums, i got a poster of the dude and i dont even buy posters anymore.

but man...you guys really think this is a 9.9 album? Flawless?
Really? Flawless?

Cmon guys... Ive listened 3 times now, and there are some dope tracks.
But so many sound alike, and hes barely on many of them. Its so dissapointing.

Just What I am and Immortal had me HYPED...there is nothing like those the rest of the album.
Just a bunch of gibberish and him expressing himself through his instrumentals.

I just dont like that he said this was gonna be the best album hes ever made, the best album we will hear in ages...

Its not even close. and im one of the biggest cudi fans you'll ever meet...but theres no way some of you guys are being honest, at least not even with yourselves.
I get that music is subjective...but theres no way you can think an album where cudi is only on a 3rd of the tracks, barely rapping, barely singing, and giving you production that is weird and repetative on a third of the album is flawless or a 9.9/10...


Maybe my hopes were too high, i dont know... I jsut wanted more Immortal and less Burn Baby Burn.

Flame suit ready...go ahead and attack me. Im honest with every review i give for all my favorite artists.
Some of you dudes either be smokin that good :smokin while you been listening, or are flat out lying...there is no way this is flawless.

Pretty good? Maybe... Flawless? PERFECT?...okay... :rolleyes
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he needs to drop the acapellas and let folks remix this... he dont need to be makin beats by himself... at least call in somebody who can play or somethin... not feeling the production on this joint much
he needs to drop the acapellas and let folks remix this... he dont need to be makin beats by himself... at least call in somebody who can play or somethin... not feeling the production on this joint much

I knew you'd be objective TIME... i feel the same way.
Your beats > half the beats on this album.
Ive heard it in its entirety...def one of my favorite album of this year so far

Im disappointed that Flight of the moon man is an instrumental but its great

But here is my theory: indicud is a build up to Man on the Moon 3...it has elements of his previous man on the moon albums...but who knows when we will hear that
he needs to drop the acapellas and let folks remix this... he dont need to be makin beats by himself... at least call in somebody who can play or somethin... not feeling the production on this joint much
This really affected the album IMO. He just started to pick up production process and is still a rookie at it. He should of threw more producers on this, and just threw his production in sparingly. I still very much enjoyed the project, but it does kind of feel mad minimal and stagnant on production creativity.
i mean he did tell us that this was not MOTM3, therefore not to expect anything that could be part of the man on the moon series.

also, he let us know that it would be feature heavy and it would include a lot of his own production.

i personally have no problem letting kid cudi try new things on us, like he did with WZRD.. it's obvious that he's trying

to find his niche and his own lane and indicud proved to me that he's one step closer to doing it.
I agree with someone that you need give few or more listens to really feel album. And after those few listen, whooo can't stop playin. My new standout - Cold Blooded is spinnin whole day :smokin
I'm halfway through and I don't know what to think. I wish he would have rhymed on NYC Rage Fest though


Kid Cudi's new album, Indicud, hits stores in two weeks. Thanks to a leak (that Cudi isn't even mad about), many fans have been able to give it a listen. The Walking Dead's Steven Yeun  is one of those fans, but he actually got to check out the project during a private studio session with Cudi. The record inspired him to write a trippy little short story, which you can read below, along with some context about his experience before and after hearing the LP.
If you put effort into something it shows; everything you intend, everything you think about, down to the minutia. It. All. Shows. So if you try even just a little bit, people will see that little bit. They might love it or they might hate it, but, at the least, they’ll have to respect how much thought you put into it.

I’ve heard Cudi’s new album. It’s crazy.

I met Cudi at a friend’s party. The conversation started as a shared admiration of each other’s work (which is definitely a cooler story for me). The conversation ended with an invitation to his studio to listen to his new album (which is definitely an even cooler story for me.)

This is not something I’m particularly accustomed to. I don’t roll through people’s studios and listen to their yet-to-be-released albums, so I didn’t really know what to expect. What if the album sucked? I’d have to sit there in his studio and say something like, “Oh that was dope! I loved that part where you used the toms and then also the hi-hat and said that thing about gold chains!” Then I’d have to excuse myself to the bathroom and get the hell out of there.

But you want to know what I did instead? I wrote a ******g story. That’s right. I wrote a story while I was listening to the album. Here it is:

Looks up into the night sky.
From the point of view of a little kid.
The rocket ship took off and traveled.
The crew was in hibernation until they landed.
The birth was of the crew as they awoke from their stasis.
They stepped out into the world. It was beautiful.
As they were entranced with the planet’s beauty, they ran into some trouble.
Beez. They were stung and were seeing blue.
They were down. Slow and sad.
From blue to pristine white within a beautiful meadow.
There is a house. A very modern wooden house with all exposed window walls.
All around them are beautiful hills. It's night in the house.
He sits on his throne. He wears a crown. A sorrowful crown.
It's clean and white now. Sterile. But with half black walls. He was alone. He is the only one of his kind. The only human.
And he became king.
He was the ruler of everything and nothing.
Darkness fell. The King went to the forests to kill all the animals.
He wanted to be the alpha.
If he was to be the king, then he would make the rest of this new world feel it.
Visuals of space. And away. Traveled in your head.
It heads to the swamp. Traces of his beast is still out there.

*Unedited straight from my iPhone.

I’m no critic. I like what I like. I hate what I hate. I can’t tell you to feel one way or another. What I can tell you are the facts. Facts say, I wrote a ******g story while listening to the album.

The album is sick.
Indicud drops on April 23.
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Steven Yeun was hella smacked when he wrote that, lol...but anyway The Walking Dead + Kid Cudi= Awesometacular!!
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