King of the simps, Derrick Jaxn, caught cheating on his wife

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Hiphop is big business. Just like Kevin Samuels and Derryck Jaxn, who target women. Hiphop is toxic. Weaponized against the people who make it. Entertainment and a means to be vultures for other cultures.

“Weapknized” so artists like Tribe, De La, Rakim, WuTang, Redman, Queen Latifah fell to the side when rappers became god fathers and Scarface.

Spending money on women just because, is about as stupid as throwing money away at a strip club. I’ve never understood this mentality about proving how much of a man you are, or showing how dedicated you are, by being stupid with your money. If a woman is broke, then in meed of assistance, then perhaps you should rethink your position with her...unless you can help her find a job, or even self employment. There are no advantages in having dead weight around your neck. If you are able to take care of yourself, there is no need to prove that you can take of anyone other than yourself.
I agree with you. But there are a lot of misogynistic men who simply view women as objects like their chain, watch, car, etc. And there are women who simply do not value themselves. Caught up in the fast life.
I mean. Look at how elaborate it was. People there with signs.

On one hand, she clearly wants him to be a part of her life and is committed to the relationship. On the other hand, mans pride.... Tradition says it’s the mans role. But if it works for the relationship. Good for them.
This the “toxic masculinity”/feminism era, how is a woman proposing to a man BAD or something to be frowned up? In modern times? Isn’t this par the course for the average millennial??

This should be acceptable, and normalized, with the way things currently are?
I see no problem and think it will be common soon

I assume mons is mons and not mans?

Depends on who is driving though. I'll sit in the back if it's one of them.
I mean. Look at how elaborate it was. People there with signs.

On one hand, she clearly wants him to be a part of her life and is committed to the relationship. On the other hand, mans pride.... Tradition says it’s the mans role. But if it works for the relationship. Good for them.
I mean shorty would have to ask me cuz I don't plan on getting married.
^^^But then...without prior notification/conversation, she would have just gotten rejected and embarrassed.

I don’t see anything wrong with it. She owns “it.”
Maybe it's wrong but for me and my personality I control when i'm comfortable enough to get married. So much more nuance though that I don't feel like typing. Since the women are usually the one dropping hints, doing that in public feels like another version of forcing his hand unless he's been the one dropping hints and constantly asking.
Just like in the RdcWorld1 vid most men will say yes publicly and in private go off and say that **** aint happening.

Unless the dude is fed up and proposing is the last straw so they end right there.
This the “toxic masculinity”/feminism era, how is a woman proposing to a man BAD or something to be frowned up? In modern times? Isn’t this par the course for the average millennial??

This should be acceptable, and normalized, with the way things currently are?
I see no problem and think it will be common soon

This also benefits women. Women always complain about men waiting too long to propose, this gets rid of all the confusion.
Knowing how men are, her proposal will not change his readiness and probably lead to disaster like any other forced ultimatum.
This the “toxic masculinity”/feminism era, how is a woman proposing to a man BAD or something to be frowned up? In modern times? Isn’t this par the course for the average millennial??

This should be acceptable, and normalized, with the way things currently are?
I see no problem and think it will be common soon
If "you" propose to me and I "faint", don't be surprised. I'll hit my head hard enough for it to be believable.
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