Kid stabs and kills bully

I can bet money the kid wasn't afraid of catching a beating, he was afraid fr his life, this could have turned out the other way

"kid gets off bus early to avoid confrontation, bullies follow him and beat him to death" would you be more sympathetic towards the bullied kid then??...dudes shouldn't go around picking on others, hopefully this will make some other bully think twiceZ
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

The kid had every right to defend himself, but I feel he went above and beyond "self defense" with 12 stab wounds, 2 of them fatal.
Although he was targeted by the bully, this was murder no matter how you look at it.

That knife was for defense,he got off the bus, he avoided him, if he wanted to murder him he would have stabbed him right on the bus.
 This was not murder. Ppl keep saying 12 times is OD.
 Have any of you been in a fight, you turn into a hulk monster.
You lose control, this is why ppl say keep your hands to yourself, boy or girl.
Once you attack someone you loose your victim hood.
Its obvious the kid was traumatized and once he got a chance to stand up to his bully he lost it.
And chances are instead of running the bully was trying to fight him through the stabbing

My question is where were all this boys friends when he was getting stabbed, Im sure they boost him up to go after the boy.
It says they got off the bus with him when he followed the boy.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it

talking from behind a computer like a real G; dudes were rolling deep to pick on a freshman.  They were juniors; kid tried to avoid trouble.
I bet you woulda started crying like a little ____ "please stop, you can have my air jordans just leave me alone"
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it


What was the kid being bullied going to do, get punched in the back of the noggin and just stand there to take the beatings given by the bully & his boys? Let's change scenarios for a sec.  What if the kid never brought a pocket knife with him and tried to defend himself with only his fists, only to be beaten to a pulp by the bully & his boys, resulting in him being physically disabled while eating through a straw the rest of his life?

Some of you will probably feel some sympathy then, but now that he went and defended himself he's labeled soft or "terrycloth"? What kind of stupid @$*, backwards logic is that? 
Not even mad. People need to learn that you can't just mess with people cause you feel like it and they're not gonna do nothing about it
i disagree with that you win some you lose some logic.

if someone is starting something with me for no reason whatsoever and is posing a threat to my well being im going to defend myself and pull what i carry on me and go to work and get off on self defense.

now if im doing dirt and there's a reason why someone is starting something with me  then yeah the you win some  you lose some logic can apply.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it


Shut up stupid, I never said I was about that life...but if I was in his shoes and had bought a knife to protect myself I probably would have done guys acting like this kid had a moment to reasses his situation and think logically, I'm sure the kid thought is either his life or mines and he acted accordingly....ya talking like this kid thought "oh we'll is just a beatdown" bunch of sheltered %*% kids on this board, it's a cold world and kids die over stupid *!$@, he could have been the one in the box six feet under, how can ya be mad at him?....
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it


So to you the only way this kid wouldn't be a P in your book is by having caught his beating, perhaps even are a dumb +%%, stick to the rhymes, that's the only thing that works for you, because logic you have ZEROThe kid blacks out and stabs the bully 12 times = vaginaThe kid runs and hides = vaginaThe kid walks up to 5 other kids 3 years older than him, puts up his fists, catches a beatdown, who knows possibly dies = AlphaWait WUT?
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by ksteezy

You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it

talking from behind a computer like a real G; dudes were rolling deep to pick on a freshman.  They were juniors; kid tried to avoid trouble.
I bet you woulda started crying like a little ____ "please stop, you can have my air jordans just leave me alone"

 Yes I'm glad you recognized a real G when he speaks...

I'm sorry but never in all my years of school. 18 and under have I EVER felt as if my life was going to be ended by a fight.  Now there are some areas in our country where kids feel like this.  There's hoods and ghettos and just rough areas but this wasn't one of those places. 

So if you are so soft that you really think some older kids are going to murder you with their bare hands then maybe you should be home schooled.  You guys tell me you actually felt like you would be dead or beaten to an inch of your life? Or did you feel like you would get beat up some and embarrassed in front of your peers. 

Thats the part the puts these kids over the edge. The embarrassment, the jokes, the fact that everybody is laughing them getting picked on and physically thrown around.  It's plenty of lil dudes that don't get bullied and its because they don't let nothing slide.  If my dude carried himself a lil differently then it wouldn't have went down like this.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story?  Ralphie just manned up and went ham on dude.  You gotta "take a stand" just like the law said but not by stabbing somebody to death.  If somebody slaps you, you can't pull out a desert eagle.  Only lames with too much pride and not enough balls to fight do that.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it

talking from behind a computer like a real G; dudes were rolling deep to pick on a freshman.  They were juniors; kid tried to avoid trouble.
I bet you woulda started crying like a little ____ "please stop, you can have my air jordans just leave me alone"

 Yes I'm glad you recognized a real G when he speaks...

I'm sorry but never in all my years of school. 18 and under have I EVER felt as if my life was going to be ended by a fight.  Now there are some areas in our country where kids feel like this.  There's hoods and ghettos and just rough areas but this wasn't one of those places. 

So if you are so soft that you really think some older kids are going to murder you with their bare hands then maybe you should be home schooled.  You guys tell me you actually felt like you would be dead or beaten to an inch of your life? Or did you feel like you would get beat up some and embarrassed in front of your peers. 

Thats the part the puts these kids over the edge. The embarrassment, the jokes, the fact that everybody is laughing them getting picked on and physically thrown around.  It's plenty of lil dudes that don't get bullied and its because they don't let nothing slide.  If my dude carried himself a lil differently then it wouldn't have went down like this.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story?  Ralphie just manned up and went ham on dude.  You gotta "take a stand" just like the law said but not by stabbing somebody to death.  If somebody slaps you, you can't pull out a desert eagle.  Only lames with too much pride and not enough balls to fight do that.
possibly the most ******ed set of words put together on NT in 2012; Ralphie went ham on one dude not a gang of dudes.  I can't believe I am even responding to this nonsense right now but it's people like who make me feel smart when I realize how dumb this world really is.  
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it

talking from behind a computer like a real G; dudes were rolling deep to pick on a freshman.  They were juniors; kid tried to avoid trouble.
I bet you woulda started crying like a little ____ "please stop, you can have my air jordans just leave me alone"

 Yes I'm glad you recognized a real G when he speaks...

I'm sorry but never in all my years of school. 18 and under have I EVER felt as if my life was going to be ended by a fight.  Now there are some areas in our country where kids feel like this.  There's hoods and ghettos and just rough areas but this wasn't one of those places. 

So if you are so soft that you really think some older kids are going to murder you with their bare hands then maybe you should be home schooled.  You guys tell me you actually felt like you would be dead or beaten to an inch of your life? Or did you feel like you would get beat up some and embarrassed in front of your peers. 

Thats the part the puts these kids over the edge. The embarrassment, the jokes, the fact that everybody is laughing them getting picked on and physically thrown around.  It's plenty of lil dudes that don't get bullied and its because they don't let nothing slide.  If my dude carried himself a lil differently then it wouldn't have went down like this.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story?  Ralphie just manned up and went ham on dude.  You gotta "take a stand" just like the law said but not by stabbing somebody to death.  If somebody slaps you, you can't pull out a desert eagle.  Only lames with too much pride and not enough balls to fight do that.
you don't thing the bullys homies would've jumped in  if they fought and he was getting the better of the bully?
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it

talking from behind a computer like a real G; dudes were rolling deep to pick on a freshman.  They were juniors; kid tried to avoid trouble.
I bet you woulda started crying like a little ____ "please stop, you can have my air jordans just leave me alone"

 Yes I'm glad you recognized a real G when he speaks...

I'm sorry but never in all my years of school. 18 and under have I EVER felt as if my life was going to be ended by a fight.  Now there are some areas in our country where kids feel like this.  There's hoods and ghettos and just rough areas but this wasn't one of those places. 

So if you are so soft that you really think some older kids are going to murder you with their bare hands then maybe you should be home schooled.  You guys tell me you actually felt like you would be dead or beaten to an inch of your life? Or did you feel like you would get beat up some and embarrassed in front of your peers. 

Thats the part the puts these kids over the edge. The embarrassment, the jokes, the fact that everybody is laughing them getting picked on and physically thrown around.  It's plenty of lil dudes that don't get bullied and its because they don't let nothing slide.  If my dude carried himself a lil differently then it wouldn't have went down like this.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story?  Ralphie just manned up and went ham on dude.  You gotta "take a stand" just like the law said but not by stabbing somebody to death.  If somebody slaps you, you can't pull out a desert eagle.  Only lames with too much pride and not enough balls to fight do that.

you're blaming the victim

Question were you a bully, be honest?
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1


BOI STOP!  You aint about that life.  

So if you got punched you would slit somebodies throat?  You soft doggie....extra terrycloth. Like Pops said "you win some, you lose some, but you LIVE...LIVE to fight another day".  I swear alot of ya'll are cut from a different cloth.  Theres a time in a place for blades and burners. this ain't it

talking from behind a computer like a real G; dudes were rolling deep to pick on a freshman.  They were juniors; kid tried to avoid trouble.
I bet you woulda started crying like a little ____ "please stop, you can have my air jordans just leave me alone"

 Yes I'm glad you recognized a real G when he speaks...

I'm sorry but never in all my years of school. 18 and under have I EVER felt as if my life was going to be ended by a fight.  Now there are some areas in our country where kids feel like this.  There's hoods and ghettos and just rough areas but this wasn't one of those places. 

So if you are so soft that you really think some older kids are going to murder you with their bare hands then maybe you should be home schooled.  You guys tell me you actually felt like you would be dead or beaten to an inch of your life? Or did you feel like you would get beat up some and embarrassed in front of your peers. 

Thats the part the puts these kids over the edge. The embarrassment, the jokes, the fact that everybody is laughing them getting picked on and physically thrown around.  It's plenty of lil dudes that don't get bullied and its because they don't let nothing slide.  If my dude carried himself a lil differently then it wouldn't have went down like this.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story?  Ralphie just manned up and went ham on dude.  You gotta "take a stand" just like the law said but not by stabbing somebody to death.  If somebody slaps you, you can't pull out a desert eagle.  Only lames with too much pride and not enough balls to fight do that.
dude, did u even read the %#%@#+ article?
He didn't just get slapped, though... he got punched in the back of the head and was followed and targeted by a group of other people.  dude tried to get off several stops from his destination to avoid anything.  Put yourself in kid's shoes.  Please don't tell me you'd be willing to stand up and fight a group of people waiting to pound your #*% and possibly kill you, you'd get beat the #%#% down.
^^^ good for you breh, you keep on living in a Disney movie, back in the day your logic could pass, but nowadays???...GTHOH, every week we have kids on the news and front page of the papers hooked up to a life support machine because they were jumped...and this kid was expecting this, he didn't buy the knife with the intentions of killing, if that was the case he would have drawn blood first, he just didn't want any parts of trouble, what's wrong with that?...huh Alpha??...but hey, the bully looked for him and he found him and I don't feel a drop of sympathy fr him.
If Craig put the gun down then lil homie should've put the blade down.  Reading the article i don't get the "it was a life or death situation" vibe.  This wasn't 2 kids from rival blocks in West Baltimore....this was kids throwing hands getting off a school bus. 
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by StillIn729

talking from behind a computer like a real G; dudes were rolling deep to pick on a freshman.  They were juniors; kid tried to avoid trouble.
I bet you woulda started crying like a little ____ "please stop, you can have my air jordans just leave me alone"

 Yes I'm glad you recognized a real G when he speaks...

I'm sorry but never in all my years of school. 18 and under have I EVER felt as if my life was going to be ended by a fight.  Now there are some areas in our country where kids feel like this.  There's hoods and ghettos and just rough areas but this wasn't one of those places. 

So if you are so soft that you really think some older kids are going to murder you with their bare hands then maybe you should be home schooled.  You guys tell me you actually felt like you would be dead or beaten to an inch of your life? Or did you feel like you would get beat up some and embarrassed in front of your peers. 

Thats the part the puts these kids over the edge. The embarrassment, the jokes, the fact that everybody is laughing them getting picked on and physically thrown around.  It's plenty of lil dudes that don't get bullied and its because they don't let nothing slide.  If my dude carried himself a lil differently then it wouldn't have went down like this.

Ever see the movie A Christmas Story?  Ralphie just manned up and went ham on dude.  You gotta "take a stand" just like the law said but not by stabbing somebody to death.  If somebody slaps you, you can't pull out a desert eagle.  Only lames with too much pride and not enough balls to fight do that.
possibly the most ******ed set of words put together on NT in 2012; Ralphie went ham on one dude not a gang of dudes.  I can't believe I am even responding to this nonsense right now but it's people like who make me feel smart when I realize how dumb this world really is.  

What do u expect.  This the same dude writing these corny %*% raps in every other thread, pulling shameless plugs; spamming vids & highlights of his division 3 JuCo highlights like he nice at ball or somethin.  Guy had the nerve to say he can score 10 pts in the NBA, too.  What a joke
Originally Posted by MonStar1

If Craig put the gun down then lil homie should've put the blade down.  Reading the article i don't get the "it was a life or death situation" vibe.  This wasn't 2 kids from rival blocks in West Baltimore....this was kids throwing hands getting off a school bus. 

how old are you?  honestly; I really feel like you the world would be better w/o you. 
Monstar obviously grew up in a sheltered home, far far farrrrr away from any hood, I grew up in probably one of the worst areas of the Bronx, went to a pretty bad High I knew lost their lives over starring each other down, son lives in Utopia and expected this kid to act logically, only someone who's never felt that eerie feeling walking down the wrong neighborhood, would have the nerve to judge the victim in this case, then to top it off you are keyboard flexing, it's obvious who's soft bro.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by MonStar1

I need to see these 2 kids.  Is this Kimbo Slice vs. Urkel?

Some kids these days are scared to take a %*$ whooping.  Is the bully wrong? Yes. but this kid went tooooo far.  Maybe he can say he "blacked" out in a fit of rage. 

Believe it or not these types of life experiences build character and make you stronger.  12 times! My god

qft. im sorry but in all my years i gotta say this current gen of kids teens etc, is the most pansy, cotton candy arses kids ive ever heard of. i mean its getting out of hand, bullying teasing, snapping,joning folks etc is just a part of growing up. dudes just refuse to use their hands anymore. Kid get teased for being gay, he comes back shoots up school. kid gets bullied he cries home to mommie and hangs himself in the closet. kid gets joned out, made fun of etc... kid comes back go oj simpson on dudes. Dude def.. went od, and if it was an adult case be in the bing for life.

Smh at folks who justify this, self defense isnt somebody slaps me in the back of the head so i get a burner and blast them full of lead like 10 times. Self defense isnt oh someone pushed/tripped me so ill sneek up and stab em like 30 times. Self defense is ok this dude/chick whoever is hitting me and so im hitting him back and whooping his ##$*.


This is the one of the most ******ed things I've ever read on here.  Do the world a favor and do not have kids.  Did u not read the part in the article where he got off several stops earlier just to avoid confrontation? The kid got punched in the BACK OF THE HEAD by the bully, who was with a group of guys looking to beat his +*+.  How is the victim (the kid being bullied) being "pansy" or "cotton candy"? That warrants self defense.  The bully deserved to get shanked. 

Ok so ur a punk i mean its cool. Ive gotten into several fights one on one and jumped, its call talking an l and keeping it moving. I mean sounds to me like u have no hands except for maybe wii boxing and if thats the case fully understand. But i aint gonna shoot someone 20 times or stab someone oj style just cause they hit me in the back of the head.

Btw i have 2 girls and funny this comes up cause my 12 y/o she was being teased by TWO boys, and guess what, SHE didnt stab them, get my gun and shoot and kill them, She beat them up. Yall make it seem as if it was trained mma fighters ah something. They were kids. Not grown men, Hell did these kids even have weapons? I could see if dudes had chains knives etc. But it was hands. And if ole kid was so so shook and knew he couldnt stand up and defend himself, why not heres a thought, tell the bus driver, tell a teacher, hell tell his parents and they come pick him up and drop him off.

All im saying  is i dont think not having the ability to stand up for urself or being able to fight means ok imma go shoot stab ppl. I guess we are different in i can defend myself and fight and apparently you cant so i cant speak on what i would do if i couldnt defend myself and fight.

I mean i could see again if they all had weapons and he told teachers, told parents etc, and everyone ignored his pleds. But this sounds more like kid was getting punked, and didnt tell no one for fear of looking like a snitch and a punk, even though he was already seen as a snitch and a punk anyways.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by LDJ

qft. im sorry but in all my years i gotta say this current gen of kids teens etc, is the most pansy, cotton candy arses kids ive ever heard of. i mean its getting out of hand, bullying teasing, snapping,joning folks etc is just a part of growing up. dudes just refuse to use their hands anymore. Kid get teased for being gay, he comes back shoots up school. kid gets bullied he cries home to mommie and hangs himself in the closet. kid gets joned out, made fun of etc... kid comes back go oj simpson on dudes. Dude def.. went od, and if it was an adult case be in the bing for life.

Smh at folks who justify this, self defense isnt somebody slaps me in the back of the head so i get a burner and blast them full of lead like 10 times. Self defense isnt oh someone pushed/tripped me so ill sneek up and stab em like 30 times. Self defense is ok this dude/chick whoever is hitting me and so im hitting him back and whooping his ##$*.


This is the one of the most ******ed things I've ever read on here.  Do the world a favor and do not have kids.  Did u not read the part in the article where he got off several stops earlier just to avoid confrontation? The kid got punched in the BACK OF THE HEAD by the bully, who was with a group of guys looking to beat his +*+.  How is the victim (the kid being bullied) being "pansy" or "cotton candy"? That warrants self defense.  The bully deserved to get shanked. 

Ok so ur a punk i mean its cool. Ive gotten into several fights one on one and jumped, its call talking an l and keeping it moving. I mean sounds to me like u have no hands except for maybe wii boxing and if thats the case fully understand. But i aint gonna shoot someone 20 times or stab someone oj style just cause they hit me in the back of the head.

Btw i have 2 girls and funny this comes up cause my 12 y/o she was being teased by TWO boys, and guess what, SHE didnt stab them, get my gun and shoot and kill them, She beat them up. Yall make it seem as if it was trained mma fighters ah something. They were kids. Not grown men, Hell did these kids even have weapons? I could see if dudes had chains knives etc. But it was hands. And if ole kid was so so shook and knew he couldnt stand up and defend himself, why not heres a thought, tell the bus driver, tell a teacher, hell tell his parents and they come pick him up and drop him off.

All im saying  is i dont think not having the ability to stand up for urself or being able to fight means ok imma go shoot stab ppl. I guess we are different in i can defend myself and fight and apparently you cant so i cant speak on what i would do if i couldnt defend myself and fight.

I mean i could see again if they all had weapons and he told teachers, told parents etc, and everyone ignored his pleds. But this sounds more like kid was getting punked, and didnt tell no one for fear of looking like a snitch and a punk, even though he was already seen as a snitch and a punk anyways.
ok great Monstar1 is posting from his other screen name now
It might seem like he went to far, and maybe he did. No one will really understand how the kid felt getting bullied day after day. His life could have been miserable, coming home crying everyday after school. He tried to avoid them but it didn't work. Something in his head must have triggered him insane. I've never experienced bullying, but I've seen in countless times growing up. Sad story but like others, I ain't mad at the kid.
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