Kid stabs and kills bully

Odds are the kid who was bullied lost himself in the moment and just kept stabbing until exhausted. It's not an uncommon experience for those unused to violence.
dude showed up with goons. 12 stab wounds seems like something plausible. heat of the moment, the kid was tired of being bullied and snapped. it happens.

it weighs on you emotionally and you don't necessarily think rationally.
he did it the right way.

he didn't pull a columbine and target random innocent people because he was bullied. he took care of things with the person who was bullying him and no one else.

a 16 year old picking on a kid 2 years younger then him??  really tho?

plus he made every possible effort to avoid the fight by getting off the bus a few stops early.   he did the right thing and defended himself. 

only thing i wish is that he cut dudes face up like a jack o lantern so that the bullys viewing at the funeral would be a sight to see.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

I need to see these 2 kids.  Is this Kimbo Slice vs. Urkel?

Some kids these days are scared to take a %*$ whooping.  Is the bully wrong? Yes. but this kid went tooooo far.  Maybe he can say he "blacked" out in a fit of rage. 

Believe it or not these types of life experiences build character and make you stronger.  12 times! My god

qft. im sorry but in all my years i gotta say this current gen of kids teens etc, is the most pansy, cotton candy arses kids ive ever heard of. i mean its getting out of hand, bullying teasing, snapping,joning folks etc is just a part of growing up. dudes just refuse to use their hands anymore. Kid get teased for being gay, he comes back shoots up school. kid gets bullied he cries home to mommie and hangs himself in the closet. kid gets joned out, made fun of etc... kid comes back go oj simpson on dudes. Dude def.. went od, and if it was an adult case be in the bing for life.

Smh at folks who justify this, self defense isnt somebody slaps me in the back of the head so i get a burner and blast them full of lead like 10 times. Self defense isnt oh someone pushed/tripped me so ill sneek up and stab em like 30 times. Self defense is ok this dude/chick whoever is hitting me and so im hitting him back and whooping his ##$*.

exactly, he most likely got caught up in the heat of the moment. All of that pent up rage let loose in a matter of'd be easy to lose control. It is murder, but a defensible one.  

Sometimes the fight or flight adrenaline just takes over though. It's like a life and death situation.
Yeah, 12 sounds like a lot but imagine that they're tussling and tumbling around each other for control
before the bully falls. It's not like after one stab the bully is gonna lay like a ragdoll unconscious and
proceed to take 11 stabs while remaining limp.
You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..
As sad as it is to say, it nice for once to not read about a suicide over bullying. I read an article today about a 15 year old girl who walked in front of a bus holding a sucide note after many cries for help because of severe bullying. Although, it may seem like overkill this boy probably had so much pent up anger and sadness he wasn't thinking clearly. And in the end he has to live with knowing he killed someone for the rest of his life. Nobody wins really.
A JUNIOR bullying a freshman? Pathetic.
As a victim of bullying in kindergarten and some of the typical dumb bs we experience in high school, I can't say i'm mad at the kid for what he did.
I'll never understand why kids feel the need to make other kids miserable.  It makes me believe those bullies are scumbags and bad people.  I know most grow out of it and grow up but it angers me when I see all these horrible bullying stories on the news.
It all starts at home.  Parents are responsible for teaching their kids not to bully people.  It trickles down to the kids. 


Rest in grease, bish.
^ Unnecessary

This sucks either way the kid has to deal with the fact that he killed someone, this can make a monster.
That kid probably got bullied at home.The fact that bullying still exist after columbine is crazy.
Son, even heat of the moment or crimes of passion recieve/warrant prison time.12 times tho? A flesh wound to the leg would have sufficed especially seeing that his friends did nothing as this took place.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

The kid had every right to defend himself, but I feel he went above and beyond "self defense" with 12 stab wounds, 2 of them fatal.
Although he was targeted by the bully, this was murder no matter how you look at it.
no he didn't. The kid had been bullied several times before.
He obtained a knife in case anything were to go down. 

Attempted to avoid confrontation by getting off a couple of stops early. 

Bully came after him, hit him in the back of the head. First of all, that's a cheap shot. Secondly for all the kid knows the bully can have a weapon.

He defended himself, obviously got caught up in the heat of the moment (as would most others in his situation) and stabbed him 12 times.

I don't feel bad for the bully, it's his fault hes dead. I'm almost disgusted at myself for thinking how good it is that the kid killed the bully, in self defense. 

I don't understand how NT is always saying things like "Can't believe kids let themselves get bullied" etc. Now that a kid defends himself, people disagree with it.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by MonStar1

I need to see these 2 kids.  Is this Kimbo Slice vs. Urkel?

Some kids these days are scared to take a %*$ whooping.  Is the bully wrong? Yes. but this kid went tooooo far.  Maybe he can say he "blacked" out in a fit of rage. 

Believe it or not these types of life experiences build character and make you stronger.  12 times! My god

qft. im sorry but in all my years i gotta say this current gen of kids teens etc, is the most pansy, cotton candy arses kids ive ever heard of. i mean its getting out of hand, bullying teasing, snapping,joning folks etc is just a part of growing up. dudes just refuse to use their hands anymore. Kid get teased for being gay, he comes back shoots up school. kid gets bullied he cries home to mommie and hangs himself in the closet. kid gets joned out, made fun of etc... kid comes back go oj simpson on dudes. Dude def.. went od, and if it was an adult case be in the bing for life.

Smh at folks who justify this, self defense isnt somebody slaps me in the back of the head so i get a burner and blast them full of lead like 10 times. Self defense isnt oh someone pushed/tripped me so ill sneek up and stab em like 30 times. Self defense is ok this dude/chick whoever is hitting me and so im hitting him back and whooping his ##$*.


This is the one of the most ******ed things I've ever read on here.  Do the world a favor and do not have kids.  Did u not read the part in the article where he got off several stops earlier just to avoid confrontation? The kid got punched in the BACK OF THE HEAD by the bully, who was with a group of guys looking to beat his +*+.  How is the victim (the kid being bullied) being "pansy" or "cotton candy"? That warrants self defense.  The bully deserved to get shanked. 
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

The kid had every right to defend himself, but I feel he went above and beyond "self defense" with 12 stab wounds, 2 of them fatal.
Although he was targeted by the bully, this was murder no matter how you look at it.

f these bullies man
**%!....I aint mad at dude.
Maybe because I'm closer to high school age than some people on here, but kids these days are out of control.  Yeah, MAYBE he didnt have to stab him, but "bullies" these days have gone way beyond slapping you upside your head and keeping it moving.  I've seen kids get jumped and beaten on to a inch within their life dealing with "bullies".

The fact dude got off the bus early and got followed by the bully and HIS friends I believe is justified reason enough to do what he did.  What was he really gonna do otherwise? fight the bully and his friends all at the same time, get real.
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

he did it the right way.

he didn't pull a columbine and target random innocent people because he was bullied. he took care of things with the person who was bullying him and no one else.

a 16 year old picking on a kid 2 years younger then him??  really tho?

plus he made every possible effort to avoid the fight by getting off the bus a few stops early.   he did the right thing and defended himself. 

only thing i wish is that he cut dudes face up like a jack o lantern so that the bullys viewing at the funeral would be a sight to see.

You're roofless. I can't stop laughing at that visual though.

I don't think dude deserved to die, I don't feel bad for him though.
dude sucker punched him in the back of the head. he had his boys with him too. if he swung back with fists and got the upper hand on the bully most likely his boys woulda jumped in.

a 16 year old picking on a 14 year old is some cornball stuff as is.

like i said before he handled his problem with the bully, he didn't shoot up the school like other people have done.

i see nothing wrong with his actions.
The bully got what he deserved. The kid being bullied did all he could to avoid the confrontation and the bully still went out to try and find him. I applaud dude.
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